Original: I can't take it anymore!

Immediately I got to Trevor's house, I rushed into my room, undressing in a hurry. I dashed into the bathroom to cry my eyes out under the hot shower.

Satisfied and spent, I turned off the shower knob, I grabbed a towel from the railings as I got out of the shower. I left the room and sauntered toward the walk-in closet.

I changed into a pair of PJs. I sat down infront of the vanity, drying my wet hair.

Swollen eyes, just great!

I tied it up into a lazy up-do, I stayed like that for a couple of minutes, lost in thoughts whilst twitching my engagement ring.

I went back to the room, I sat on the bed, reminiscing about all that happened. My anger resurfaced when a picture of Trevor with the blonde popped up in my head. How dare he?

How could he do that to me? Twice in a row for making me look stupid. I never signed up for any of this, I didn't want to get married but then I got myself into this mess by wrecking his car.

In a very twisted way, he has changed my life since our first encounter, maybe I should just let it go.


"Trevor! Good way to ruin my mood." I muttered under my breath.

"You in there?"

I reluctantly made my way to the door, I pulled it open only to be met with a pair of blue eyes staring deeply into my soul.

"Why did you walked out on me at the club? And yes, what were you doing alone in a club, especially in that black dress Alessia?"

"Whatever things I do with my time is none of your business just like yours isn't. For you information, I wasn't alone, I went with a friend." I replied with venom laced in my voice.

"Is that friend by any chance, Hailey?" He questioned with a brow raised. He was still in his clothes, meaning he just got back.

Bravo! Real gentleman indeed.

"Last time I checked, your business isn't my business so mine shouldn't be yours too, right?" I sneered at him. Yeah Aless! So much for letting the resentment go.

"You're going to be my wife! Sorry to burst your bubble, but yeah, your business is mine. And never speak to me in that fucking tone, ever again, Alessia." He growled out.

So now, he's playing that card? He's got another thing coming for him.

"Let's start with the way you addressed me yesterday like I was some homeless dog that you rescued in the rain then later, you realised you didn't even wanted it in the first place but there was nothing you could do about it, like I was a fucking burden to you Reynolds! As if that was not enough, you practically threw your girlfriend in my face, I kno-"

He cut me off. Great.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" He feigned confusion.

"Are you fucking with me or something? Please don't act confused now, it's not cute. Red thong, remember?" I air-quoted the last sentence.

His eyes lit up in recognition "Oh! Priscilla" he said.

"I don't care about whatever goddamn name she bears, do you how it feels like in the eyes of your house keeper? I will tell you, even though she didn't say it but I read it in her eyes, she thought 'oh my boss is cheating on his fiancee, he even had the guts to shove it in her face.' Although, I do not blame her, I blame you. How could you? You made me feel like a fool in front of her and do you know the worst part? I slept in the same room you had sex, same fucking room!" I yelled out the last part.

"If it's about the room, I'm sorry about that, Clarisse fucked that up, you weren't supposed to see that, and if it's about me sleeping with a woman, you knew damn well about that part and if you can't remember, I told you I know how to take care of myself when it comes to sexual activities. If I don't know better I will start to think you're jealous or something , don't worry I'm all yours, just ask." He smirked in victory.

'You weren't supposed to see that.' I wasn't supposed to see that? Good words Trevor.

"Wow! Thank goodness you know better. You know what? Hell will have to freeze before I sleep with you. If you think I'm jealous then you're definitely lacking in the detecting department, you need to get your facts right. You're just borderline rude and disrespec-"

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Complete. That. Sentence! Show's over now and I think you're forgetting your place here. Just because I didn't say anything when you demanded Clarisse say shits to you or when you ordered her to leave doesn't mean I'm stupid, that was respect! You don't have any damn right to call me names, I repeat no fucking right. Now you better fucking give me the respect I deserve!

"Respect huh? What do you fucking know about respect? You and respect don't even fit in the same place, you're egotistical, rude, obnoxious, every word that's opposite of respect and if you think I must respect you then you're definitely wrong, respect is earned not forced mister! Just because it's your house doesn't mean you alone can make the rules, in this house, I'm your fiancee and unfortunately you're my fiance, better start acting like one or people will start to think this engagement is fake, even though it's true."

He stared at me. He literally just stared at me for a couple of seconds that felt like hours, then he spoke,

"When you talked about the dog shit, I realised you do have an artistic mind, use it wisely. By the way, bother me some other day, your stuffs are in your actual room, ask Clarisse to show you to your new room, I have better things to attend to." And he left.

He left.


I removed the engagement ring from my finger, even though the ring already meant so much to me in little time, I just couldn't deal with the fact that Trevor gave it to me. I didn't care if I was making a rash decision but it was just too much.

Boys are troubles.

Was I too harsh to him? No! He had it coming, it's not like he didn't deserved it. He walked out on me bro! No one had ever walked out on me and he did it with little effort, that bruised my ego.

Currently, I'm on my way to Hailey's place, I called her earlier to talk about Trevor but then she said 'words like this are better said face to face'.

The cab driver pulled into a spot, I opened my purse and brought out cash. I got to Hailey's house at exactly eleven forty five in the night.

I tapped his back, he faced me, smiling expectantly "Here. Keep the change" I said to him. He smiled and thanked me.

I got out and exhaled, a lot really happened today.