It a new dazzling morning, the bird's chirps could be heard from a distance, tweeting as they jumped sun shone reluctantly as blurry and weakly procured from my bed. My all body felt numb agonizing as though the ghost of Kariba had been pondering me the whole night. Gingerly retorting to the now horizon sparkling like broken pieces of glass exposed to the 'red eye'.
Stretching up as I was fluffing up and down the curtains, something drew my ear.......could it be....
I was always profound of being alone and I lived with no one except husky, my dog. It seemed I had a visitor today....
But today it seemed I had an intruder whose footsteps grew louder and louder up the stairway as they directly were heading to my room.
But husky seemed not bothered as I couldn't hear him bark, as he always did whenever there was a knock on the door or another dog cutting across the streets.
And then.....the doorknob....
With a flinch, I Turned to my pistol just laid above the drawer beside my bed .firmly gripped aiming at the intruder....pulses in my veins....heart thumping with adrenaline....skipping above my rib cage...breaths and huffs in, out.
Gosh!, Sighing the tension out. Numbly Paisley looked at me as his shock and heart thump could be heard with discerned beating above his cage.
"How did you get in?.... I mean how" questions flunking in and out my mind with unvalidatable alibis. Since when he becomes a genie, I solely believed genies exist in movies and Hester's like in Sofia the first in Disney junior...I mean I was always fond of the show.
But this...this was beyond my reasoning.
"It's me man" he called out, smiling slavishly. He had an obsession with budging in without knocking which made me irritated as if being chased with bees from a beehive giving you their treat of hospitality.
"Who told you that you can budge in someone's apartment without his will ...thank God I got to see it's you, or else you could be dead meat"
With a smirk "so you could kill your best friend, man come on"
"Let's leave alone that, what brought you here this morning?"
"Well I came to check on you, I heard from the boys that you risked your life going to Toney's apartment"
"Yeah, I was there yesterday"
"Do you how dangerous that place is, a slight move can cost you man...what were you thinking. Going there without even asking the boys to accompany you or even asking for a backup"
I could see the frustration in his yielded face. As trenches and contours cut across his forehead. His sunken, grey pupils eyes and impulsing veins turned red as thou.......denoting the rile. Yes, I know he cared but...I kept quiet since I knew whatever was winking in my brain wasn't a nice excuse to free myself From my best criticizer.
"This mission was mine and I felt it should be only accomplished by me, Besides, it is my father and mother's vengeance...and saw there's no need to involve you guys " trying to sound as reasonable as possible, with a sheepish grin.
Agitated, paisley felt to pounce on me.
"For heaven's sake, thank you are still alive or rather now you could be fed to the dogs"
"Dogs? huh" giving a gritty whiff.