Insufferable CEO

We arrived at the second floor where the Chief executive officer's office was located, vividly aware of my surroundings now — my nerves were on edge, eager to see the devilish handsome man but also, reluctant for the outcome of the event.

"Ally. I'm sorry, I wouldn't be able to accompany you to his office, I have lots of files on my desk that needs to be sorted out and I'm already lacking behind." Rose, my new friend said apologetically.

She rummaged through her purse, bringing out a small white card. "Here is my business card, it contains my details. You can get to me through this." She smiled, handing me her business card.

"No stress Rose, you've done a lot for me. I'm grateful." I said to her.

"You sure are one funny girl, it's nothing. Don't mention it, friends help each other right? And again I think any human would have done the same thing. Before I forget, count seven steps from here, the door on your left side is his office. Quick reminder, make sure you knock!" She said.

"Knock?" I asked, perplexed.

"He doesn't appreciate the noise the bell makes,"

"Then, why have it? That's stupid, if you ask me," I said, letting my opinion known.

"He's the boss after all, he's a nice man Ally, you'll figure that out later." She smiled.

"Yes, right." I replied dismissively.

We chatted more until her phone rang, she pleaded with me once more and left me to continue my journey to hell alone.

I counted seven steps like she said and there I was, right in-front of a glass door, I couldn't see the inside but I was sure anybody in there could see me. I raised my hand to knock as I was told earlier, but I was stopped by the words of a slender woman before my hand could touch the door. She eyed me from head to toe from her cubicle and smirked irritatedly.

"What are you doing here whore?" She asked, giving me a scornful look.


Did she know me from somewhere because I have never met her until that moment? To think Rose thought the previous receptionist at the lobby to be a total bitch, this one was a bitch with an ice on top. Not icing. Bitchy frost.

Icy like her words.

She probably felt threatened. But of who?

I ignored her question and strolled to her desk, sitting on the opposite chair. She pranced up and stood directly infront of me, her long artificial nails drumming on the table.

"Excuse me, aren't you supposed to ask yourself that? I mean, look at you," I stared at her in disgust— from her red lips that screamed hoe, tight fitted shirt with the first five buttons undone which exposed more than half of her cleavage, and her breast? Her boobs were hundred percent fake — to her almost under the butt skirt. Dressings like this should be condemned in organizations because workers are the supposed faces of the company. "Your personality screams 'I'm a slut, treat me like one' and you think you're better than me? By the way, I'm not here for you, Mr Reynolds demanded I come here. Make your-bitter-self scarce now bitch!" I said. She stood up, face red in anger, her claw-like fingers stretched to grab my t-shirt but my quick reflexes kicked in and I slightly pushed her, she fell on her butt and shrieked like the hawk that she is. I made my way back to the door that had a C.E.O boldly written on it.

I loved it when I get to say the last word, there's something about it that I can't explain.

Just as I was about to knock, the door opened abruptly and I was met with one of the beauties of the place once again. He smiled sheepishly and gave me an acknowledging nod, I smiled back not wanting to come off rude and walked past him into the room.

Man! Trevor Reynolds was one fucking wealthy man, even his office screamed wealth. His back was in my view so he had his front turned to the view infront of him. Everything looked shiny and new, even the pen on his mahogany desk. He sure had a great taste, from the mini library to the interiors. He even had a bedroom and a bathroom, how big was this office?! It was obviously bigger than my little apartment.

"Hello!" I called out.

He spun around, facing with a stoic expression.

"Good morning Miss?"

"Alessia Maxwell" I completed it for him.

"Miss Maxwell, I'm sure you're here with my money, aren't you?" He asked, now sitting on his seat. He lacked manners, he could not even ask me to sit.

"I'm not here with your money. I already decided that I will work for you, and again, are you always fine with people standing over you?" I asked. I'd been there for just thirty minutes or more and he had already angered me.

"Watch your mouth Maxwell. I'm the boss here, you won't get to tell me what is right or wrong and if you're not okay with it, you can drop my money and leave." He sneered, twirling the pen in his hand.

