At some remote corner of this world, millions of million miles away from the Pangong continent where the great Qin dynasty was situated. A small marshland obscured in mist and murkiness, shrouded with darkness due to the absence of any kind of light throughout the year while being covered in long thorny bush and acutely pointed shrubs was floating placidly over the infamous eerie black sea.
This black sea was the only water body throughout the world which was classified under the categories of three death zone and that too taking the top spot, due to being composed of highly concentrated dark black highly toxic, and poisonous water, that was believed to easily destroy the complete immortal body of a martial emperor within few seconds if came under direct contact. The sea had also got famous worldwide, because of the regular occurrence of supernaturally bizarre, and notorious phenomena that took over its surface throughout history, which further influenced the very essence of human civilization over the planet by introducing the martial way and changing the lives of humans completely.
The perimeter of this deadly black sea was fenced with gigantic unbreakable red thorns, piercing the clouds, which can easily be seen from miles of miles away, which further indicates the entrance of the black sea.
Furthermore, according to the ancient rumors, a long time ago before the arrival of martial way or any knowledge related to cultivation among the human civilization, the real owner of this world were the powerful spirit beasts (monsters who had gained sentience after cultivating their bodies for thousands of years, by using their bloodline inheritance from their ancestors that had been left behind by their powerful ancestors who had already stepped into the immortal realm) under the leadership of the Spirit monarch " Three-eyed divine serpent" a million year old descendent of the flood dragon, which had conquered and united the complete world after becoming a spirit king and forming a powerful army of spirit beasts, that used to work under his orders. Every single spirit king in his army was powerful enough to easily dominate the various territories by himself while enslaving the human beings and other weak monsters and was managing their own territories under the leadership of the three-eyed spirit monarch who had dominated them and formed the most powerful kingdom since the ancient times namely The Divine Dragon kingdom.
Years after Years passed like this with the dominance of the spirit beast king over this world until the arrival of the dark sea that shook the very foundation of this world, it was stated in the ancient scrolls that about thousands of years ago near the junction of the great western ocean and the chilly northern ocean, two of the five great ocean of this world, high tidal waves started arising over the surface of both the oceans and the water in the oceans which had always followed their predefined routes started interfering with each other with such great strength that a whirlpool in the conical shape being pointed towards the depth of the ocean started to form over the junction, the intensity of the whirlpool was completely centered towards the depth of the ocean in such a way that the earth started to rupture from the middle and large pieces of stones and chunks started to get observed in the formed whirlpool, dark black fumes started to release from the broken land with black water coming out of the pores, with the passage of time the intensity of the shaking with which the whirlpool was drilling started to increase and more of black water along with gigantic thorns started to rose from the depth of the land below the ocean.
with a bang inside the ocean, an old ruptured barrel-shaped ancient structure started to rose from the middle of the junction, it was this old ruptured structure that looked like some spooky tower due to the passage of time and was continuously discharging the toxic black fumes along with the poisonous black water from earlier, with the rise of every inch the intensity and the radius of the earth-shaking started to increase such that it even started to affect the nearby land territories that were miles away from the junction of the two ocean, which was ruled by the spirit beasts.
Within the ancient dragon city of the central continent, an old three-eyed man, wearing long royal robes and radiating intense bloodthirsty and majestic aura, was shitting over the high throne in the central hall within the dragon palace. A group of nearly about forty powerful spirit beasts with noble robes were kneeling in front of the old man sitting over the throne, there was no doubt that the old man was the Three-Eyed Spirit monarch, the ruler of that time who was shitting over his throne with an anxious and worried expression."Master, please let this queen and the great eagle spirit king to survey the current situation happening over the great oceans, we have been receiving vague reports about the happening supernatural phenomenon from the surviving subordinates, it appears we need to go to the source directly by ourselves to get enough information on our own to be ready before a new event occurs," the azure snake queen asked with the alluring tone.
As the discussion about the unnatural phenomenon continued, a bloodied monster soldier barely alive, with broken ribs and a long bloody scar from his head to his torso, entered the hall from outside in fear and horror, " My lord, My lord, an imminent crisis has aroused within our camp near the western ocean coast, a large army of outsiders clocked in black and soaked in blood had attacked our barricade during the previous night and completely massacred all the soldiers and generals including the silver tiger king, it was just our god tiger's grace that I was barely able to hold my life till here".
"Master, I had already told you to remove that old silver tiger from the rank of the spirit king, he was just a big disgrace towards us spirit kings and was only able to dominate the western coast because of his powerful generals, being already over the age and with one foot hanging on death bed, we should not be much surprised to know the outcome of such ambush" upon hearing the news of the old white tiger king's death, the cunning and shrewd fox beast king, who had his eyes over the territory of the white tiger king from past few years, couldn't hold his happiness and threw the blame of defeat on the old age and weakness of the tiger king.
