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I was typically traumatised with life that I, at some point, felt useless and I had no meaning in this realm. Little did I know what was anticipating in my way....through adversity I trudged forward in life with my little uncensored mind into a world of dark misfortune with profound race, odd habits, I became one of them ....the dark eye Living with the scars.

It all undertook place when mum and dad saw their grave after a cold blood murder by my uncle Tony Blair. who always had grudges with dad Allison Duke over my grandpa's Laverne Tenerife company of all goods.

I remember on occasions I could meet them arguing but when they saw me they pretended as nothing happened. I could see the distress and rage in my father s eyes when he came to comfort me. I thought it was about grandfather but came to realize later that it wasn't all about that.

My grandfather, Pike Johansson, one of the widely renowned dealers of all goods, owning one of the biggest stores and a company in Mexico City, had recently passed away leaving his only two sons to inherit his property. Since There was no will left, it had to be a matter to be dealt with by the court of law.

That's when my envied uncle Tony, on hearing the shares and fortune of their late father Pike Johansson, would be distributed equally among his two beloved children Tony Blair and Allison Duke. I was only seven but I could see the difference between my father and uncle.

on one serene night, Toney made the unforgettable.

I was jolted from sleep by the sound of breaking glass.I wasn't sure what was going on as I lay in paralysis of fright.

As seconds ticked past, no other sound disturbed the night, I began to wonder if the sound was real or just a mere fragment of a dream, then another noise -the tinkle of glass shards being swept and crunched with great force as though two elephants on a war, which was undeniably real, drifted from the next room, I wasn't assertive but I could tell it was from my parent's room.

I sat up, mouth dry with fear as I fumbled for the switch just beside my bed.

The struggles and screams now even clear but a bit deem, looking at my watch, what the f*CK, it's 1:00 a.m, muscles locked, I jumped off my bed and hurriedly in my pyjamas rushed to see what was happening. From a distance, I could see shadows that seemed to fight as, as a figure like a knife raised stabbing the other.

A cold chill ran down my spine.

"Why is dad holding a knife and who is that he is stabbing?....could it be....." I flagged off the thought as I crept closer, my heart thumping with such a velocity. Chills ran down my spine.

"Could it be a mom?" trying to visualise the despicable sentiment.

"No, it can't be" shaking off my head cursing the thought. as if the thou it had clung into my mind with

I went blank and all I needed was...

"How can dad be stabbing mom after all these years of happiness and besides they never quarrelled, on top of it all there are over 20 guards and 15 bodyguards in and out the mansion and let the action happen?"

On reaching the doorstep of my parent's room, I couldn't behold the sight I saw, father, lying frantically on the floor, motionless as blood oozed over the floor, his sleepwear dyed with blood....his troat cut off as. mother crying out, As she is being held on the flow by two gigantic men in veneers.  Dad! , tears uncontrollably gushing.

"Get that boy!" Toney yelled

"Guards" ... my voice echoing downstairs, it was like the house was deserted.

"They are no guards, they are all dead caiseley.....poisoned....run.. run son..."

I could see mother straggling to stand up as the men in blue are approaching. I was clueless.

In a flinch I found myself running down the staircase, mothers voice racing from behind.

"Not my son, not my son" those desperate words of a mother fighting the men to bear me a chance of escape still cling in my psyche till today as she was stabbed to her forehead by Toney. She looked at me, slowly fell to the ground with a thud.

Her eyes vividly showing the pain she felt. Tears rolling down her chick.

I rushed out of the house, jumped over the gate and off I was crossing the streets, into the woods, quickly picking my legs as fast as they could take me. With no hesitation and destination, I found myself in a new world.

"Why...why....you papa.....why mama?"

Tony Blair, gained all he wanted, he became the new chairperson of the company, while I went to the unknown world, a world where no one recognised me.

Drastically, my life-changing like a nightmare from a family of millionaires to a street child, from a loved family to an orphan, scavenging from litter bins, eating decomposed dog food, sleeping with rats rattling all over, cats, dogs, and even pigs. I was hamstrung, all I could do is try to strive in this adversity.

They became my home, my brother and sister. I lived in dark, drank, and ate in the dark. But I had one thing always bulging in my psyche," he had to pay at any cost", "They have to pay"

After years of larceny, I became one of the powerful gangs in the city, all we did is to ambush, Rob, and kill whenever we felt. After year's I became the boss; leader of the black eye gang.

