While clearing his ongoing thoughts and gathering the vast pool of knowledge that had been accumulated by the main body throughout this time, the young man started to rapidly drift at a high speed towards the barren icy mountains of the north, where his original body was resting in hibernation and repairing itself from the damage done on it during the great Accession battle. As he was moving away from the great western ocean towards the north, he kept looking backward from time to time, unintentionally with a saddened heart, as if reminiscing about some unknown past" Why am I feeling so sad and miserable while looking backward, I haven't spent much of my time roaming on this lower plane after my descend due to the deadly injuries given by the human emperor and had barely interacted with any kind of lifeform on this plane. So, why am I feeling a sense of longing and forbearing along with a great sense of regret while looking backward, why are my eyes getting misty and the heart is paining, what is all this shit going on .....".
Halting for a moment and clearing his mind from all the unnecessary messy thoughts and feelings that his new body was going through, the young man decided to move forward to quickly reach his destination as soon as possible and assimilate with the original body after repairing it.
The world in front was a frozen place, like some ice-world, it was as if the sea had frozen mid-wave, curling upward into the brilliant rays, still rippled by the wind. A young man stood there within the chilly wind that made even talking impossible, howling sharply. Crossing the pristine icy desert land was an entirely soulless endeavor until the man discovered something that defied belief, the white mountains covered in snow, growing like a crystal, sparkling just the same as any cut diamond, rose out of nothing to tower above him, disappearing into the freezing fog as if a palace could arise by magic. As one moment became the next the cloud and sky pattern reflected in the surface ever so gently and gave it a feeling of motion from his boots to the horizon and doubtless beyond.
Within this neverending range of the crystal-like tall mountains, was a nirvana quiet desolate mountain with its jagged peaks, standing in the loneliness through the eon. The phantom-white peak of this mountain was reared into the sky with a crystal-like bracelet of snow-topped the sky-spearing mountain. The swiftly moving young man, stagnant a little before deciding to move towards the desolate tall mountain with a crystal-like ring that was standing alone within this world filled with Icy mountains and frozen glaciers. Nearing the tall sky-piercing mountain, the young man started to ascend towards its top while flying at a rapid speed until he reached the area where the crystal-like ring had formed that was creating a hindrance for the normal eyes to look beyond.
The crystal-like ring atop this tall mountain had formed due to the massive accumulation of snow throughout these years because of the presence of a void path beside this area that was creating a kind of vacuum force that was drawing the large amount of ice towards itself continuously. Passing through the ring or bracelet-like crystal region, the young man entered the path from where the vacuum force was coming creating a no gravity zone, which was leading towards a dark cave hidden in silence in this icy world. Entering the cave, the sound of meltwater from the surface of the glacier rocky drains downward through crevasses entered the ears of the young man. This was a mature cave with tubular conduits and intricately sculptured walls, the cave was several kilometers long with the floors made out of rocks and having a branching path inside that was leading towards its depth. The glacier cave was nearly frozen; at other times filled with water, at the end of the narrow path was a humongous hall filled with shiny diamond-like piercing crystals and an ice platform infront on which an old lifeless body was shitting in a meditative pose with his left eye missing.
Huh, finally I had reached this place along with the final piece of my body, the left eye. Looking around the cave the man caught the sight of another twenty or something skeleton body of humans, monsters, and some unknown creatures sitting around the platform lifelessly" Looks like these were the carrier bodies before like me that had come before me after getting assimilated with a piece of my divine soul and rejuvenated by the help of my demonic blood. All of these bodies are reborned only to fulfill a single purpose, that is to lead the various pieces of my injured body scattered throughout the various plane after my desperate escape from the hands of the human emperor while losing nearly all of my cultivation. Now the only promising thing still left with me is this lifeless saint body without the left eye and my injured divine soul, both of which would be completed from now after the final sacrificial ritual is performed by this carrier body.
Getting nearer to his original saint body, the young man took out the black stone looking eye and placed it infront of his original body as he sat down on the icy platform and started to use the little bit of divine power present in his carrier body to channel the black eye into the vacant space of the left eye of his main body. The process of assimilation of the demonic eye into the left eye took a few hours and quite a lot of the remaining divine power" Huf finally, my saint body has been completed, now the only thing left to do is carefully transfer my remaining piece of divine soul from the carrier body to the main body making the saint body alive again".
About three hundred years had passed since the day when Ding Molian had started the process of retaining his Saint body. Today was the day when an old damaged ancient tower was on the verge of the eruption from the Great world ocean and the three-eyed spirit monarch for the first time got the delusion of detecting an old human man covered in a black cloak while on his journey towards the sacred ruins. Above in the air, the old man looking towards the departing back of the three-eyed spirit monarch was none other than, the powerful being from the higher realm Ding molian, who had just taken control over his saint body and was on his way towards the site of the eruption of the ancient tower " three hundred, it has been three hundred years, Xin-er my daughter, my lovely little daughter, now you can rest in peace. This father of yours, Liu Yaojing has finally completed his oath and had started with my revenge by completely uprooting the entire territory of the silver tiger king using my demonic arts. My wan-er, my xin-er, I had finally got revenge for both of you by killing both the father-son pair of silver tiger king with my own two hands, you should have looked from the havens at their ugly faces filled with fear and dread before their death. That day for the first time I realized that all that matters in this world is power and power is everything, from now on this old man instead of being a weakly human will walk the path of the demonic arts and dominate this land by remov9ing the monster race completely, This is only the beginning and with the help of this powerful saint body from the higher realms even I'm skeptical about my future lies ahead".
" Ding Molian, oh Ding Molian you were really a son of a bitch and a real demon, after taking your memory I was dazzled by your bloodthirsty and evil nature and the way of your cultivation using the foetus of the pregnet women, it was better that you had died but I'm also extremely grateful to both you and the human emperor since after getting killed by the silver tiger king army and later drowning deeper into the depth of the great world ocean I had thought this was my final moment and my heart was filled with regret and remorse during the last moment of my life for not being able to get revenge for my wife and daughter and complete my oath, but who would have that at the last moment the heaven would open a door for me and be merciful and give a golden chance for my resurrection during the process of transferring of your divine soul from the carrier body which was mine to the saint body there was also a dormant soul along with your divine soul; that was mine which had been resurrected along with the carrier body that was mine,it was just that my soul was like a pebble in front of your ocean like divine soul which was easily neglected by you all this time after taking control of my real body. It all began when you started the process of transferring your final piece of divine soul from my body to yours and neglected my punny soul by not destroying it. The process of transferring both of our souls was near completion making you happy to the extreme when unknowingly a mysterious dormant Spirit talisman left by the Human emperor into your soul sea during your escape started to act and destroy your injured divine soul, unknowingly not affecting my mortal soul. The fight between the two went on for nearly two hundred years until the mysterious talisman was completely destroyed along with with your complete sentience, leaving only a spark of your dead divine soul behind and seeing this golden opportunity lying before me, I decided to act immediately and went to absorb the nearly extinct and exhausted dead pieces of your divine soul. Even though the divine soul was dead and exhausted it was still a thing of immortals, so how could a mortal soul challenge it so easily making the complete process extremely painful and at times it felt like my soul was getting destroyed but who knew that this little spark of your divine soul was both bane and boon for me, as with each passing day the remaining piece of your divine soul started to act as a tonic for my soul and started to evolve in its existential levels, days after days past making my soul completely reborned and powerful enough to start my training of the demonic arts that I got from your remaining memories".