After a bit of waiting, everybody managed to get dressed and was currently boarding the bus

Iida being the type of person he is, tried to take the lead in the situation "Alright everybody! Line up based on the numbers in the class"

before he could say anymore Shin spoke up "It's alright Iida. It's just a bus so everybody just take a seat. no need for line order and seating arrangements."

Iida just shook his head and just apologized. After that everybody got on the bus and started to make its way towards the destination

During the ride, everybody was having conversations with each other. Shin was in the middle right next to Goku. They were both talking about what they should do during the weekend get-together. While they were talking, Asui talked with Deku


Deku turned his head to look at her "Yes, Asui?"

"Call Me Tsuyu"

Which he nodded as a response

"Your quirk is very similar to All Mights "

"Y-you think so too? He started sweating as his secret can just be discovered at any second

"That's true but unlike All Might, He gets hurt every time he uses his quirk". Kirishima pointed out

"But in all, it's a nice augmentation quirk. Stong and flashy

"If we're talking about strong and flashy then it's definitely Shin's and Goku's! Those big orbs that they shot or that big blue beam are very strong and cool looking!" Kaminari shouted from the front

Deku out of curiosity asked Shin a question "Shin"

Shin who was still talking to Goku turned around "Yes Izuku? what can I help you with?

Deku was flustered by how polite Shin was "Y-you can call me Deku no need to so polite. I was wondering since you trained from a young age. Who taught you martial arts?"

Since it was an interesting question the rest stopped and listened. Even the explosive Bakugo who was yelling a Tsuyu stopped his yelling

Shin expected someone to ask him this question so he just told the truth "Me and Goku are mostly self-taught as we trained and mastered our own style for a long time. Before that though, we were trained by our Grampa who taught us martial arts. Son Gohan

Deku's face turned into shock when he heard Gohan's name "Wait. Did you just say Son Gohan?!"

"Who's Son Gohan" It was Todoroki who asked this. it felt familiar when he heard that name

Deku turned to him while his nerd mode activated " Gohan was a pro hero going back to All Might's young days. He was called AVATAR since his quirk [Elemental] allowed him to use all the elements. He was so strong that many people say that he was strong as All Might at his Prime! When he was around, Japan had the second-lowest criminal rate in its history only beaten by All Mights but only a little bit. Even though he officially wasn't the number 1 hero he was so loved by many everybody knew that he was. unfortunately, he suffered an injury when fighting an unknown Villain and couldn't use his quirk anymore. After that, he was quickly forgotten due to All Might's rise in popularity

Everybody was silent as they finally knew the backstory of the Son Family. They finally knew why both of them were so strong. Only Momo and Mina weren't surprised by this since they were told this by Shin and Goku earlier.

Deku looked back to Shin who was completely surprised and Deku just became flustered "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to ramble for so long"

Shin just shook his head "It's alright. I'm just surprised somebody remembers my Grampa. It actually makes me happy to hear that somebody remembers him as a hero from a long time ago" He said with a warmful smile

After that everything went normally as they got closer and closer to their destination. All while a certain half and half boy was spinning a little ball of ice in a rotation trying to maintain its form


They all made it to the dome that is USJ. they all got out of the bus and was greeted by the space hero:13

"Welcome to USJ! As you can guess, I'm the space Hero:13. This is where you'll be practicing for today! Let's go inside"

She Then led everybody inside. this place had everything ranging from landslides, windstorms, fires, and more. This place is really the best place for hero training

The name is called The Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short. This is where you all will be training for today. multiple situations will be held to help you learn what to do if these situations were real"

As she was explaining more, Shin and Goku felt a presence they never felt before. raw, suffocating, mindless power waiting to be unleashed. It's hard to even withstand the pressure alone as the both of them started to sweat "Goku you feel it too right?" Goku shook his head "Oh ya. There's no way I wouldn't feel it. I never felt such strength before"

As he said that the lights were devoured by lighting and a big black hole was seen in the center

Aizawa immensely shouted "Everybody get back! 13! protect the students"

Kirishima spoke out in panic "Wait a minute. is this supposed to be happening?"

"No" Shin said as both he and Goku let out their ki. Red and blue covering them whole "This is all too real"

Then a man with a hand mask covering his face came out of the black hole "Hello Heroes