Class Representative and Deputy



It was currently the next day after the fight between Shin and Goku. After the whole paparazzi outside situation which Goku accidentally blew away with a sneeze, everything was going normally. Currently, Shin, Momo, and Mina were helping Goku with his science assignment. Which was.... not going so good


He did not reply but started sweating badly. Like he was hiding something from Shin

Then Mina picked up his packet of assignments and started to go through them. Making sure Goku got them right "This one wrong...this one wrong...this is also wrong"

Then Momo picked the packet out of her hands and started to go through them herself "Wrong..wrong...wrong.....WRONG! Goku! what have you been doing!? None of these are right!?

Before Goku got a chance to defend himself Shin cut him off "That's it! You're not training until you get a good grade on the next test! The longer you don't do well the longer you won't train. This is all on you now"

Goku Just looked at Shin with Shock "You can't do this to me! That's so unfair!" He then looked over to Mina "Come on Mina tell him! Don't you think this is too much a punishment also!?"

Mina just looked away and just whistled as she pretended she didn't hear him. She couldn't say anything as she required Momo to help her out. She had no right to speak so she just remained quiet

Goku looked at her with betrayal in his eyes all while Shin continued to talk "This is for your own good. What would Grampa think if he was told that you were falling the class? he'd be so sad. You don't want that to happen do you?" Shin said as Momo who was behind him shook her head in agreement

Goku just laid back on his chair "Fine I'll study more. But I'm only doing it for Grampa"

All three of them just sighed with relief and continued on other matters. After a while of talking, Aizawa walked through the door "Good Job on yesterday's combat practice. I watched all of the recordings and the results" He then proceeded to talk about yesterday's performance. He finally turned his head to the Monkey Twins "As for you two. Just try not to cost more property damage next time. It took a bit to repair all the damages you did during your little showdown. Besides that good job

He went a little more before he changed the subject "Today all of you will be doing something"

All of the students were suddenly filled with dreed as they did not want to another absurd test

"All of you will be deciding a class representative" Everybody sighed with relief as they were finally doing something normal "

"Pick me! I wanna be class rep!"

"I wouldn't mind being class representative"


Then Iida calmed everybody down a suggested that they should do a vote. Which everybody happy agreed with. Shin decided to just vote for Momo as he thought it result just like cannon. Apparently, that was not the case as he received the most votes while Momo came in second


"If it's Shin who's class rep then I don't mind"

"Isn't the class rep supposed to be the strongest or something? so if it's Shin who's representing everybody then it only makes sense"

Everybody besides Bakugo was in agreement with Shin being the class representative. so it was finally decided Shin would be the rep while Momo would act as his deputy. Shin looked over to Momo to how she felt "So how you feel Mr.s deputy?"

She just giggled "I don't mind Mr.Represenative. I'm not the one who has the do the majority of the paperwork. That's all on you. I guess Goku isn't the only one who was a workload to deal with"

Shin just groaned as he realized he had much more work to do "Momo let's switch"

Momo just smiled as she started walking back to her seat "Nope"

Shin just turned into panic mode as he really did not want to do paperwork "come on, please? We could work something out"

"Not happening"

"Please Momo!"

So went the rest of the day as Shin constantly tried to switch with Momo only to be teased and rejected by her


"Don't you think they're getting along too closely?"

"You know? it is a little suspicious"

It was the next day and it was currently lunchtime. Krillin, Yamcha, and the rest of the guys were currently sitting at the same table. They were all looking over at another table

"I refuse to believe it! The two manliest students wouldn't let themselves be conquered like that!"

"You know the rules and so do I. They swore an oath and we all know the punishment. You don't turn your back on TBC.

They were all glancing over to Shin and Goku who were currently sharing a table with Momo and Mina. They were out of earshot so they couldn't hear them but it looked like they were having an engaging conversation.

As they were discussing if they should label the Monkey Twins as traitors and how they should proceed with their punishment. They heard the alarm go off

"Level 3 security breach! All Students please evacuate outside immediately!"

Every student started to panic and ran towards the exit. spilling food all over and some even running over other students in their fear. As Goku, Momo, and Mina were getting up, Shin just told them to sit back down. He knew it was just the press and it was nothing to worry about. He started to float up in the air and started to calm things down

He generated two little balls of ki and slapped them together creating a loud blast and a little shockwave getting everyone's attention. "If you look outside you will see it's just the reporters outside against the walls trying to get in! Next time stay calm and focus on what's going on instead of just immediately panicking! If you can't do that then you can't be a hero! Now pick up the trash you all spilled over and the rest of you help the others who are injured to the Nurses office!"

After confirming it was just the reporters outside they were all relieved and started doing what Shin ordered them to do. Shin descended back and took back his seat right next to Momo

"Nice going Mr. Class rep" Momo said as she smiled while resting her face against her hand

"Just another day of being a hero" Shin said as he started drinking his Dr.Pip

Then the four of them started talking again all while everybody was still cleaning up

Kirishima looked over with tears in his eyes "So Manly"


Today was the day he was waiting for. He had trained for 11 years for this moment and it's finally going to happen.

Aizawa was talking about few things before he got onto the important subject "Today we'll be doing performing reducing training. This is a good chance to get experience while using your quirk. So put on your hero clothes and meet me outside as today.."

Shin clenched his fist as he was mentally preparing for what's going to come

"We'll be heading to..."

Shin mentally finished the sentence

"USJ" as a faint crimson shined in his eyes