Quantum Journeyman

Lily sat cross legged, palms on her knees in the quietest part of her Citadel.  The candle light shimmered off of her still, naked, form.  The gentle shifting of their flames was the only motion.

Though Lily's form was safely ensconced, her consciousness was probing a distant galaxy.  She never got tired of this feeling of complete freedom, her mind untethered from her body, seeing wonders of the Universe first hand.  It was lonely though.  In all of her searching through the endless dark of space, she found no other intelligences, and nothing even remotely like her. 

'Where is he?' she thought.  She said it so often it had become her mantra over the millenia.  Most beings would have given up long ago, but she had no doubt he still existed.  She could sense him still, even after all this time.  Unfortunately, this sense did not point her in a specific direction, so she searched.