Holy Mountain City

While Liu Yaojing was still lost in his own thoughts, somewhere within another direction about five thousand miles away, the three-eyed spirit monarch ( ruler of the dragon kingdom) was racing with time towards the deserted mountain where the sacred ruins were situated. The more closer he got to the deserted mountain, the more anxious and nervous he started to become, his complete being was stressed with thinking about not finding any result and losing his crucial time on this long journey as he felt like a cat on a hot tin roof. A few days of the relentless journey at his full speed had finally led the three-eyed spirit monarch to the proximity of the deserted mountain, which was not deserted like before anymore instead now was completely revamped into a well-organized city, now widely known as the Holy Mountain City, while the earlier discovered mysterious space atop the mountain, The Ancient ruins became the most important place for the monster race, later denoted as the Sacred shrine of the monster race which was situated at the top of the Holy Mountain.

This Holy Mountain City was further divided into two regions namely the outer and the inner circles, while the outer region being filled with all kinds of people moving in and out of the various ins, restaurants, and shops, etc., the inner region was completed converted into a restriction zone with heavily guarded with battalions of soldiers, captains, generals and even kings guarding its proximity, and only the higher most authorities of the Monster race were given permission to enter. At the center of this heavily guarded inner region was a large plaza, where a gigantic statue of the mouth of some unknown beast engulfing the moon was placed and worshiped as the sacred beast of the ruling monster race.

Today the holy city was completely packed with monsters and their slaves, and those of whom who had come to this city either to worship the holy mountain from a distance or to trade at the outer circle of the city. Seeing a large number of people present in the city, the three-eyed spirit monarch decided to disguise himself inorder to avoid any kind of commotion leading to wastage of his preeminent time. Covering himself with a black cloak from head to toe, the three-eyed spirit monarch swiftly entered the main gate of the city into the outer and then went towards the inner gate which was heavily guarded by the soldiers of his own kingdom. Presently, there were three soldiers with their team captain were stationed on the duty to guard the huge gates of the inner region, and as they caught the sight of an old man completely covered in black cloak getting nearer and nearer to the gate they were guarding at a rapid pace, they started to take their position aggressively while looking at the incoming person keenly. " Stop there and now and return back from where you just came, this is a no-entry zone, and only the superiors of our kingdom are allowed to enter that too after showing the pass personally issued by his majesty", thinking the disguised old man as a street beggar who was covering his old bones with a single cloth, the newly recruited young guard filled with predominance took out his sword from its scabbard inorder to scare the old man away.

Seeing a youngling taking out his sword inorder to scare him off, the old man smiled a little while shaking his head and started to move towards the inner gates. " You, old man I'm telling you to stop there, don't take my words lightly, we are the part of the royal guards directly under his majesty and has been specially ordered by his majesty to guard this holy place while provided with complete authority to take any action if required" seeing the old man neglecting his earlier advice like thin air and still move forward, the new soldier started to feel his galls burning and decided to take action against the old man while clearly stating his authority to take the action.

As the new soldier started to speed towards the old man inorder to punish him, he was surprised to see a big hand coming from far and hitting his face forcefully, making his body fly a distance before coming to stop while completely dislocating his lower jaws. Throwing a bucket full of blood, the injured soldier tried to stabilize him and started to stand up with rage towards the person only to find their captain standing at his earlier spot with spots of blood in his hand. Trying to realizing the complete situation, the soldier started to look towards his captain with questioning eyes only to find the captain ignoring him and moving forward towards the old man upfront," Respected, Sir who are you? please understand that we are strictly ordered by our higher authority to not allow anyone to enter the inner region without the pass or orders provided by his majesty himself, so can you tell me your reason for the visit?".

Finding such a clever and sharp person standing at the doors of the inner gate who had not even cultivated much but still realized something about him, the three-eyed serpent king started to look towards him in new eyes " Hahaha, kid you're a nice one, can you tell me the reasoning behind your conclusion that I'm not some an old beggar but some prominent figure", trying to understand, how a mortal Mountain bear was able to see through his disguise that was even impossible for the powerful spirit king to decode. " Respected, sir the first clue you gave away was the way of your straight and haughty movement that was more of a young robust man than a weekly old beggar, the second clue was the speed at which you were moving that was more like drifting than moving that made me believe that you are at least a level higher than the level of spirit beast i.e, a spirit king and the last giveaway was the way you moved forward without any fear even after hearing the name of his majesty and the order given by him, so my guess is you are atleast a higher spirit king level expert that has been privately sent by his majesty himself because in our kingdom only fools like a monster beast can challenge the authority of his majesty, not a powerful spirit king level expert all of whom knows that there are atleast more than ten senior-level spirit king level stationed at the inner circle of the holy mountain city along with two ancestors of half-monarch realm guarding the path towards our sacred shrine ( sacred/ancient ruins)", hearing the in detail explanation provided by just a lowly captain of his royal guard the three-eyed spirit monarch was both amazed and intruged toward the mountain bear and started to mum inverdly" it looks like it is now the age of these youngster, I better increase the pressure of training on my little disciple, now a day's she had been loitering a lot with her new pet instead of training hard".

"Little child, you're right about two of your guesses, that I'm an authoritative figure of the Dragon kingdom and someone who had already reached the level of spirit king, but you are still wrong about me having the pass or ordered by his majesty to come here.....", without even allowing the old man to complete his sentence, the severely injured soldier who had just got a good beating from the captain of his squad started to argue again" Captain you should have believed in me when I told that he is just a beggar and is just messing around and needs to be beaten black to come to his senses, it was you who had guessed wrong about him", finding the old man not having the authority pass the soldier found the perfect opportunity to take the higher ground.

Finding the little solder arguing again and again and wasting his precious time the three-eyed spirit monarch started to get a little irritated with him and changed his tone completely from earlier weakly and elderly to overbearing and dominating " Little kid, do you think you can bear the consequences of pissing me again and again, from the start I was trying to be polite and not waste much time in arguing otherwise who in his right mind would try to mess with me, The three-eyed spirit monarch in this land", taking his large step towards the inner gates the monarch took off his disguise while decided not to waste more of his time arguing with these plebeian and entered the inner circle forcefully.

Finding the old man from earlier was the ruler of this land himself, the injured soldier got the biggest shock of his life, as his legs started to shake in fear while wetting his pants he started to regret about his earlier behavior towards the majesty and started to throw more blood again, even the always calm and astute, captain of the squad, mountain bear started to sweat profoundly after coming to reality.