Ancient Ruins

The night filled in darkness, with small glittering stars, shinning over the clear night sky was creating a stunning panorama over the oceanic surface that was mesmerizing to the eyes.

An old man wrapped in golden robes embedded with the emblem of the Divine Dragon was lost in his thoughts as he was flying slowly over the ocean towards the junction of the two oceans where the supernatural event was taking place," I can vaguely remember the final wordings of my father before his transcendence, who would have known that the old bastard lost in alcohol and women's all day round, would say some real words before his departure", this was the Three-eyed spirit king who was on his hasty visit towards the ocean junction after realizing the enormity of the ongoing situation remembering the final warning of the most powerful man ever to be born, A flood dragon and also his father, who had already crossed the realm of transcendence long ago and was believed to had taken the first step towards the immortality and was only staying in this lower realm to mess around.

"Oh! my bloody father, what the hell have you done? if you really wanted to alert me about something serious then shouldn't you at least try to be a little more earnest while mentioning about such an unnatural event, why in the hell were you trying to mess with me even till your last moments here. Now, where should I go to look for answers regarding this unprecedented situation shouldn't you have left behind something for us to defend if you knew about happening of such a horrid event even before its occurrence ", the pace of the spirit king started decreasing as he got nearer to the scene while lost in his thoughts, also being the ruler of this land and the most powerful person alive, he felt it was his duty to protect his people but then when even he himself was clueless about the ongoing situation and only able to recall the nasty and horrendous personality of the old man, who was not sober till the end he started crushing him loudly.

Suddenly, as if hit by a bolt of lighting he was jolted awake from his messy thoughts as a sense of realization came over his mind that he had missed an important place where if not all, some of his questions could be answered. This place was an ancient sacred ruin, that was said to be present somewhere at the top of a tall deserted mountain with sharp and pointy crevices. It was believed that because of being deserted from any life-form and its pointy sharp shape like an inverted cone that made the mountain extremely difficult to climb, no one had ever tried to waste their time and efforts to reach its peak. Until an extremely fierce and savage spirit beast The Mountain Ape, who was having a fierce battle with other spirit beasts in the area because of a Divine fruit that he founded hidden over the shrubs of the grassland and was releasing the strong smell of medical essence that alerted the other spirit beasts nearby. As a result, all the other spirit beasts in the area started to encompass the Mountain ape from all fronts, resulting in a fierce battle. Founding no way out of the deadly situation, the Mountain Ape decided to run towards the tall deserted mountain which felt like safe heaven to him because of its nature and body structure that made him believe that it was his only last chance to survive the deadly pursuit. As he got nearer to the mountain the spirit ape started to charge his body with all his energy and took a long jump towards the mountain while started hopping around the mountain towards the top effortlessly only because of his nimble body which was just made for such climbing.

All the other spirit beasts who were on the pursuit of the Mountain Ape were only able to watch the Ape climb steadily towards the top from the foot of the mountain and not do anything because of their gigantic and firm body which made the climbing over the sharp mountain near impossible for them. So, instead of wasting their efforts and putting their lives in danger to climb the pointy mountain, they decided to wait at the foot of the tall mountain for the return of the Ape and started encircling the mountain from all ends.

While the predators were patiently waiting for their hunt, the prey was just getting away from them with the passage of every minute. Even the ferocious and nimble Mountain Ape who was filled to the brim with energy, finding ascending the mountain like a piece of cake before started sweating heavily over time. The long slanted slope of the mountain started looking like the route towards heaven without any end and the Ape started regretting his earlier decision of climbing the mountain because now the bottom of the mountain was like a dead end with all-powerful spirit beasts encompassing the bottom and only the route upwards was giving him some hope.

With the passage of time hours started to turn into days and days into weeks but the end of the mountain was still no were to be founded. The ferocious and powerful body of the Mountain Ape started to wear down after spending all this time and effort in vain even his mental toughness and the earlier confidence was lost in the air and he started death looming around him. As more days past the pace of the ascended decrease drastically and the ape started spending a lot of time resting with only utilizing few hours of the day climbing until one day he somehow started hearing the sound of the falling water and the forlorn weakness that was engulfing him earlier was evaporated in thin air and the weary eyes of the Ape started to glow with some hope towards his future.

