(Too late.)

Chapter twenty six:

Please don't make me fight against you, Rey... You know I can't. Cale Lestin told his fiance.

Your weakness will be my strength Cale. You have no idea of what I'm capable of. The dark side as offered me so much power you can't even imagine in your wildest dreams! Empress Rey Palpatine's voice beamed through Cale's body which made him shiver.

Cale knew it wouldn't end well for the both of them. Rey's double wielded crimson red lightsaber now ignites and Rey was ready to kill him. Cale was the last hope for the Resistance after his fiance turned.

They were both so close. They trained together and spent every second of the day side by side. Cale has found himself a best friend... but now Rey was more than that. She was now his fiance.

It broke his heart when Cale felt her turning to the dark side. The disturbance damaged his heart so much that it became cold. It didn't allow Cale to feel any kind of love or happiness. Like it forgot how to feel.

But seeing her for the first time after all these weeks without her made Cale's heart desperate and weak. Cale's heart was now as heavy as a stone in his chest. Cale couldn't fight against Rey, his own fiance.

So he turned off his blue lightsaber he had built with her.

I know how powerful you are. I always knew. But the dark side didn't make you more powerful than before. Only your passion did. I don't know where you got the hate from. It was rising in your heart when you were surrounded by so many people you cared for you. Someone who loved you deeply.

I won't fight you. I could never kill you anyway. Cale told Rey.

Cale threw his blue lightsaber to the ground.

Rey walked right in front of Cale. Only a few meters away from him.

I will always love you Cale, Rey spoke to him.

Cale already had hopes that he got her back to him. Back to the light side of the Force.

But Rey's double crimson red lightsaber slammed into his stomach.

Cale immediately saw regret in his fiance's eyes.

Empress Rey Palpatine turned off her double bladed crimson red lightsaber but Cale didn't fall to the ground. Rey held Cale in her arms and sat down on the floor with Cale in her lap.

Cale felt the warm blood flooding out of his stomach. But that didn't matter at the moment. Cale looked up directly into Rey's eyes and touched her face. Cale's fingers drawing small circles on Rey's cheek.

I have always loved you Rey. I know you still have good in you. You will come back to the light side of the Force. Me dying in your arms... It's right where I was meant to be. Cale smiled and kissed his fiance.

Rey's tears were falling down her face. It's like she got ripped out of the dark side. Cale saw the old Rey in front of him once more. His Rey.

Cale didn't feel pain. Surprisingly he felt peaceful. Cale knew he wouldn't die senseless.

Please... don't blame yourself for this... I forgive you Rey. Cale told his fiance, and kissed his fiance one more time.

Cale wanted her name to be the last thing he said. Ever.

And then with his final breath Cale Lestin was gone.

What have I done? Empress Rey Palpatine cried out and took Cale's body into her arms.

Cale! No, no, no. Please!! Somebody help me! Empress Rey Palpatine looked around the room for help.

But their was no one. So Rey then tried to heal her fiance with the Force.