Blackmailing is a part of him

Shock is an understatement for what I'm feeling right now.

"What?!" I screamed

"I will never marry you Trevor Reynolds. Not in this life and certainly not in next either." I spat venomously.

"Alessia, it's not like I want to be involved with you" he drawled out. I can't deny that his words didn't hurt. Sure, he's an ego manic, but still he managed to arouse some sort feelings inside me.

"...and it's not like we'll be married for life. It's just six months contract to get my parents off my back, and if you're worried about sex, don't worry, I know how to take care of myself. I promise I won't touch you without your consent" he finished.

Six months!

Will I survive six months with him? Already, he makes my knees go jelly when he speaks to me not to talk of actually living with him for six months.

"Will there be romantic gestures?" I asked the question that has been bugging my mind since I saw that insanely stupid contract. How did he even managed to draw a contract that so fast or maybe he has it with since and that only means one thing, he had her investigated. God! Of course she knew a powerful business tycoon like him would have private investigators. Obviously, he knew about her mom's health status and every single thing about her damn life even her name. To think he had feigned ignorance in not knowing who she was when she came in a while ago.

"Yes there would be, but for the public eyes. If you want to take it further, we can do whatever we want without anyone bothering us but that's only if you want it" he said twirling his pen between his fingers.

Was he suggesting sex? Eeww! Okay that's total a lie, she would absolutely loved to be devoured by him.

God! she sounded like a sex starved animal, though she hadn't had sex before, so what?

It's not like she believed in the traditional sex before marriage thing or guys didn't hit on her, it's just that she never had the time for meaningless flings nor serious relationships.

"You can go fuck yourself for all I care. Are we done? I need to go to the hospital soon" I said impatiently. My ass is already sore for sitting so long without some sort of amusement or fun, he didn't even offer her coffee or any refreshment. This dude sure needs a manner check, lucky for him, he found me or maybe we found each other.

"Back to your mom, I'll be paying her bills from now on and apart from that, you'll be paid one million dollars for this ruse" he said looking straight into my eyes, searching for any form of disagreement on what he just said. And there sure is.

"You will not be paying my mom's hospital bills. I can take care of her myself, your help isn't required" I replied back. I need to get my ass up from this seat, it's so uncomfortable and I'm already bored out of my mind.

"okay, fine. Sure both of you will be staying with me starting from tomorrow but I'll get your mom a personal nurse who will be staying with her 24/7 and please don't talk me out on this. You will get the first half of your payment before the sun sets, the movers will come get your stuff tomorrow. I'm a very impatient man Alessia, so we will get married in days because I don't see any reason in wasting more time"

Four days? How was I supposed to tell mom about this? How was I going to explain the change in environment to her? The situation was definitely so fucked up.

"Since we have established some sort of agreement which you're okay with. You can now sign the contract now, wouldn't want to waste more of your time" he said after I didn't say anything to the previous statement he made.

I opened the folder once again and signed the contract. I returned the folder back to him after I was done. His gaze bore into mine making me feel hot and bothered.

I need to get the hell out of this place now! With the way my body is reacting to his presence, I might later end up begging him to fuck me.

"You can take your leave now Alessia, it's nice doing business with you. I'll update you later about the contract, hope you've saved my contact?" I shook my head

"Then save it now. You wouldn't want to have your soon to be husband's contact not saved on your phone, right Alessia"

I gave him a nod, while removing my cell phone from my purse along with his business card. I saved the number on the black card into my phone and returned both back to my purse.

I'm one minute from telling him to stop calling me by Alessia, his voice does unspoken things to me. To be honest, I hate it when other people call me by Alessia instead of Aless but the way his tongue curls when he pronounces it makes me feel proud for bearing such a beautiful name.

He might be a blackmailer and a hell lot rude but the fact still remains that he's irresistibly, undeniably hot.

That guy is a fucking walking Greek god, no wonder his bimbo of a secretary almost went completely nude to get his attention.

"Good, have a nice day Alessia Maxwell" he said with a smile or perhaps was it a smirk, I don't even know, but it hid some underlying message.

I gave him a my 'get yourself checked mentally' smile and walked myself out.

I could feel his gaze burn holes onto my ass. I'm very sure he was also attracted to me, this isn't one sided.

After I got to the lobby, I eye searched the whole place for Rose but she wasn't there then I made my way to the door.

I saw the security man from before with his hat still present on his head, he gave me a pleasant smile which I returned back with my most charming smile.

I hailed a cab and got in after giving him the direction of the hospital.

