chapter 2

One the morning when Shayan stir he saw again at the Maryam house from the window he say that the kid was going from the Maryam house and Maryam was saying goodbye to him and thereafter she saw the Shayan at the window and she said Hi manually and smiled.It looked like his frontal cortex was hurting truly he take his head in his grip and sit on the bed he listen his mother enraged voice are you coming or I will higher up

Shayan:I am coming mother

In any case Shayan plan himself and subsequently he went down his stepbrother was roosted on the table and was eating bread with tea he in like manner stays there and his stepbrother George said Hey hysterical Shayan hows your alluring darling is

Shayan:She isn't my darling she is just my friend

George: Friends with benefits and he laugh

At any rate Shayan complete his morning feast and a while later he is walking around a street to take a van for his studio suddenly his frontal cortex again harms and he plunk down an individual was passing starting there stop and ask him are you OK and

Shayan addressed better accept it I am OK Shayan holds up

additionally, start walking again yet he really feel the irritation in his frontal cortex when he was in the vehicle and distress again become to a ton and he was feeling to much anger.A lady near him start asking hi man are you OK she ask this something like on various occasions

Shayan replied with shock would you assuming no one minds, shut your screwing mouth.

Because of his shock and desolation his eyes become red he went out from the vehicle and start walking he was feeling like something was to him finally he saw back that transport lady is behind him and he saw him with anger.The lady drew nearer and said

Lady:Look in the event that you are in any kind of issue you can uncover to me my significant other is in police I will help you

Shayan:What the punishment quit seeking after me avoid others' issues and a short time later walking again and thereafter he went to one housing he ask from one spot who was remaining there where is the washroom and that man said go straight and turn right And then he really want to washroom and cleaning up then he hear that someone is in the fundamental bathroom he contact the doorway the entrance was opened he say there was a man and a woman kissing each other this scene make him review Maryam the man shouter who the damnation are you Shayan stayed quiet the man endeavored to close the entrance yet the Shayan stop him the man punch Shayan everywhere and he start beating Shayan directly following beating Shayan he was getting back to the bathroom again and Shayan saw there is a screw driver in his pack and he took and attack on the men neck from behind the neck start emptying he removed screw back from his neck and hit on numerous occasions in his neck the woman that was in washroom with that man start hollering he took the screw driver and attack on him the woman said sympathetically don't kill me you can would anything you like to do with me however kindly don't kill me

Shayan:I won't kill you I will free you from this friggin world he attacked on the woman heart and the women tumble down and pass on Shayan put the screw driver in a difficult spot dealt with the impression of killing 2 poeples diminish his strain and his psyche torture this was bliss for him of some kind

Exactly when he got back from the washroom he saw a vehicle lady is holding on for him the lady moved toward him and said look I understand you are in issue of some kind look you can accept me I will help you

Shayan:Yeah I want your help if you don't mind, kindly assistance me

Lady:Ok then uncover to me how should I help you

Shayan:I can't exhort you here would we have the option to take off to some place else I don't have a conviction that all is good here

Lady:ok go with me I will take you to some protected spot

She take him to her home and said you are safeguarded here

Shayan:Is anyone has arrived

Lady:There is simply me and you in this house you can accept me by the way in which I am Samra yassen and I am from Pakistan and you

Shayan:I am Shayan and my people are from Pakistan you have uncovered to me that your soul mate is in a police where is your life partner

Lady:My life partner is in Chicago police he is at commitment right now I will call him he will be here yet first notice to me what happen with you can't avoid being you are in any kind of danger

Shayan:I am endeavored from my screwing life I am burnt out on this fucking life I don't need this world to screw me more

Lady:Are you OK what befell you

Shayan:Do you understand I came to know what the world most magnificent tendency is killing people it make you tranquil watching somebody dieing is the most excellent inclination j as of late killed two poeples in the restroom of that lodging from where you have taken me with you I have recognized unwinding clearly when they passed on they are liberated from this world they are liberated from pressure and despondency they are from desire you know the woman I have killed in the washroom is another person spouse who is in inn washroom with another person I have checked her portable she is hitched she is tricking her better half like Maryam swindled me she lays down with another person I have recognized desire easily the previous evening

Lady:I figure I should call my soul mate

The lady turned to call her soul mate when Shayan attack on her neck with screw driver and the phone ringing when the lady tumble down and the Shayan take the phone when she heard greetings at the phone Shayan smile and thereafter said congratulations and subsequently cut the phone on the other hand the lady mate is saying how are you and what are you getting along at my home yet the call was cut

Shayan turned on the TV and he set the music channel and start moving he was joying he had killed three poeples in beyond 1 hour and this was the best tendency of his life it was 11 July he goes out nobody realizes what is going occurs straightaway and went to the Workshop and he was a ton of late anyway today he have favor his face instead of fearing he went in the studio and a director came and said

Manager:Mr Anderson basically leaves the studio 15 minutes earlier you are so late today check the time distraught Shayan

Shayan: Sorry I was at your home and screwing your significant other at your bed she was so great in the bed her Virginia is super you are truly fortunate

Manager:You mother sweetheart I will kill you

The chief started beating Shayan

Manager:I will kill you butt sphincter

Shayan:Kill me trust me it is most great tendency on earth

The singular young fellows who work in studio come and keep them from doing combating

Supervisor: Leave me I will kill this Shayan

Shayan:You bungled the open door as of now it is all up to me

The youngsters take them with them and everyone start dealing with their work everyone is involved in their work when Shayan went into studio he saw a gas chamber their he turned on the chamber and he saw a fantastic huge sharp edge he take the cutting edge with him he wants outside of the studio and subsequently sit in the city and start smoking cigarette and when the cigarette is essentially near over he took the edge from the sack and a while later remove the sum of his articles of clothing and become totally exposed and thereafter put his pieces of clothing secured with screw driver and a short time later throw the pack and remaining ciggrate in the studio and it had a mind boggling effect and Shayan put his the two arms towards the fogs

A portion of the poeples set in a fire run out he took a sharp edge and cut there head he killed 3 individuals' with cutting edge when he saw the director set in a fire run out he saw a trough and grin

Supervisor: Please save me please I would rather not pass on

Shayan:I have said you before that you have botched the opportunity currently it's my move

He took the sharp edge and cut his head

Shayan hollered I am free now I am free I am freed from this screwing pressure