Chapter 3

Alison's POV

The bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts. Finally I could get out of here and take my mind off her.

I walked out of the classroom and was immediately greeted by Olivia. "ALISON!" She yelled jumping onto me.

"Woah, calm down whats going on" I asked. "I'm going to ask her" She squealed. "Ask who? WAIT Emma?" I assumed. "Yes Emma, who else"

We both jumped around until Molly came up beside us. "What the fuck are you's doing" she laughed. "Celebrating!" I smiled.

"What? What for?" she said confused as hell "Liv is asking Emma out" I said turned back and jumping with Olivia.

Molly squealed and jumped with us. Just as Molly was about to say something Emma appeared behind us. "What are you all squealing about" she asked scaring that crap out of all of us.

"I- uh- c-can we talk?" Olivia stuttered trying to remain calm. Emma raised her eyebrow but nodded and they walked off down the hall.

"Finally" Molly said dramatically "what do you think changed her mind?" She asked me. "No fucking clue but I'm sure as hell glad she did. I recon any longer and Emma would have tried to move on"

Molly and I both burst out laughing "as if, Emma loves her and Liv loves her just as much." Molly said still laughing.

She was right, all these years and they still liked each other, it had to be Fate.

"Okay Im going to the bathroom I'll meet you at the car" Molly said throwing me the keys. Just as I turned around Miss Miller was standing at her door smiling at me.

"Hey Alison, don't worry I've only been standing here for a second. I was wondering if you could help me carry a box to my car?" She asked.

"Oh of course" I replied stepping into her classroom. I followed closely behind her not sure how far away the box would be. My eyes wondered down her body stopping at her ass.

We were still walking and my eyes were still glued to her backside. Before I even had time to process it, she had stopped and turned to face me.

I ran straight into her making us both fall to the floor. I landed on top of her with my hands either side of her. I must admit I liked this sight more then I should have.

I stayed there for a minute and we stared at each other for what felt like hours. "I-uh- um- sorry" was all I could muster before climbing off her. She giggled and sat up on the floor.

I extended my hand out to her to help her off the floor. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up meeting her at eye level.

We both stared for a second and I admired her deep blue eyes. When I realised what was happening I quickly looked away "uh sorry, so where's the box?" I asked trying to take away the awkward feeling.

I turned Back to her to see her still smiling at me "Alison its okay" she laughed a bit.

I smiled knowing she didn't think it was awkward. "But it's just here" she finished pointing to a box behind her.

I walked to the box and picked it up then turned back to Miss Miller. "My cars this way" she said picking up her keys.

"Okay, so why'd you chose to come teach here?" I asked trying to spark a conversation. She giggled a little "I don't know actually. Something about this place just called me I suppose."

I laughed a bit at her response. It was a nice school but I definitely wouldn't want to work here. Not that I wanted to be a teacher either but still.1

When we got out to the parking lot I scanned around to try and figure out which car belonged to her. All the cars here were really expensive but I suppose that come from working at a fancy school and knowing how to save.

We walked up to a dark blue BMW iX and Miss Miller unlocked it. "Holy shit" i mumbled looking at the car. "Nice isn't it?" She asked smiling at me.

"Nice is an understatement" I replied still admiring her car. She popped the trunk open and said "just throw the box in here for me". I nodded and put the box in the back.

"Thanks for your help Alison" she smiled "please call me Ally" I said back. "Okay then, have a nice night Ally" She smiled before getting into her car and driving off.

I stood there and watched her leave still admiring the car. God I could only imagine her house after seeing that car.

Eventually I turned around and went to Molly's car. I sat In the car for 5 minutes before Molly, Olivia and Emma came walking out of school. Molly got in first then Olivia and Emma got into the back seat.

"Sooooo?" I turned around to ask Olivia. "Don't act like you don't already know" Olivia said rolling her eyes making Emma giggle.1

Molly and I both laughed and we all drove back to my house. The whole car ride was spent with Liv and Emma talking between themselves while Molly and I spoke about Miss Miller

"I might be straight but I would love to get to know her" Molly said with a slight smirk. "Dude shut up" I laughed.

We pulled onto my street and I saw a car out the front. I realised pretty quickly that it was grandad's car.

Grandad had moved here the same time my mum's did. He still runs the mafia and is damn right good at it. All of his employees and their families moved here as well which I thought was nice.

We got to my drive way and I noticed blood in the back seat or Grandad's car. "Uh- just hold on my Grandad's over I don't know if you's can stay". I said while climbing out of the car to run inside.

Even though they are my best friends I hadn't told them about my grandad's job. It was just to risky, its not that they would tell anyone or anything but it could put them in danger.

When I got to the door I slowly opened it to see that no one was around. I checked the first few doors then heard talking in the next room. I slowly opened the door to see a man tied to a chair and my mums and Grandad sitting trying to get something out of him.

"Oh shit. Hey ally" mama said "hey mama, mum, Grandad" I said back nodding at mum and grandad. "How was school sweetheart?" Grandad asked me.

"Hold on, I'll answer you when I drop the girls home." And with that I walked back out to the car.

I got into the car and the girls looked at me "ice cream?" I asked them all. None of them questioned which I was thankful for.

We drove to the ice cream place across town and I shouted them all ice cream. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I said getting up. They all nodded and I walked towards the bathroom.

As I stepped closer to the door I heard yelling from the other side. I didn't want to go in while people were yelling but I really had to go so I didn't care right now.

I pushed to door open to see none other then Miss Miller standing there arguing with another woman with someone else standing behind her. "That's it. I'm done. We're done!!" The Miss Miller snapped before she noticed me.

"What the hell do you mean we're done! You've never once cared before!" The lady snapped back.

"I'm not doing this anymore get out" Miss Miller sighed. "You'll regret this, come on babe." the lady winked before turning to me and smiling.