chapter 3

The lady Samra yassen who got killed by Shayan Her soul mate Yassen Malik call the police when he showed up at home now the police and their gathering was checking the house and Yassen Malik was crying when his fellow cop came and said

Cop : Sorry I understand you are not in condition of talk yet rather we have present relatively few requests from you

Yassen Malik:Yes I know it I am a cop I can get this

Policeman:What did you see when you showed up at home

Yassen Malik: When I showed up at home I saw Samra was passed on her neck was kicking the bucket

Policeman:She did the last call to you What she said?

Yassen Malik:Yes she calls me anyway when I go to the call she didn't articulated a word there was a man who said well done to me and a short time later he cuts the call

The cop pivoted to the senior cop and talked with him and thereafter he moved to Yassen and said

Cop: Yassen you want to go with us in police central command

Yassen see his face and Said OK

On the other hand Shayan was walking bare making the rounds everyone is seeing him he had a sharp edge in his grip finally he showed up at home

The doorway rings

Mom:Goerge if it's all the same to you, compassionately open the entrance

Goerge: okay mother I will open I realize that dumb Shayan will be on the entryway

The entrance open

Goerge:Mom your insane person is totally stripped I think he blew a gasket then he look at the cutting edge that was in his back and set the edge in his stomach and a while later went in and lock the entrance the mother called goerge

Mother: Goerge look in the event that father had tidied up encourage them to come and eat something

Shayan smiled and went higher up where he saw his stepfather is cleaning up when Anderson listen somebody is coming I realize honey it is you how about we come and wash up together I realize you are in horny mind-set I actually have a power like 25 year old youngster and you are as yet delightful and attractive come in Shayan went in

Anderson:what are you doing here

He was exposed and have edge nearby his stepfather look behind to him he attacked on his heart again and again his mom listen the voice of his stepfather so she came to see what anyway when she saw this she runs and Shayan runs behind him she really wants into the kitchen Shayan comes in the kitchen and put the edge in his mother liver

For was blood and blood on kitchen floor he contact the blood with two hands and set that blood all over

What's more a short time later he start singing and moving

He scrubbed down Also, after that he took a coat and articles of clothing from his stepbrother room and his stepbrother bike and his stepfather ATM card and his gun and thereafter took the edge back from his mother liver before he leaves he decided to see Maryam yet the house was locked

In the Chicago police office there are 3 cop who are investigating from Yassen

Police 1:Your mate got killed when she calls you

Yassen:Yeah there was another individual on the phone who said me congratulations

Police 2:How it is possible that you showed up at home at the same time when your soul mate got killed.

Police 3:And we had ask everyone in your space anyway no one saw anyone going in the house every one saw you going in the house

Yassen:Do you think I have killed my people know me from recent years we are coordinating

Police 2: Sorry Yassen yet we really want to do this each verification is against you.

Yassen:I love my significant other and I have never endeavored to kill him

Police 3: sorry Yassen yet we really want to suspend you until clearly you don't have killed your significant other

Yassen: Please don't do this we are cooperating from 20 years I am an unwavering police officer

Police 2: Sorry Yassen we can't assist you now we with trusting you have not killed your better half

Shayan was riding the bike with max choke when he heard a ringtone on his phone that was from expert Ayesha office that your course of action is at 2:00 clock Shayan put the phone in a difficult spot in his pocket and said

Shayan:It's an optimal chance to have a few happy times

At Doc Ayesha office

Receptionist:Hi how are you sir

Shayan:I am satisfactory and how are you

Receptionist:I am similarly OK today expert Ayesha will meet simply a solitary patient and that is will be you

Shayan:That's extraordinary Have you anytime seen heaven

Right hand smile and said how I will see heaven I want to kick the can expecting I really want to see paradise

Shayan smiled and said then amazing good fortune

For took the sharp edge and cut the associate neck she set her hands on neck she endeavored to talk something anyway she can't talk and in a few seconds she pass on

He wants into the expert Ayesha room

Shayan:Hi Doctor

Expert Ayesha:Hey how are you today you are looking outstandingly bright

Shayan:Yeah I am an unreasonable measure of happy I have most prominent day of my life

Expert Ayesha: Really what makes you happy and what you done benevolently edify me concerning it

Shayan:I have killed 30 poeple in latest 4 hours I have a quiet tendency do you understand what is the most staggering tendency on earth is to seeing the poeples dieing

Doc Ayesha with fear:I figure you ought to go now

Shayan:Do you know what when we pass on

Expert Ayesha calling the right hand loudly

Shayan:The aide is in heaven

Doc Ayesha:Do you kill me.

Shayan:No I free him from this friggin world

Doc Ayesha with fear: Please don't kill me

Shayan: Okay

Doc Ayesha: Thank you much expresses gratitude toward I won't kill anyone regarding this

Shayan stand up and a while later open the entrance and thereafter go

Expert Ayesha: Thank god

Shayan again open the doorway and said

Shayan:I have not endeavored the weapon at this point

Furthermore subsequently shot the expert Ayesha to her

Shayan:Hahaha it's surprising it's really amazing

Yassen had returned her significant other body to Pakistan to covered him Where met her dear sidekick Raza who was with him in school

Raza:I am genuinely sorry to contemplate Samra

Yassen: Thanks for coming I am truly gladful that you come

Raza:If you mind any kind of help I with inclining toward help you

Yassen:How you will assist me the police of Chicago with envisioning that I have killed my better half I love samra how might I kill her

Raza:I know you from very extensive time frame I understand you love your significant other it's not Time to lose its chance to find the killer

Yassen:How we will find

Raza:Don't pressure I will oblige you in Chicago I will help you with finding the killer

Yassen:Are you sure with regards to this is on the grounds that that isn't Pakistan decides are different there that is America

Raza:Yeah I am certain we will observe that bitch and I guarantee when we will observe him I will break his face then we will place him in jail

Yassen: Thank you so much raza I am extremely grateful to you that you will come

Raza :how about you come to my home we should have a supper together

Yassen:No really I am not feeling great

Raza:we are meeting after numerous years atleast have one beverage with me


Raza:Don't say no only one beverage

Yassen:okay I will see you at 9:00

Raza: much obliged