Original: Dancerotica

"Damn! Girl, I could turn gay for you." Hailey said, just as I entered the room.

She stared up and down at me in satisfaction.

I wouldn't lie, the dress brought out every curves I got blessed with. The large cross at the front exposed the curves of my breast more than I liked. The little mid-thigh slits were my favourites, I don't know what they were supposed to do, but I loved them nevertheless.

I had brushed my hair back and tied it into a sleek ponytail, so my back was bare for the world to see. On a good Alessia day, I wouldn't have worn anything that exposed my body like that.

I already did little makeup on my face, nothing a powder, strawberry gloss, eyeliner and mascara wouldn't fix, courtesy of YouTube.

"Do not tell me you bought this dress to seduce Trevor? Girl, you sneaky bitch" Hailey laughed, she got up and pulled her dress down. Mine was a little bit shorter than hers.

Well, that's a first.

I rolled my eyes at her "Of course not, everything in that closet was already arranged by his maid except the little boxes I brought with me so don't make stupid assumptions." I flipped her off.

"Do that boy got a taste? Hell ya! You lucky girl." She drawled out.

"I bet my kitty, his assistant purchased them. Trust me" I said, uninterested.

"Whatever. It's yours now. You fine though" she paused and gave me a stare down.

"That boy should have been here" she finished.

"Shall we go? Miss? We don't have all night, right?" I snapped my fingers at her.

"Of course, of course. Don't mind the little drool on my face, you did that." She pointed at my dress.

I laughed out loud, my best friend got a little cray cray going on in her head.


"Finally!" I exclaimed.

We had been on and about, looking for the best club till Hailey finally settled for Dancerotica.

The hottest club in the city, opened for only the elites.

Hailey's one of them though.

We entered the club after a very frustrating long queue.

It was wednesday night for Christ sake! I didn't expect the club to be so full, it was by luck that we got and by that luck, it's no other than Hailey.

Nothing men wouldn't do for tits.

Just as expected, the room was filled up and very hot. On the dance floor, all I saw was sweaty bodies grinding on each other, making out and gropeling in public.

Dry humping in public, seriously?

Rich kids would always be rich kids, after all, they're entitled.

I swallowed up my nervousness and calmed the erratic beating of my heart. Maybe that was the loud music.

Hailey grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her, whilst pushing and bumping the drunk people as we were walking.

We managed to make it to the bar in one piece, I pulled a chair and sat on it. Hailey did the same too.

We both ordered a shot whisky.

The bartender passed us a glass each, I smiled in appreciation at him and took mine out of his hand.

I brought the glass to my mouth, I let my tongue dance around the tip for a couple of seconds before drinking it up. I savoured the hotness of the drink as it hit my taste buds, just what I needed.

Hailey left me as soon as she got a man on her tail, he whisked her into one of the private rooms in the bar. I insisted she shouldn't follow the stranger but she wouldn't listen, she kept on chanting you only live once until the private room swallowed her.

With nothing to do, I turned my back to the bar and faced the room. I glanced from one couple to another, not really interested in their PDAs that burnt my eyes with every passing seconds.

Just as I was about to turn back to the nice bartender, a very familiar silhouette that sat on a couch behind the VIP curtains got my attention, an unknown blonde was grinding him slowly, he held onto her thighs and brought her closer. The curtains were visible but I couldn't see the man's face because the blonde was sucking on his neck. They looked like they were having sex, but I could clearly see they were not.

A bodyguard drew the curtains to the side to make way for himself, unknowingly exposing my new distraction. I was stunned when the blonde's man turned to the entrance and his eyes met mine.

Icy tears stung the corner of my eyes, taunting and threatening to spill out.

This wasn't me. I couldn't let him see me like this. I hurriedly composed myself.

My face lost all its colour as the man pushed the poor blonde. I stood up from my seat, ready to prance out from the impending danger of a man brewing at the other side of the club.

The blonde rolled her eyes and picked up her belongings but not before flipping him off and then, she left.

I brought out my phone and quickly texted Hailey I left already.

He stood up and made his way to me. Why should he?

I took a step back as he got closer, closer, just six seconds more. And there he was, right infront of me, looking very flustered from his previous event that got disrupted by me.

My breath hitched as he stood elegantly infront of me, looking gorgeous as ever. He had a very deep v-neck t-shirt on which accentuated his ripped muscles and mouth watering washboard abs. He looked like a playboy Adonis ready to wreck every girl's heart in his blue jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly.

A clear evidence that he literally lived in his gym.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"You don't need to say anything, I never thought I would see you here. I wouldn't have come, had I know." I spat out.

He tsked and said, "Jealousy don't look good on you Alessia."

Really? That was all he was going to say? After I saw him in a very compromising position.

"I'm not jealous. Why would I be? I'm not surprised though, you did far worse earlier. The only difference is that, you didn't put your junk in her trunk this time. Goodnight fiance." I said and walked out on him.

That felt good.