I could only hope mom won't be disappointed in me for the choice I made. Shock is an understatement for what I'm feeling right now.

"What?!" I screamed

"I will never marry you Trevor Reynolds. Not in this life and certainly not in next either." I spat venomously.

"Alessia, it's not like I want to be involved with you" he drawled out. I can't deny that his words didn't hurt. Sure, he's an ego manic, but still he managed to arouse some sort feelings from me.

"...and it's not like we'll be married for life. It's just six months contract to get my parents off my back, and if you're worried about sex, don't worry, I know how to take care of myself. I promise I won't touch you without your consent" he finished.

Six months!

Will I survive six months with him? Already, he makes my knees go jelly when he speaks to me not to talk of actually living with him for six months.

"Will there be romantic gestures?" I asked the question that has been bugging my mind since I saw that insanely stupid contract. How did he even managed to draw a contract that so fast or maybe he has it with since and that only means one thing, he had her investigated. God! Of course she knew a powerful business tycoon like him would have private investigators. Obviously, he knew about her mom's health status and every single thing about her damn life even her name. To think he had feigned ignorance in not knowing who she was when she came in a while ago.

"Yes there would be, but for the public eyes. If you want to take it further, we can do whatever we what without anyone bothering us but that's only if you want it" he said twirling his pen between his fingers.

Was he suggesting sex? Eeww! Okay that's total a lie, she would absolutely loved to be devoured by him.

Dios! she sound like a sex starved animal, though she hadn't had sex before, so what?

It's not like she believes in the traditional sex before marriage thing or guys didn't hit on her, it's just that she never had the time for meaningless flings nor serious relationship.

"You can go fuck yourself for all I care. Are we done? I need to go to the hospital soon" I said impatiently. My ass is already sore for sitting so long without some sort of amusement or fun, he didn't even offer her coffee or any refreshment. This dude sure needs a manner check, lucky for him, he found me or maybe we found each other.

"Back to your mom, I'll be paying her bills from now on and apart from that, you'll be paid one million dollars for this ruse" he said looking straight into my eyes, searching for any form of disagreement on what he just said. And there sure is.

"You will not be paying my mom's hospital bills. I can take care of her myself, your help isn't required" I replied back. I need to get my ass up from this seat, it's so uncomfortable and I'm already bored out of my mind.

"okay, fine. Sure both of you will be staying with me starting from tomorrow but I'll get your mom a personal nurse who will be staying with her 24/7 and please don't talk me out on this. You will get the first half of your payment before the sun sets, the movers will come get your stuff tomorrow. I'm a very impatient man Alessia, so our marriage is in three days because I don't see any reason in wasting more time"

Three days? How do I tell mom about this? How do I explain the change in environment to her? This is so fucked up.

"Since we have established some sort of agreement which you're okay with. You can now sign the contract now, wouldn't want to waste more of your time" he said after I didn't say anything to the previous statement he made.

I opened the folder once again and signed the contract. I returned the folder back to him after I was done. His gaze bore into mine making me feel hot and bothered.

I need to get the hell out of this place now! With the way my body is reacting to his presence, I might later end up begging him to fuck me.

"You can take your leave now Alessia, it's nice doing business with you. I'll update you later about the contract, hope you've saved my contact?" I shook my head

"Then save it now. You wouldn't want to have your soon to be husband's contact not saved on your phone, right Alessia"

I gave him a nod, while removing my cell phone from my purse along with his business card. I saved the number on the black card into my phone and returned both back to my purse.

I'm one minute from telling him to stop calling me by Alessia, his voice does unspoken things to me. To be honest, I hate it when other people call me by Alessia instead of Aless but the way his tongue curls when he pronounces it makes me feel proud for bearing such a beautiful name.

He might be a blackmailer and a hell lot rude but the fact still remains that he's irresistibly, undeniably hot.

That guy is a fucking walking Greek god, no wonder his bimbo of a secretary almost went completely nude to get his attention.

"Good, have a nice day Alessia Maxwell" he said with a smile or perhaps was it a smirk, I don't even know, but it hid some underlying message.

I gave him a my 'get yourself checked mentally' smile and walked myself out.

I could feel his gaze burn holes onto my ass. I'm very sure he was also attracted to me, this isn't one sided.

After I got to the lobby, I eye searched the whole place for Rose but she wasn't there then I made my way to the door.

I saw the security man from before with his hat still present on his head, he gave me a pleasant smile which I returned back with my most charming smile.

I hailed a cab and got in after giving him the direction of the hospital.

I could only hope mom won't be disappointed in me for the choice I made.