Led with rage, l killed with no mercy,

"Please spear me for today, I have a family to take care of"

"How does it feel weakling?....your number....."

The words of pity were like music rhyming and beating down my soul, My joy is the cry and the affected lineages. Anyone who came in my way could feel the wrath.l  wanted the world to feel the same trauma, I went through,  I wanted to avenge. Yes a miscreant, but I don't give a damn.

The most ironic part was, Yet after all the killing, neither did it relieve me nor give me the pride sensation of vengeance for my family.

However, besides all the killing I felt guilty in the sense that in every murder I went to church and asked for forgiveness. This wasn't me, I had to change, but how, how can I...the words echoed as they sank in my mind.

'What's our next move captain asked Broly, one of my disciples.

"Yeah boss, tell us what to do next" Franky yelled

"Shut up" I shouted, my rage heard in the thunderous voice frequencies radioing all over the cabin.

"I'm the sorry boss"

" you may now all leave my presence"

"Hey man"

paisley Leon, my best buddy ushering in with a glimpse, amused by the movements of the boys leaving the room...his eyes glued at me lively and fresh, firmly fixed to their sockets.

"What's up" looking at Leon paisley indignantly.

"I know something is bothering you...." moving closer

"Am fine, just having a headache that's all" trying to sound as calm as possible.

"you can open up to me, you can always count on me, buddy" his arm reluctantly....

I had to open up and tell Paisley the reason behind my mood. yes, I had to open up.

"Yes, I feel there is  someone I should kill, my uncle Tony Blair"

"Do you mean the jerk who killed your parents?"

Paisley was my best friend and was like a brother to me, a buttress in everything I executed.  He was like the main mastermind of everything I had accomplished, the killing, robbing...but that didn't make him a bad fella. As the saying goes "not all evil is evil, and all good to be good" so as paisley, who also had humour just Like any folk.

"Yeah", I asserted

"How nasty and furious I feel when I remember that name, Tony Blair, that infuriating animal, a bustard, yet claiming a gentleman after all he did, killing my parents, my blood, my family...... I could help the tears that gushed out my eyes when I remember the sight of my mother and father being slaughtered, stabbed to death to buy me time to get away. I felt hopeless, I couldn't do anything".

"Don't be harsh on your self boss, we as humans sometimes make mistakes and in the end, we regret every single deed we did....we have to learn to forgive and let the past be the past"

"Let the past lag in the past?"

"Are you even listening to yourself?" balking to whatever he enunciated.

Yes, I know it was risky and could cost me my life, but I couldn't restrain myself whenever the shadows of my past fogged my mind and all I could think of was the vengeance of my parents through making Tony suffer or even 'kill him'.

The voice "caiseley, run...caiseley......" kept me on my heels. I never knew where I presided, but I had to go as far as I could. Little did I know  I had company when I heard voices from behind saying " don't let him escape...we have to catch that little brat"

now being one of the most famous and popular businessmen in Mexico City, owning over ten companies with over fifty shares in diverse companies.

One swizzling day, on a bush near Tony's apartment, I hid there with my gun firmly gripped, waiting for that bustard to appear, I clenched my teeth, hoping for him to show up, but couldn't help the trembling feeling in me.

"He is my uncle, why ...why...then...should I....." a voice rang in my head

"No do it, finish this once and for all ....you are a man can't you see?" Another echoed

"We make mistakes which in the end we regret.....learn to vindicate "those words Leon Paisley.....why.....

Suddenly, he appeared, carrying his briefcase as his spouse or my aunt, Claire Sasha, walked him towards his red posh car, I couldn't help the sight of his chubby ledges, which got me freaking and sending the hell out of me, I looked at my Beretta M9, peered at Tony from the bush as he received a call and waving goodbye to his wife. my revenge, my parent's revenge was on the way.

Is he talking to his client on the phone and entered his car. I aimed my pistol, targeting the head. I knew with one bullet it could turn Toney into the living dead, yet I couldn't pull the trigger.

"Good morning Martha.....yeah.....Am on my way, hope everything is okay, just tell attorney Sebastian deluxe, to wait for me in my office....ok, am on my way"

The voice again "don't do it", my hands shaking and sweating,

"why can't can't I?"

This is my chance to avenge ....please let ...please me do away with this once and for all"

I watched helplessly as he drove away; giving him another to change to enjoy his breath.

I gave him a chance, but killing wasn't going to be the solution.  I had to let it go and come away to claim my right, my father and grandfather's property to claim the right that I could have two decades ago.