

Orchard University :-( most expensive and most high maintenance university .This is the university where every student would dream about to be part of. It is not like a normal university but a luxurious showroom of education. All the big professionals and rich peoples of this country comes from here. every student here is well-knowing childrens of celebrities, businessmen, heirs to big co-operations or at least an self builts artist. 

It's rich men's society. Where students with lower ,poor backgrounds is not allowed or hard to be seen. )

Professor Miss sealnar :- " students remember this. Its all important of exam point of view . Now we are starting with other new important topic. but before that . Who's miss Alex here? she missed my almost every lecture this week?"

"I'm here professor! '' I arrived at the door wearing branded dungri ,Louis Vuitton bag in my hand with my two friends Linda and Lia. Every students present at the classroom hall looked at me with a shocking expressions.

"Miss Alex  your 30 mintnes late,!". Her eyes staring at me. Probably thinking about what punishment she should give me.

" I know I know !" I said ignoring her eyes. I went towards my sit and got sitted on. I saw Linda and Lia still standing over the door and I was like why they did not follow me back.

" Miss Alex!  I think your family didn't teach you any manners like this girl's do. They know that are late so they are still standing there for my permission to come in, but you!"

Her eyes are now is in more angered then they were. I saw all the students silently watching our conversation. Not a single noise in class. They all are scared.

I looked at her in anger, No one ever has raised there voice against me or put there finger on my family.

" I think Miss. Professor you're new here that's why you don't know who you should offend and who you should not.!" I literally gave her a silent warning before 100 students sitting in the class.

If she was a ordinary professor she would had been scared over the warnings.Miss Selenar was old but she was a currining fox, she won't surrender to a girl half of her age.

She stood before my desk. Her eyes was proof that she is not taking any bullstit from me either.

" miss Alex ! oh I think it's better for you to leave my class and better not attend any of it in future. So it will be easier for me to fail you this year in my subject . your too proud of your family status. I suggest you to take lessons from your mother then". She sarcastically smile at me.

I was in rage. I was controlling my anger. How can she bring my mother into it. But I don't wanted to take it futherer. Because I'm scared. Scared what if this fight tuns in dirty. Father would punish me and she would fail me. It's not the first time I've been in any fights and my grades are declining. It's not good.

The only person I loved, respect and care about is my Dad in this entire world. The thought of him knowing all this things will lead me in to deep trouble. I don't know what will he do if it's happened again.

It's better to bury this deep.

I went towards the door ignoring her stand before my desk. I Stood there and ask for her permission to come in again. I really don't wanted to continue this.


I don't know what happened but she banged the bench loudly. I was shocked for a moment and looked over to her face.she was looking at me as if I have kicked her a*s out of blue.

" miss Alex!  What do you think of yourself. Are you mocking me?resulting me? before entire class with your sarcastic moves??."

" I think your mother has taught you all this things. Your mother too? is she like you ill-mannered and arrogant? " her voice tensed high and echoed in class hall. All the students where surprised . Busting of this sudden  lava eruption of miss sealnar it's the first time for them to see.

But they are more eager to see my reaction. They know miss selenar had put her finger in bees Have. She shouldn't had offended the one and only heir, and over the top a hot tempered girl. They known as hotheaded princess.

My body felt that it's been heating with rage and anger. My mind stopped working entirely by her Mentioning my mother name and insulting her before 100 students.

No one dared to opened there mouth before my family. But she openly insulting. I should tell you who you had crossed your path with. I should tell her who she is talking with, is the heir of . " The Williams ".

Williams is the richest family in this country. I'm the sole heir of this family.

Williams is the surname. who had full domination over this countries business'es . All the big firms, organization and companies are under the control of this name. Biggest construction company, industrial equipments, marinary business, import and export. Stores chains, food and beverages ,entainments all the things all is under her family's name.

Alex is a big shot every student and staff knows that's. on top of that she was hot headed bitch. so they used to change there path if they saw Alex Williams from long. But miss selenar was new in this country. she didn't knew with who she was messing with.!

" I was trying to be gentle and wanted to give respect to you but I don't think you deserve this miss old lady " I stood there staring at her eyes with the same anger. That we both command.

"Haa!! ". We all head  small giggles in the class on my speech. Which turns that professors head in more anger.

" get out! get out from my class!! And Don't show your face to me ever again". she bust out over me with a hot rage she was carrying.

But I was more arrogant then she was I won't get down before returning every bit of insult she has gaven me.

" sure!  I will go. Me too don't want to stay,Because I also don't like to see a old fox's face who always trying to flirt with boys half of her age. Shame on such lady calling self experienced professor" I said sarcastically smiling over her face.

Gossiping voices ecoched around the class. All of the students now was discussing over the points and judging the professor with there silent questions with eachothers.

It's not new everybody knows that miss selenar was old  perverted lady. she's almost 59 years of age but she still flirts with younger boys and younger staffs.

Now her blood started to boiling she can't take this much of nonsense from this arrogant girl. I saw her hand twitching in anger. Maybe she was controlling herself for not slapping my face.

But I was more stubborn then her I wanted to see if she dared to do it. If she dared then maybe she is near to lose her hands. I stood there silently Examining her actions.

All the class turned silently too. They also can feel something is fishy that she was about to slap me hard.

Selenar's dam of anger hyped up she took her hand in air to slap me and I was waiting for it.

Suddenly. A girl shouted.

" ma'am a boy in back fainted " all the class attention drived at back to the that student.  Miss selenar also got her attention at the back and went running towards that boy.

She was lucky that boy fainted otherwise she could have been in hospital if she had slapped me. I looked over at back towards the crowd in circle. I smiled at them and went out of class from that chaos.

That boy saved her.

"No one in the world should offend Alex Williams. " or theyll meet there ending.

Flashback over

Alex!  Alex!!  Are you sleeping with eyes open. I was backed by the rude voice of Mr sarman the one arrogant old man known as the " watchman " of crystal jewelry oppointed by the head ceo.

"Miss Alex I guess we give salaries for working and not for sleeping inside the office.

I shock my head in sorry posture. Focusing my full attention over the computer screen.

" it's not the only one time today you had made a mistake. But you came 5 mintues late!  How much late?  5 minutes!!! He louded his voice over the sentence 5 minutes to make me guilty.

" sir, there was a huge traffic out there , thats the reason but it's only 5 minutes I arrived late " my voice was very humble. My head was facing the ground. I was apoplectic.

" oh! So your telling me that 5 minutes is not a big deal? So let me tell you what could have happened in 5 minutes " he went towards his desk and removed a slip out of a book "

"Here take this! " he handed me a slip and I was surprised. This was the slip for late marking it's means today will be marked as half day for me. Result toadys salary will reduct.

I wanted to question him but he went inside without giving a eyes towards me. I couldn't do anything.

I remembered the girl I was and the girl I became now. The girl I was will never tolerate this things but the girl I am have no other options. Many things happened in middle that made me this was. Humbled and recessive.

Next part :-

"Everyone have there attention over hear .

Crystal jewelry company  is now taken over by foreign gaint company mystery and Co.

The owner of mystery and Co brought out crystal jewls. He will be a new partner of crystals. He will arrive tomorrow so I request t oh all of you to be respectful and professionals".


Hello FAM sorry for not posting anything for this week's. The reason is that I was sick. But I will a sure that new parts will come early.

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Thanks tak care.

You can also follow me on instagram des_neylovesyou.