With newfound confidence, the Ape started searching his way toward the water source using his pony ears and beastly instincts. As more time passed the sound of the falling water started to become more clearer and even some smell of vegetation and herbs started hitting his nostrils while thinking about finding some medical herb that could help him in recovery from the earlier wounds while also providing him a place to stay for the time being. So he increased his pace and started searching for any entrance towards the place from where the sound of water was originating.

Finally upon finding the spot from where the sound of the falling water was orienting but no entrance he started to increase the range of his search all around the mountain only leading to more failure and no way around. More days passed as the Ape tried his best to find an entrance to his destination but was left with the only dejection, now the Mountain Ape started cursing the heavens and his own fate with no way around, the peak was nowhere to be found, the bottom was again a dead end and the only the rope of hope that heaven had provided earlier was also cut in half.

More days passed in a similar way, with the mountain ape trying his best to find the entrance and trying various methods like hitting on the spot with all his strength bitting with his pointy teeth only to become dejected due to sturdiness of the spot. As more time went the Mountain Ape started to give up and decided not to climb any further on this endless route or try wasting his remaining strength which was only infecting his wounds further and finally decided to spend the rest of his life sleeping and roaming ideally over the same spot waiting for some miracle to happen.

When the hope was fleeting in the sky of silver, the crescent of the full moon, beautiful to behold, started garnishing the blazing light over the deserted mountain, the Mountain ape who was laying lifelessly while enjoying the final beauty of the azure sky started thinking about his lifelong journey from a naughty little monkey to the ferocious Mountain Ape who had reached the peak of cultivation in this world by gaining spirituality and becoming a spirit beast " Looks like this would be the final night of my journey. I should have better remembered the teachings of the elders that not every treasure is fortuitous and the birth of every treasure had resulted in great changes in the world that had even shaken heaven, it was my own foolishness to believe that this divine fruit was fatted with me, now what is the use of this divine fruit that can increase the life when the condition of my body is worst and no device medicine or herb will be able to save me now" while feeling dejected and regret over the final decision of running along with divine fruit, the Mountain Ape started closing his eyes as if going on a long sleep never to be woken again.

As the full moon of the beautiful night reached its peak and seemed like was stationed directly above the deserted mountain, a loud roar from the depth of the mountain started to originate, the pitch of the roar was so high that the tall mountain reaching the Heaven stated shaking vigorously and felt as if can be dismantled into pieces from inside anytime. Hearing the loud roar which was audible throughout this world, the sleeping and lifeless Mountain Ape jolted awake with panic and fear from within his soul. With the passage of every second, more roars started to sounded and it felt like some divine beast inside the mountain was challenging the full moon, the Mountain Ape got up on his two feet while applying his remaining strength, as the roar started to get nearer to him his blood started to boil and his soul started to shake in fear at such a high pace that it felt that it could be shattered any second.


With the loud bang, a gigantic black creature with his mouth wide open started to rush towards the full moon as If trying to eat it whole. The size of the head of this creature was so great that the moon entering its mouth looked like a tinny pea. "Bang" with another loud noise the glittering moon that had been in the endless sky for ages was nowhere to be found, complete darkness engulfed the world without any source of light and it felt like the doomsday had arrived.

The lifeless Mountain Ape was still standing shitless with fear and panic written over his face and wide-opened eyes seeing the mouth of the gigantic mouth of the creature filled with real glittering stars from so near. As few more minutes passed after the incident, a dim white light started to become visible in front of him which was coming from the spot in front of him where the sound of the falling water was coming earlier. Finally, already on the death bed and was living on his final breath, he decided to gather his strength one last time and check for any miracle to occur. The Mountain ape started following the dim white light which kept increasing in intensity while following the newly created path inside the mountain. As he got deeper and deeper inside the mountain, the intensity of the light became so high that he had to shut his eyes for a while only to found a new place or a new world in front of him with its own sky, this world had got its own sky with its own sun that was illuminating the light all around. This new world was vast and endless with plants, tall trees, beautiful waterfalls, rivers, and mountains all around.

The world was looking like a place made out of heaven with a huge golden adobe at its center. The mountain Ape having just entered this new world was mesmerized with his beauty and started looking around for any clue when his gaze landed over a stone stele filled with ancient runes and texts written with some unknown ancient language. After trying his best to find some clue in the wordings, he was barely able to recognize three words, namely "Ancient Ruins".