"Excuse me, you might be boss but we all have equal rights. Is it bad for you to learn some manners Mr Reynolds?" He made me want to slap his stupid face repeatedly. He was egoistical, rude and hot. Great combo!

"Alessia, have you forgotten that I can ruin you, or should I remind you about who you're speaking to?" He tsk-ed.

God save me from this sin of a man. There was something compelling about the way he said my name that made me want to have my way with him. The man was a walking sin!

"I'm not sorry because I'm not wrong. It's just manners." I countered back.

"You're walking on a thin line now Alessia and believe me, you don't want to know the consequence." He taunted.

Should I beg him? He could make my life a living hell in a matter of just seconds, but I didn't do anything wrong. He should be the one apologizing not me.

Although he was a powerful man.

My enlarged mouth would definitely put me in trouble someday. I just had to say my damn mind every time, now look where it had got me? In the lion's den.

I needed to swallow my pride and apologize.

"I'm sorry sir," I stated reluctantly.

"Now, that's more like it. You can have your sit Alessia. Pardon my manners." He said sincerely.

He apologized? To me? Pigs actually do fly. I laughed mentally in my head.

"It's good we finally agreed on something." I faked a smile.

"Now let's not get too comfortable Alessia, you will be working as my personal assistant. And by personal assistant, I mean you'll have to move in with me because you'd be the coordinator of my home. You must have noticed that I like organising, everything must be in their expected place. During this period, I won't tolerate any kind of romantic relationship from you, can't have you bringing little boys to my place. Every morning, you're to make my coffee and bring it directly to my room and if I'm not there, you'd find me in my office. I hate tardiness, you must be prompt and always up to task. If you need anything, come to me directly, I detest it when someone beats around the bush, it's irritating."

He sure said a lot in a matter of two minutes.

"Sir, I can't agree to all that. My mom needs me, she has cancer. You don't expect me to just leave her all by herself at the hospital and go live at some guy's place." I said, tears brewing at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't leave my mom now, not when she needed me the most. That woman did a lot for me, I was never going to let her down even if it demanded my self respect.

Everyone had a price to pay.

"Some guy that is your alleged boss, huh? I understand your predicament, how about this, your mom will move in with us but on one condition?" He siad, raising one brow.

"You would really allow a total stranger to stay at your place, isn't that risky? What's the condition? " I asked totally confused.

"Forget about the job I said earlier, the personal assistant position. Honestly, I don't really need it, my secretary is convenient because I'm always at the office. Alessia, I drafted a much more better contract." He stated, bringing out a folder under some big books. He signalled me to take it from him, which I did. "Read what it states and if you're okay with it, you can sign over there, I mean the last page." He said, smirking mischievously. Few minutes later, we arrived at the second floor where the CEO's office was located.

"Aless, we're here already. I'm sorry, I wouldn't be able to accompany you to his office, I have lots of files on my desk that needs to be sorted out and I'm already lacking behind." she said apologetically

She continues "here is my business card, it's contains my details. I'm kind of late but you can catch up with me through this" she smiled handing me her business card.

"It's okay babe, you've done a lot for me already. I'm grateful " I said.

"you sure are one funny girl, it's nothing babe. Don't mention it, friends help each other right? And again I think any human would have done the same thing. And yes, count seven steps from here, the door on your left side is his office. Quick reminder, make sure you knock!" she said then left after pleading with me one more time for not following me to Mr Reynolds office.

I counted seven steps like she said and here I am, in front of a black door but I was stopped by a slender woman. She eyed me from head to toe and smirked.

"What are you doing here whore?" she asked giving me a disgusting look


Did she know me from somewhere because I don't recall seeing her face before. To think Rose had said the last receptionist at the lobby was a total bitch, this one's a bitch with an ice on top.

