Pimordial Artifact

The slightly unconscious injured body of Liu Yaojing started plunging deeper and deeper into the darkness of the neverending depth of the great ocean after getting a heavy hit from the black rock floating in the ocean and losing a great amount of blood in the process. While losing his consciousness over the time and seeing the gate of death slowly approaching to him, Liu Yaojing started to get emersed in regret and hatred towards the brutal monster race and even more towards himself for being a part of the weak and feeble human race, who were just like some pests buzzing around the powerful monster race waiting to be killed without been given a single chance.

More and more blood started to ooze out from the head injury that Liu Yaojing had got after the hit from the stone as he lost his remaining consciousness while hitting the hard bed of the ocean. Days passed with the army ship of the Silver tiger king returning to their course at the western coast territory after not finding any clue or remnants of the dead body of the Liu Yaojing after searching high up and down from the past few days.

A year had passed since the tragic incident of the Liu family took place within the territory of the Silver tiger king, when within the depths of the great western ocean, a dark black stone in the shape of a ball that was lying ideally beside a damaged human skeleton on the bed of the great western ocean started to buzz with a creepy sound and dark black light out of nowhere disturbing the earlier tranquility of the great ocean, as a drop of sticky black liquid oozed out from the black ball-like stone and entered the bones of the damaged skeleton laying beside it. As, if provided with some divine intervention, the black liquid started to intervene with the broken bones of the damaged skeleton and started to repair them at an astonishing speed creating a complete new-formed skeleton within few seconds. The process of reforming the body didn't stop there but further went forward as new layers of skin along with working organs started to take shape.

"Lup dub Lup dub"

After a minute of the newly formed body completely formed, it started to forcefully attract the buzzing black ball with the weird sound towards itself as if trying to assimilate the orb into itself due to the intervention of some kind of new inextensible connection that had recently been formed between the two, only to be rejected by some unknown resisting dormant force coming out from the black stone dismantling the complete process in between. As more and more of the Sticky black liquid started to seep out of the black stone and sink into the new body it started to form new veins and arteries for the blood to flow only to replace the original red human blood that makes up what was known as a human body with itself and circulating throughout the new body by passing through newly formed veins and vigorous new heart that was pumping like crazy.

Finally, the buzzing stone after trickling a large amount of black dark sticky liquid came to a standstill and became dormant without any activity like any other normal stone present at the bed of the great ocean. " Buzz" with a powerful ripple at the depth of the ocean two dark black eyes similar to that of nearby lying black stone came to view in the depth of the ocean. These creepy-looking pitch-black eyes were that of the newly formed body which was now having an existential difference from the real human body due to these few changes.

" W.. Who am I...., Liu Yaojing...thn wo is Ding Molian...., WHer is tis...?", While speaking with his fluttering and gibberish tongue these were the first few words that came out the mouth of the newly formed body that was still lying at the bed of the ocean. While excessively blinking his black eyes and trying hard to look around the body started to organize the large amount of the ongoing thoughts that were bombarding into his mind one after another and making him confused about his own identity and the whereabouts of this unknown place. Not knowing what was happening, the body which now looked like that of a thirty-year-old young man rose up from the bed of the ocean and took a long jump upward by applying all his force towards the bed of the ocean with his front foot inorder to get out of this place only to find himself standing within the cluster of the clouds in the vast sky within the instance of his great jump.

"Who.... m....I , Am i Ding Molian.... or Liu YAojing", the young man was now flying in the vast sky without falling down like the three-eyed serpent king a monster beast who had cultivated for millions of years to reach the pinnacle, Spirit Monarch realm, the peak cultivation in this vast land. The young man started to drift towards some unknown direction while collecting his thoughts and agonizing over the tremendous pain generated in his mind due to flood-like vast knowledge that was now rampaging in his brain and making him a little dizzy and num from time to time.

It was only after a few minutes that the young man started to laugh hysterically towards the sky as looking at someone beyond these skies "Haha, finally I have found the remaining piece of my body and this human shell which has got a bit of my consciousness making it possible to control this human body and complete my mission of the assembling the main Demonic body which has been broken after the great battle with the human emperor, while looking towards the direction from where he had just come, he stretched one of his hand in a grabbing motion as if trying to recollect something of his own only to find a black orb that has been the benefactor of this newly formed body flying towards the hand at a rapid pace. I have finally found the last piece of my body, this left eye. How long has it been since the last great accession battle took place and my tragic defeat under the hands of the then Human Emperor making me run towards this abandon lower realm of the Azura continent".

