(The love between the Master and her apprentice.)

Chapter twenty seven:

Cale please tell me you know a way out of here. Finn begged nervously.

I'm working on it. Cale said reprogramming the doors which led them to the hangar.

Finn, Poe Dameron, Rose and Cale were on a mission on the new First Order base to steal the blueprints from the First Order. But it didn't work out so well.

They were stuck and the First Order was already on it's way to them. If they got really lucky the new Empress was also on her way.

I can hear the troops! Cale how much longer will that take? Rose shouted and ran to him.

Now this and connecting with this cable... Cale mumbled to himself. The door opened, but the Stormtrooper's also came to them.

Run!!! Cale stood up and shouted, while activating his blue lightsaber. They were sprinting for the Scarlet Speedster. It wasn't that far and everyone was nearly there.

Shoot them!!! We can't let them escape!! Cale heard a familiar voice behind him. Cale turned around to be really sure of who it was and Cale was right. Cale shook it off and started to run again. But he was of them. The first target. And that's when Cale felt an immense pain in his back which made him fall.

Cale!! No! Cale heard Poe Dameron screaming.

Cale looked into their direction. They stopped right in front of the Scarlet Speedster.

Leave me!!! Please go!! Cale screamed at the top of his lungs.

Cale's eyesight started to blur, as a dark hooded figure looked down at him.

Get him to the med bay immediately. If something happens to him... I swear you don't want to be the one to tell me. Empress Rey Palpatine hissed as she Force choked one of the Stormtrooper's before walking away.

Cale closed his eyes. The noise of the Scarlet Speedster's engines was the last thing that he heard.

(Sometime later.)

Cale woke up in a dark room. The pain on his back was gone. Completely. Cale rubbed the sand out of his eyes and stretched out his arms. He still felt dizzy and exhausted.

Cale examined the room and tried to find a way out. But there was nothing that he could do. They were probably watching him.

The door to his cell opened rapidly making Cale jump up.

Rey stood in front of him. The one who was his first Jedi Master and first kiss. His first love. For the first time in his life.

His Rey. But not really. The dark side soaked her up. After the battle of Exegol she never came back. This was the first time seeing her after Rey stabbed him and she tried to heal him with the Force.

You woke up. How's your wound? Rey asked her fiance, seeing as how she was the one that healed his back.

Great knowing the fact that you ordered the Stormtrooper's to shoot. So thanks for that. Cale shouted at Rey.

It's good to see you again. Rey said as she took a step towards Cale.

I would like to say that, too. But not in the way you are standing in front of me, Rey. Replied Cale.

Rey's face changed when he said her name... but Rey shook it off quite fast.

How dare you say that! I am the strongest I have ever been! Rey threatened him, as she began to Force choke her fiance.

I don't know what you are, alright. You are definitely not the one that I fell in love with. Or the one I would've died for. Cale replied, as he was struggling to breathe, seeing as how Rey was still Force choking him.

Cale shouted at his pain. All of the pain that was hiding in him is now breaking off of his body. So he let it out.

What the hell happened, Rey? What in the whole galaxy would make you want to turn to the dark side? Cale asked Rey.

I felt it in me. All this time. As soon as I knew where I came from... To which family I really belong to... It was so easy... This feeling was so good... I was in so much fear. I don't want to feel like that ever again. And my name is Empress Rey Palpatine. Rey replied to her fiance's questions, still holding him in a Force choke.

That doesn't matter, Rey. Your surname doesn't matter. You had a family. And you let it go. You had everything!!! Said Cale Lestin. Tears were now streaming down his face.

I never wanted to leave. Empress Rey Palpatine said without any expression or emotion.

But you did. The Resistance always had your back and you killed them. You left Poe, Finn, BB-8 , Rose, Chewbacca, and more importantly you forgot what Leia , Luke and Han Solo died for. Cale told her. A small tear formed in Rey's eyes.

Most of all you left me. Cale said as he began to cry.

Rey closed her eyes. She didn't want to feel this. She tried to hide it but she couldn't.

Rey began to cry hard, and released Cale from his Force choke.

Both of them were in so much pain. Cale couldn't stand seeing her cry and do nothing about it. Cale walked up to her slowly.

He hesitated to take her hand's. But they were warm and rough. Jakku wasn't kind to her nor was the business about her grandfather.

Please don't cry... You know I can't take that. Cale said.

Cale slowly put his arms around her waist and hugged her hard.

For Rey it was like the strangest thing in the world. Physical contact.

But she soaked it all in. It calmed her. And Cale could feel it.

Please don't leave me, Cale. Rey said hugging him even harder.

I won't... I promise that I will help you. Cale replied back to her.

He let go of her hug. But Rey stopped in the middle.

Their noses were nearly touching. Can I? Cale asked Rey calmly.

Rey nodded only looking at his lips. Kissing Rey was relieving Cale. All this time he felt nothing but pain. It began to all fall off completely.

Cale's hunger was now flaming. It got rougher and more intense, as Cale was kissing Rey harder and deeper. Cale pushed Rey against the wall of the cell.

Rey's moans filled the whole cell. Rey's touch was rough but full of love. Just as Cale remembered it.

Rey... what are we going to do now? Cale asked Rey between kisses.

Oh I know what I am going to do with you now. Rey replied to his question, leading her fiance towards the bed of his cell.

That's my girl. Cale said, kissing Rey once more.

Let's just say that the two of them didn't sleep much that night.