Chapter 4

Alison's POV

I've been in the kitchen with my mums for the past hour talking about how our days were. Mum said it was alright until Grandad brought some guy over and mama said the same thing.

I was just about to start telling them about my day when Miss Miller walked out of her room and into the kitchen.

"Hey" I greeted when she came into my view. "Hi Brianna" mum said before going to the fridge.

Miss Miller smiled at both of us and said "hey everyone sorry I was in my room for so long, I was just making sure I had all my necessaries."

"No problem. Now brianna, we have all been talking and we would like you to stay with us for the rest of the year." Mum said. I looked over to her to see her smiling at Miss Miller.

I gave her a confused looked knowing very well I wasn't apart of that conversation. "Before you say anything, please don't feel pressured. I think it would be good for Alison to have someone else with her when Jade and I go out. We both work late nights and a lot of the time we are gone for weeks at a time." Mama said with an ashamed look.

She hated leaving me here especially by myself. When they were gone mama usually got one of grandads workers to check on me during the day.

"I would love to" Miss Miller smiled snapping me out of my thoughts and catching me by surprise. "How much would you's like for rent?" She asked my parents.

They both laughed then realised she was serious "oh Brianna, watching Ally is plenty." Mama laughed. Mum laughed a bit then said "she doesn't need to be watched she just needs company".

I rolled my eyes a bit but mama caught me "Oi don't you start" she said firmly with a hint of amusement.

"Anyway, thank you so much Brianna because we were kinda of relying on you to say yes. Katlyn and I have a business trip this week and won't be back until Saturday next week." Mama said giving me a sad look.

Why didn't they tell me about this? They always tell me about upcoming trips. Mum could obviously sense my feelings and walked around to me "Ally come here. I'm sorry we didn't tell you, it was so last minute." 1

I sighed and have a half smile "it's okay, just have fun". "You too Ally, but not to much. If you decide to have another girl over this time at least do it on your part of the couch" mum laughed.

I cringed remembering the time mum come home after work one night and saw me on the couch with another girl. She didn't even care she just yelled "grosssss. Get off the couch!"

I noticed Miss Miller standing by with bright red cheeks. Crap, I forgot she was standing right there.

"Come on baby, We have to go." Mama said trying to pry Mum off me. "Ally has Uber eats just get whatever" mama said dragging mum out the door. "Have fun!! Wait but not to much!!" Mum yelled from the front door.

I felt a deep shade of red cover my face. She did not just say that to me and my teacher. I sat there for a second trying to remain calm then looked to Miss Miller who was slightly giggling.

"So... what do you feel like for dinner?" I asked trying to make her forget. "Hmm... Chinese?" She asked me. I smirked at bit loving the fact that she liked Chinese. "Perfect" I smiled pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

I added my food to the cart then passed her my phone. "Here just add what you feel like" I smiled.

She scrolled through the page then eventually clicked something and handed it to me. "Cool, want to watch a movie while we wait?" I asked.

I didn't really care if she said no because I was going to watch one anyway. "Sure" she smiled before walking towards the living room.

Wait, she actually agreed. Shit! Now I've got to think of a movie that isn't weird to watch with her. Well, that eliminates Loving Annabelle.

I slowly got off the chair and followed her to the living room. She was ready seated on pretty much the middle of the couch. I took a seat in the other end of the couch to make sure it wasn't weird.

The second I sat, she looked at me and giggled. I raised my brow in hopes she would tell me and she did. "Is that your part of the couch?" She said trying to hold back her laughter.

I gave a slight eye role then looked back "technically yiur on my part of the couch". I smiled back to her and she looked shocked. "I'm kidding I don't have a specific spot." I said before it got awkward.

She laughed for a second but then turned to me "is there a reason you are sitting so far away from me?" She asked.

I sat quiet for a second trying to think of how to word my next sentence. "Just giving you your space to settle in Miss." I said facing her.

"We now live together Alison, please call me Brianna. Oh and i don't need space I spent over an hour in my room with all the space I needed" she said turned back to the tv.

"Okay then I'll move closer" I said standing up and sitting at least 30 cm's away from her. She watched me the whole time then giggled when I sat down.

Her giggle was so cute and innocent. "So what should we watch?" I asked trying to get my mind out of the gutter. "What about a horror?" She asked with excitement.

I glared at her for a minute but then reluctantly agreed. "Ohhhh you don't like horrors. That's okay we don't have to." She smiled softly.

"No no it's okay as long as you ready for me to hide behind you" I laughed. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear her and before I could ask she said "how about Annabelle?" She smiled.

"Uhh yep, let me find the remote." I said looking around. A second later I felt Miss Mi- Brianna's arm slip behind my back. The feel of her skin sent shivers down my spine and I think she felt while whole body tense.

"Here" she smiled handing the remote that was in the hand her put behind me a second ago.

I grabbed the remote from her hand and our fingers touched at the end. It lingered for a second before she pulled away and looked to the Tv. "So... uh- how does the t-tv work" her sentence stuttered while she kept her eyes on the tv.

"Well first you have to turn it on" I said pressing the on button. "Then you find the app you wanna use then it's kinda a given from there" I said passing her the remote.

She slowly took it from my hand then went it Netflix to find Annabelle. The second she put in on I pulled a pillow to my chest. She must have watched be because she giggled as I was doing it.

"Wow you really don't like scary movies" she laughed. "No i don't, this shit gives me nightmares" I said not taking my eyes off the tv.

"If it's that bad why are you staring at the tv?" She questioned. She was right, I hated them but I didn't want to look at her because then I would look away.

"If I look away I won't look back" I replied, it wasn't a lie. "Alison" Brianna said getting my attention. I looked to her see her already looking back at me.

"Do you not like that I live here?" She asked. "What? Oh got no Brianna. I honestly love your company, I'm just not used to having company" I said with a slight smile.