"My Majesty, you should better not take my words lightly and believe the sly old fox, I'm already near my deathbed and had risked my life by walking through the gate of hell to report this important matter to his majesty if this matter is taken casually than even our gods can't save the monster race, even his highness the silver tiger king was not serious during the ambush believed them to be a group of savage barbaric humans who had attacked the barracks for some food and was enjoying his night in his camp with his concubines even after being reported about the ambush, thus providing the attackers the perfect opportunity for beheading the king because he mismanaged the eminent situation ahead", after feeling his voice being silenced by the clever reasoning of the fox king, the wounded soldier of the silver tiger king army began to feel regret towards his decision of coming here in urgency instead of getting healed while disregarding his life for the benefit of the kingdom.
"Master, I think we shouldn't believe in this lowly soldier, instead it looks more like that this soldier has got some ulterior motives and is scheming under the order of the old silver tiger king, to create turbulence and upheaval throughout our dragon kingdom, just behead him instead of wasting our time on some territorial situation, rather our main focus should be towards the peculiar occurrence happening at the junction of the town great world oceans, also allow this lowly servant of your's to jurisdiction the dishevel over the western coast", sly fox king again attempted to suppress the matter involving the territory of silver tiger king along with requesting permission to take over the territory on behalf of the kingdom.
"Fuck off, and begone from my sight, all of you should stop this child's play in front me and try to waste my time over your lowly schemes, do you know that all of you are looking like some dancing clown trying to stab each other from behind? don't forget that this dragon had already been living for more than millions of years and your's schemes are like some child's play in front of me, so it's better to use your powerful body instead of your low intelligence and disgrace our monster race also, we of the monster race are only able to dominate this land because of the gifted powerful physic and the bloodline which we had inherited from our ancestors that help us to cultivate our and make it powerful, so instead of wasting your time here, go and cultivate harder because only a powerful leader can lead a powerful kingdom", the wise old three-eyed serpent king whose eyes were filled with wisdom and calmness due to passage of time was fed up of hearing the childlike play going on in front of him.
"My lord, this lowly servant has been completely faithful towards the kingdom and his highness and can't even think of being a rebel and swear to the bloodline of our god that each and every piece of detail that I have presented before regarding the rebellion has been true to its core and request his majesty to take this matter with utmost enormity and act himself to scrutinize this baffling incident because the first and the foremost important point is that the humans in this world are too weak to fight against over soldiers or even harm a single general of our army and that to kill a spirit beast, who had already broken through his mortal body and got divine sentience", finding the monarch neglecting them and rushing them away the injured soldier was not able to hold anymore and mustered his entire courage to ask the important question that was being missed or being ignored and had been bewildering in his mind throughout his journey towards the capital.
The three-eyed Monarch who was having a grave expression after hearing the happening over the ocean and was busy thinking about the situation finally got drawn and interested in the information provided by the injured soldier after hearing the biggest puzzle that could change the entire situation of the land. After analyzing both the situation and getting as much information as he could regarding the two unnatural occurrences the Spirit king dismissed the other spirit beasts in the hall and went to his own room for rest.
Within the well-decorated room filled with the smell of jasmine flower incense, the spirit king was taking the nap after passing a hectic day when a young girl around the age of sixteen came running from outside while fondling with the small white rabbit in his hand and started trying to wake the spirit king up " Master, Master, wake up, look your little disciple nanxi had finally solved the mystery related to the decoherence of the medical herbs in the spiritual garden, it was this little rabbit who was nibbling away the medical herbs during the nights and had been living in the spirit land itself, also master looks like this little rabbit has got quite benefits after eating all these spiritual medicines and changes has occurred through its genes since it can already communicate using divine sense and had formed the powerful divine sea without having any cultivation base which is quite baffling because only spirit beasts can form their divine sea having there fourth baptism with inheritance bloodline, So, what I think is master should allow this lovely and single desiciple of his to form the bloodline contract with this rabbit as my companion beast even if this is not a spirit beast" the little girl with a burn scar at the middle of her forehead was fondling with the little animal while trying to convince the Spirit king to allow her to form the contract with rabbit without giving him time to reply by talking nonstop after waking him up.
The eyes of the million-year-old Spirit king who was always carrying a dignified and bloodthirsty aura was filled with love and fondness including some guilt towards the little girl, who was his only disciple in the past million years, this little girl was an unprecedented genius herself had reached the ranks of spirit bests just at the age of sixteen because of the presence of a drop of mythical beast god the phoenix over her forehead. This little girl was the child of the only other Spirit Monarch, the vermillion bird who was equally powerful as the three-eyed serpent monarch and was the only other spirit monarch over this plane while being the last and greatest opponent to the Spirit monarch during his journey towards the unification of this land, the fight between the two powerful Monarchs went on for hundreds of years before the vermillion bird gave away her own in exchange for the safety of her child, after finding out that the army of the three-eyed Monarch has attacked his spiritual adobe where her only newborn child along with some weak guardian beasts was left.
While pinching the fluffy and soft cheeks of the little girl with fondness, he started gazing at the little rabbit with his sharp and scrutinizing eyes, the spirit king went outside towards the open front yard without responding to the little girl. Reaching the open courtyard from where the clear sky filled with glittering stars was visible, the three-eyed serpent monster king started mumbling few words only audible to himself with serious expression over his face "Looks like the mentioned time in eternal the divine prophecy has arrived and the day of destruction is near, there have already been three signs of unnatural occurrences to my knowledge, hope my monster race could survive this time from this predefined night of obscuration...