"Excuse me, aren't you supposed to ask yourself that, I mean look at you " I eyed her from her red lips that scream hoe, tight fitted shirt with first five buttons undone that exposes her cleavage, darn! her bust is a hundred percent fake, to her almost under the butt skirt. Dressings like this should be condemned in this kind of organization. I continued "your personality screams fuck me like a hoe daddy and you think you're better than me? By the way, I'm not here for you, Mr Reynolds demanded I come here. You can get out my way now bitch" I slightly pushed her out of my way and make my way to the door that has a CEO written boldly on it.

I love it when I say the last word, it has some kind of power that just fuels my energy.

Just as I was about to knock, the door opened and I was met with one of the beauties of this place once again. He smiled sheepishly and gave me an acknowledging nod, I smiled back not wanting to come out rude and walked past him into the room.

Man! This guy is fucking wealthy, even his office screamed wealth. His back was facing me so he had his front turned to the view in front of him. Everything looks shiny and new, even the pen on his mahogany desk. He sure has a great taste, from the mini library to the interiors. He even has a bedroom and a bathroom, how big is this office?! It's obviously bigger than my apartment.

"Hello!" I called out.

He spun around to me with a stoic expression.

"Good morning Miss..."

"Alessia Maxwell" I completed for him.

"Miss Maxwell, I'm sure you're here with my money or not" he said, now sitting on his seat. He lacks manners, he could not even ask me to sit.

"I'm not here with your money. I already decided that I will work for you, and again, are you always fine with people standing over you?" I asked. I've been here for just thirty minutes or more and he's already angered me.

"Watch your mouth Maxwell. I'm the boss here, you won't get to tell me what is right or wrong and if you're not okay with it, you can drop my money and leave" he sneered.

"Excuse me, you might be boss but we all have equal rights. Is it bad for you to learn some manners Mr Reynolds?" he makes me want to slap his stupid face repeatedly. He's egoistical, rude and hot. Great combo!

"Alessia, have you forgotten that I can ruin you, or should I remind you about who you're talking to?"

God save me from this sin of a man. There's something about the way he said my name that makes me want to have my way with him. This man is a walking sin!

"I'm not sorry because I'm not wrong. It's just manners" I replied back.

"you're walking on a thin line now Alessia and believe me, you won't like the consequence" he taunted.

Should I beg him? He could make my life a living hell in a matter of seconds, but I did not do anything wrong. He should be the one apologizing not me.

He's powerful, my big mouth will end me in trouble someday. I just have to say my damn mind every time, now look where it has got me?

I have to swallow my pride and apologize.

"I'm sorry sir" I said reluctantly.

"Now, that's more like it. You can have your sit Alessia. Pardon my manners " he said sincerely.

He apologized? To me? Pigs actually do fly. I laughed mentally in my head.

"It's good we finally agreed on something." I smiled.

"Now let's not get too comfortable Alessia, you will be working as my personal assistant. And by personal assistant, I mean you'd have to move in with me because you'd be the coordinator for my home. You must have noticed that I like accordance, everything must be organised. During this period, I won't tolerate any kind of romantic relationship from you, can't have you bringing little boys to my place. Every morning, you're to make my coffee and bring it directly to my room and if i'm not there, you'd find me in my office. I hate tardiness, you must be prompt and always organised. If you need anything, come to me directly, I detest it when someone beats around the bush, it's irritating." he rambled

He sure said a lot in a matter of few minutes.

"Sir, I can't agree to all that. My mom needs me, she has cancer. You don't expect me to just leave her all by herself at the hospital and go live at some guy's place." I said with tears brewing at the corner of my eys. I can't leave my mom now, not when she needs me most. That woman sure did a lot for me, I'm never going to let her down even if it demands my self respect.

"some guy that is your supposed boss. I understand your predicament, how about we do this, your mom will move in with us but on one condition" he said raising one brow.

"You would really allow a total stranger to stay at your place, isn't that risky? What's the condition " I asked totally confused.

"forget about the job I said earlier,I'm talking of the personal assistant position. Honestly, I don't really need it, my secretary is much more convenient. And again I drafted a much more better contract" he said bringing out a folder under some big books. He signalled me to take it from him, which I did. "Read what it says and if you're okay with it, you can sign over there, I mean the last page." he continued, smirking mischievously.