
sat on my desk which was right side of the corner back of CEO's offices . This side is all hidden for the peoples eyes. No ones comes in this side. Basically this place is called shadow side of office.

It's not a common place for anyone to visit without having work with me.That's why I was able to have my sound sleep for more then 2 hours.

It was pleasant  untill ,our CEO miss Ana Warner appointed Mr sarman the watchman of employees to keep eyes on us. And one day he red handedly caught me while drooling in sleep. from then on its really hard to for me to even take a small nap in this shadow area side.

My shift is from morning 9 am to evening 5 pm but miss Ana always gives me more work then anybody. And make me up till 9 pm at night. It's not that I don't get extra income, but that's to low for my work as it should have deserve.

But I can't do anything or say anything , I have a apartment to pay EMIs of. I can't sit quite.

It's been 2 day I haven't saw James after his proposal. I only know that there's some important collaboration gonna happen and for that he has been selected to make a visit to country A.

It's a big project and a collaboration that all the staff are working in double shifts until anything gets disclosed.

" Everyone please gather in company hall we have a big announcement miss Ana will personally announcing the news." a staff member came in the cafeteria where we were eating our lunch .

What it could be that Ana is handling it personally? Let's see. I could hear all the employees gossiping about the new collaboration gonna held between crystal jewls and mystery Co.

It's something really big??

We assembled at the hall like small kids in prayers do. All we was chatting with each other until we saw a stunning personality entering in.

" so hello "How are you all? "she spoke like a angel" I heard a girl in back. "Wow!"  "What a beauty!"  Such a classy women"

I could only hear the compliments for the person standing before us. And she deserves it ,why because she is the CEO miss Ana Warner.

Before me is the girl who started her  her own business at  the age of 13 and now she is 20 years of age and successful. She is the youngest ceos in the town. She has its all beauty with brains. Where could we see a girl with both qualitys.

Her face is like a angel in heaven. Her voice is melodic as Jass song. Her body is like a flowerpot perfectly curved around. She is all.

That why not only men's but all the women's too have a girly crush over her. She is perfect.

But only if she was...

" so here I wanted to personally make an appearance to notify you all an important new bout our company will be going through.

"We all know that our manger Mr James Lawrence visited country A for a important deal with mystery and Co, For a brand collaboration. But the circumstances changed a little bit and we couldn't be able to brand collaborate over some issues".

"So we both the owners of crystal and mystery and Co. Had decided and came over to a solution suggested by mystery and Co, owner. That We both will be partners for our new brand launching under the name "MYSTAL" jewelry.

Clapps!!! Clapps!!! 

All the people's including me was clapping very hard we are so happy over it. It's a big change for the company that we are launching a new brand over this 5 years. It could give a new peak of new success and it's means incriminate in salaries.

Finally I will be able to save extra money after paying my EMIs.

"We both have decide to form a new company under "mystal". New name new style and new venues, new employees. "she made us shocked.

" what? New employees???  We are not able to digest what she said at last. "What she mean by new employees?? And what about us?" all the hall goes around gossiping in tension but not could directly ask miss Ana about this announcement why because we all we are scared to even raise a voice.

Miss Ana is known as beauty with brains but also know as angery goddess. She is so hot tempered personality. She is a perfectionist and an ambitious women all she do is work and work all day.

Attachments and relationships are less mattered in her life. And one bigger thing is that she hates poor and flithy people's. We could never know but she really hate or allergic to dirt and poor. She can't tolerate it.

That why whenever we go inside her cabin we stood at a long distance from  her table and stuffs.

" ma'am I'm sorry but what do you mean by new employees and what about us? " a man in crowd dared to question her back.

" oh!  Yes about you all. We both decided to shift our branch to a new place bigger and more precious one. So it's all new. You all have to re-interview again if you wanted to part of it I'll recommend you all to work on yourself again and get selected "

"She smiled like its nothing to her. How could she do it after all we were there for her at the initial stage of the company and now" Mrs Sharon went all over when we arrived at cafeteria again.

"yes! I'm too old to search for a job and re - interview what does it's means ". Mrs Karen spoke as if lifes over for her.

I too have to maintain and rebuild my skills as I can't afford to leave this job.

~ evening~

I arrived at my apartment to see the lights on inside. What the hell who could it be at this time at night.

"Could it be a thief?? " I went inside with a big wooden lodge in my hand. I'll just knock him out and call a police afterwards.

But to my surprise it was!!!


Hello FAM what are you all doing?

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while as you all know am not in good health now but will recover faster and will post many parts at once.

So todays part it's kind of small as compared to previous parts but I will try to edit all the parts for grammar mistakes and plots related things to stay tuned for more.

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Bye take care.

You can also follow me on instagram ID des_tinylovesyou.
