
Shin smiled "Good night"

As he said that, he heard All Might's voice coming from the intercom

"Son Goku has been eliminated!"

Shin then landed near the crater and walked to the unconscious Goku. Once he got close he quickly pulled him up, laid him out on his shoulder, and started to make his way to Momo. At this point, the match is already over as Momo would have no doubt set up countermeasures against Mina. As for Mina herself, she can only produce acid until her skin gradually loses its natural resistance to it. overusing it will only result in damaging herself with the acid.

As Shin was making his way he again heard All Might's Voice

"Mina Ashido has been eliminated! Villain Team wins!"

Shin turned right into the room where the nuke was currently stashed to see acid burns all over. He then shifted to see Mina on the floor being untied by Momo. When Mina saw Goku currently unconscious her face turned into concern

Shin who saw this, inwardly chuckled while placing Goku on the ground. He then started walking to his partner. As he started making his way, Momo finally untied the pink girl and started running towards Goku while passing up Shin

"You sure took your sweet time" Momo said while crossing her arms under her breasts. Making them push upwards

Shin, who was having a really hard time trying not to look replied. For him, this was harder than all the times he fought Goku put together. " Don't be like that. I knew you were going to win this whole time. Besides, I had faith in you so I was DOUBLE SURE you were going to win"

Momo just giggled at his antics and looked over " Are you sure he's going to be alright? It looks like you gave him a good beating "

Shin turned around to Mina inspecting Goku all over. Making sure that he was alright(And some other things)

"He's going to be alright. A knucklehead like him is hard to take down. A sledgehammer to the face or even a falling building couldn't bring him down. he should be waking up in a few minutes

As he turned around he suddenly felt hands grasping at his face. "You say that but look at you. Bruises and burns all over your face. If he's a knucklehead then what about you? Momo said as she turned Shin's face all over. Checking out his injuries

Shin blushed as Momo's face was really close to his. Since he was a head taller than her, she had to pull his head down in order to get a good look. he regained as much composure as he could and replied but you can still see a little blush " Don't worry about me. I suffered way worse than this and besides. If he's a knucklehead then I'm a handsome knucklehead"

Momo just blushed and eventually sighed "what am I going do to with you?"

Shin just did a Goku like chuckle and before he could respond heard grunting behind him

"Ow!, Ow!, Ow! This hurts way more compared to when Grampa did it!"

"GOKU!" yelled Mina as she immediately jumped on him

"Oh hey, Mina. Where are the tacos?" He said as he placed his hand on the back of her head

Mina laughed "You silly! There are no tacos"

"we'll get some from the store when we go home" Goku turned his head to see Shin and Momo

"You hit too hard Shin! you now hit way harder than even Grampa"

Shin just chuckled "Well of course! I'm the responsible one so it's my job to teach you manners. by the way, you lost the bet"

"What bet?" Momo and Mina asked

Goku spoke up "Me and Shin made a bet with each other to see who would win. The one who lost would have to make the burritos for the next few days

Both Mina and Momo just laughed "That does sound like something Goku would make a bet about"

Then Goku slammed his fist on top of his palm as he thought of something "Why don't you both come over!? We could all hang out and do something as we eat some burritos

"Hey, that doesn't sound so bad! I'm down!" Mina said with excitement in her voice

"What about It Momo? You down?" Shin said he turned to look at her. secretly hoping that she says yes

Momo took a moment to ponder "I don't see why not. when is it going to happen?"

Shin spook up "We could do it tomorrow afternoon or the weekend. I say the weekend since it gives us the most time to hang out"

"Then It sounds like a plan," Momo said

"This is going to be exciting! Oh ya. We need to give each other our numbers!" Mina said as Goku helped her off the floor

"I totally forgot about that. We could give it to each other after we get back to class" Shin said

"As much I would love to continue talking with each other I think we should start making our way back. I'm pretty their already waiting for us. especially for you two" Said Momo as she reminded everybody of the current situation

All three of them sighed as they were enjoying each other's company "I totally forgot about that. Honestly, I don't want to go back as they're going to ask us so many questions. It's going to be really annoying

Goku shook his head in agreement "Honestly. As much as I like hanging out with the guys and the rest. The questions are too much. I already have enough with math"

Mina laughed "That's because you're just bad with math"

"And English " Shin commented

"Hey, I'm not that bad with English! Last time I made a D on the test" Goku said as he yelled back at Shin

All three of them laughed at Goku's comment as they started making their way back to class. While Goku tried his best to persuade them that he wasn't that bad at his studies