Rough Housing

The knife flew straight for Shin's eyeball.  It was slim, sharp, and dull coloured; the 5 inch weapon had been expertly thrown by a mountain of a man.  His name was Ahmed, and, despite his huge size, he moved like a dancer.

Counterintuitively, when something is thrown so expertly, directly for your eye..

Shin grabbed the knife out of the air like he was waving at a friend, and casually launched it high in the air.  Then he tucked and rolled forward, minimising himself as a target, and sprang towards Ahmed.  Shin now had his own knife, held in a reverse grip so the back of the blade rested against his forearm and the tip pointed down.

His knife was nothing like the low profile throwing weapon he'd tossed up, this knife's edge was so sharp it seemed to split the midday sunlight as he sliced towards the man.