Chapter 2

Alison's POV

We had only just gotten out of the gym and the bell was still 5 minutes away. Olivia, Molly and I were walking around the school just waiting.

I felt like the bell was taking forever and Molly was over walking around. "I'm going to my homeroom" Molly said looking between Olivia and I. We both nodded and we all went our separate ways.1

I walked to the door with number 65 on it and knocked on the door. I heard heels clicking towards the door. The door swung open and there stood Miss Miller.

"Hey Miss, mind if I come in a bit early?" I asked looking into her eyes. She stared back into my eyes and smiled. "Yeah of course, what was your name?" She asked.

"Alison, Alison Ford" I replied extending my hand to her. She Reached her hand out and shook mine. The second our hands connected I felt a shock through my body.

I stood there for a second before pulling my hand back before it got weird. "Take a seat anywhere you like" she smiled. I nodded staring into her deep blue eyes.

I turned and found a seat in the middle. I didn't want to sit in the very front cause that would be weird so I took a seat in the second row.

As I sat down the bell rang and Miss Miller got up and started walking to the door. She opened it then stood there welcoming students into class.

Once everyone had piled in the classroom Miss Miller walked over to the whiteboard and wrote her name out. "Hello everyone, As you should all know I'm Miss Miller. I will try my best to learn all the names ASAP but no promises" she giggled at the end.

Her giggle was so cute. I laughed at bit at her joke and she looked to me and smiled. Oh shit no one else was laughing, they were all just staring at me.

"Anyway for the next 5 minutes we are just going to go around and say something about ourselves. I'll start, my name is Brianna Miller but you's have to call me Miss Miller." She smiled

One of the boys beside me threw this hand into the air. "yes?" Miss Miller asked. "How old are you?" He asked with a cocky tone.

"I'm 24" she replied bluntly and just like that the bell rang stopping anymore questions. "Okay everyone have a good day, I'll see you all tomorrow" she said waving everyone off.

My first subject was Math which is what I was excited for. I hated math so much but it was only only class with Olivia and Molly.

I stepped through the door and spotted the girls sitting up the back laughing with each other. I walked passed the teacher who was already writing on the board.

When I got closer to the girls Olivia got up and ran to me. "So how is she?! Is she even better to talk to?! Is she-" I cut her off "Liv, god take a breather".

Molly laughed and Olivia shot her a glair. "She's cool. We didn't get much talking done cause of how short Homeroom is." I answered Olivia while sitting down beside Molly.

"Okay class" the teacher snapped trying to stop all the conversations. "I remember a few faces from last year but for those of you know don't know me I'm Mrs James." She said turning to write it on the board.

I hadn't had her as a teacher before but I had heard a lot about her. She was like 50 something and was so harsh. The second you spoke out of line she could get you suspended.

Everyone in the class was quite for a minute then one of the boys stuck his hand up. "What" Mrs James said to the boy.

"I- uh- what is our first topic" he was obviously taken back by her tone.

She sighed and rolled her eyes "algebra. Now, everyone get your books and a pen out."

Everyone did as told and we grabbed our stuff out. No one wanted to get yelled at so the whole lesson was silent.

When the bell went no one had the balls to pack up while she was talking. We sat there for another 5 minutes while she finished talking about everything we had learned.

It was going into our first break so we couldn't just say we had another class to go to. Not that anyone would in the first place.

Eventually she let us out and everyone packed up as quickly as possible. Right now it was every man for themselves. Last person in the classroom was stuffed, we all knew Miss would make them stay and talk.

Olivia, Molly and I all packed up and walked as fast as possible out the door. Thankfully there were still a few students behind us.

"Oh thank god I don't think I would have been able to handle talking to her" Molly breathed out. "No one should have to worry in the first place" I laughed.

Molly rolled her eyes and we all walked out to the oval. None of us liked sitting in the cafeteria there were way to many people.

When we got there a few of our other mates were sitting around on the ground. "Oh shit hey look it's the three musketeers" Mark said and the other two there laughed.

"Shut up Mark. Hey Nick, Emma" Olivia smiled but it got wider when she saw Emma. "Hey Liv" Emma replied with a smile creating across her face.

Liv and Emma have liked each other for ever but Liv isn't out to her family yet so she doesn't want to hurt Emma. We all thought it was stupid, Liv basically lived at my house and my parents knew she was gay.

We all sat around and spoke about how our summer breaks were. Liv, Molly and I hung out for most of it and invited Emma over like every day.

Most of the days she agreed and she would come over and we would lay around and watch movies.

One of the days Molly and I purposely got up and left Liv and Emma alone in hopes something would happen. Which it did, Emma had moved to Liv and was resting on her shoulder.

After that Molly and I agreed we had to try and get Liv to realise that she had to talk to Emma.

Obviously she refused but said she would do it soon.

Soon enough the bell rang to signal period 2. Luckily for me I had English lit, So I hurried to class.

When I got the class Miss Miller was already standing at the door welcoming every. "Hello again Alison" she smiled. "Hey Miss Miller" I replied finding a seat at the front.

Slowly everyone come into class. There was only like 10 of us so it was a pretty good class. Unfortunately we still had Stacie. Stacie was that one girl that could not leave me alone for the life of her.

She has been obsessed with me since grade 9, when she first moved here. It all started when I had my first conversation with her. I got told to show her around the school.

At lunch I took her to were my mates sit and she didn't take her eyes off me the whole time. Ever since then she's tried to be all over me.

When she stepped through the door she spotted me instantly. "Baby you're here!!" She yelled loud enough that the whole school could have heard her.

When she did that Miss Miller looked over to us to see her trying to hug me. I pushed her back and said "for the last damn time I'm not your baby".

For some reason Miss Miller was watching us from a distance with a smile on her face. Did she find this amusing?

I didn't even care cause her smile was so adorable. She could stare at me all day long if I got to see that smile.