While thinking about something he again started to laugh in a creepy way," Oh you fool, Do you really think that I your daddy would be so easily defeated by your punny strength even after cultivating my demonic arts to the pinnacle. Hahaha,,.Human Emperor you dickhead even if you are the most powerful person of this realm and the real ruler of this lowly heavenly realm( Spirit Realm) and know about every nick and corner of this place... You have really missed a big this time because of your arrogant nature making you believe that this was really just a barren and broken realm while neglecting its history as a baseless rumor which stated that this realm was originally one of the most powerful and prosperous heavenly realms and only become like this after the great primordial war, were the two Primordial lords fought a near-death battle and resulting in the death of a primordial lord for the first time in the history. It was believed that during the birth of this Primordial world there used to be nine Primordial lords, each born from the very essence of this world giving them their unique nature. They were the ones who formed nine separate realms in the primordial world and categorized them according to their own nature namely Divine realm, Devil realm, True realm, Fiend realm, God realm, Asura realm, Soul Realm, Nether realm, and lastly the Spirit realm later known as the nine heavenly realms each being equally powerful and governed by their respective Primordial lords.

Everything was peaceful until the most notorious and the cruelest among them, the Asura Lord ( Primordial Lord of the asura realm) decided to conquer the most prosperous Spirit realm from the hands of the Imperial Human lord ( Primordial lord of the Spirit realm) by waging a bloody war against the Spirit realm only to be later defeated and then killed in a mysterious way with his giant body been neatly cleaved in half from the head by some unknown force. The death of the first Primordial lord created a great storm in all of the other realms because earlier it was believed that the Primordial lords were the sons of the heaven and their favorites, providing them with an indestructible body that could never be killed or destroyed rather one can only dominate the other primordial lord by injuring and capturing them using the most powerful artifact this world has seen or known, the primordial Artifact. The gigantic dead body of the asura lord, cleaved in half created a lot of terror and panic all around the primordial world while raising a lot of question regarding the deadly cut in the body that looked like was done by a single cleave from a powerful sword with unprecedented power never heard or seen before making, it even more impossible for the most powerful Imperial Human lord to generate such power.

The body of the asura lord was later secretly thrown into the great void filled with eternal darkness, near the end of the spirit realm that was believed to have formed during the birth of this primordial world and a no-entry zone because of the presence of some unknown power that can even destroy the most powerful beings and treasures this world had ever seen, like Primordial lords or the primordial artifacts within seconds if came into contact, This unknown force was so dominating that even the heavenly laws were afraid of it and behaved like a child in front of it. Unknowingly a number of years have passed since the great war and the once most prosperous spirit realm was now ranked the lowest with half of its area being deserted and filled with space storms and rifts. The great battle that had occurred once was believed to had even damaged the core of this heavenly realm making it one of the most difficult places for cultivation were reaching the pinnacle or even getting nearer becoming impossible".

" Hahaha, Human emperor you thought that all of this was a mug up stories narrated by the ancients and neglected even about its existence, but who would have thought that while trying to prepare myself for the great Accession battle I came into contact with some ancient records near the border of the Spirit realm and know about a supernatural phenomenon happening on one of the barren lower realms under the jurisdiction of the Azura constellation, Wherein every billion years a damaged Ancient tower would resurrect from the depths of the ocean and destroy the complete realm within days of its eruption while hiding all of this from the great heavens and even challenging the ultimate authority of the heavenly laws, making me believe about the presence of some supernatural object that was out of our understanding and looked somewhat similar to the Primordial artifact used by the Asura lord been present in this lower realm. It took me years to script out the plan to make it possible for me to check for the genuineness of the information without alerting you fool and other powerful experts of this realm.

So, I executed a plan where I would be defeated in your hands during the great Accession battle while losing nearly all of my cultivation and half of my body during the process and escape towards the border of the spirit realm to spend my remaining days, where the weak and barren Azura constellation was situated but who would have thought that my plan would be so successful when even I was in dilemma about its success and thought that escaping under your eyes while making you believe about the deadly injuries my body was sustaining would be near impossible, but I was wrong, bloody wrong because even after being your enemy from all these years I still get amazed by your stupidness and superiority complex believing others to be weak, although all of this was filled with great risk and uncertainty, I still believed in myself", the demonic lord Ding Molian started to reminisce about his memorable past that was filled with both glory and dishonor.