Chapter 5

"Sir Chefy, please what do I do?" It was 5:00 AM and Alva had come an hour before anyone else was supposed to, apart from Chefy. He was usually the first one here.

He was not expecting the young boy to actually be so hardworking, however, he quickly got over it and put him to work. "Clean up the place. I want it like a mirror within an hours time."

"Yes sir, sir Chefy sir!"

Alva immediately got to work. Within 30 minutes everywhere but the bathrooms were glistening, splendidly in the light. It looked like something straight out of a cartoon or anime.

"Wow, that boy really did well. Everywhere is squaeky clean. He does Fred's job a 100 times better." Chefy had left the restaurant, to go smoke behind it. After he came back, he noticed how resplendent the silverware and floorboards were before heading to the bathroom.


"Oh goodnes, I'm almost done! I've been going 'plus ultra' the whole time and my back is killing me! Whoo!", he sighed, before proceeding to lay down next to the toilet to clean, however, he hadn't noticed that he had started dozing off before completely falling asleep with his neck bent forward and his lips on the toilet seat. He looked like he was having an intense make out session with the seat, which had obviously seen better days. If it was alive it would probably be traumatised from all the things it had seen.

Do you know what 3 hours at an all you can eat with so much cheese, pepper, and a multitude of other things could do to a man? Do you know what that man could do to a toilet? That very day, that man lost 50 pounds! He was so thin, when the toilet wanted to wipe his but, with its built in booty wipers, it accidentally kicked him off the toilet seat, kickstarting another round of 'quick shots' to the toilet. The plunger was aghast at the monstrosities that came out of that mans stomach. It would have to clean that up? No way!

The devil is a liar, and he will continue to lie!


"Wow that kid really has done well, maybe I shiouldn'tbe as hard on him. That kick on the butt might have been a little to much. Maybe next time, I'll just kick him in the shin", he walked in to the bathroom, "but what if- AAAH!" What have I just seen? What is really going on here? Because, it seemed to him that his newest hire, Alva, was just heavily making out with the toilet seat. He was especially horrified because that toilet was the one that a man who thought he could beat the all you can eat challenge, left a 'mark' on. Parts of the toilet seat had been permanently painted brown, and, in some cases black. There was even a tinge of green! Cou- could it be that he had misjudged the boy?

"Hey!", promptly followed by a quick kick to Alva's side, "What exactly do you think you are doing?"

Alva had woken up when he heard someone shout at him but, his senses only started to work after he had been kicked in the side. It didn't take long for Alva to realise what sort of predicament he was in.

"No, no, its not what you thin-"

"I personally don't care what you are doing, just don't do it it at my place. Look, if you are a fan off kissing toilets, I get it. I don't support it but, I get it. However, if I catch you around here doing such things again, I will immediately fire you. Do you understand?"

Alva sighed, but then accepted his situation. "Yes sir, I do.", he said dejectedly, but then- 'No, no, I will not take this lying down!'- " Sir Chefy, sir, please I wasn't doing what you I think I was, I was just-"

'Oh goodness, what was it that I just smelt? Ah, I really have it hard! Maybe I should have just kept Fred. This scent is offensive to my senses!'

"Hey! What are you telling me? "

" I was just-"

"Hey, keep quiet!" This guy was still talking? Could he not smell? Goodness! Chefy was dying over here, and he had just decided to assault his senses again? IMPOSSIBLE!

"Just go home kid." He sighed.


'Ah, what is this? Has he decided that today, I will die?' Immediately followed by a kick to his head. When you wanted to stop such a frontal attack, you must take out the headquarters! Chefy was a veteran of war but, even he couldn't keep his cool under this.

"Go home kid!" Chefy was hollering now, he couldn't give Alva the chance to open up his mouth. It was too dangerous.

Alva finally decided to go back to where he was staying. What if he stayed and Chefy got so angry that he fired him? What would happen then? It was probably best if he went home before anything bad happened.


Back at the house, Alva immediately took a shower. He might have been dirty for a long time but, he still liked to be clean. Especially since he didnt know how long this good stroke of luck would last. Especially since he had only 1 month to make a running food business that generates 1000 jays in profit per month. What was this!? Alva was sweating bullets right about now. He had just gotten out of the shower and dreesed up. Chefy had given him about a weeks worth of old or used clothes, slippers and shoes. Alva was really grateful.

However, now, he had to think. There came a point in every man's life where he just had to stop and think, instead of just leaving everything to God to do for him. Or else, why did human beings have brains?

Alva was still thinking of a way to make that kind of money. At this moment he was completely flat broke. He got paid at the end of the month but, he was only paid 200 jays, and Chefy had taken out a 100 jays for the clothes. He had even given him a 50 jay discount. Also, Alva was very sure that he was supposed to create a source of income not just work for someone to get that income. He wasn't really sure of the rules. He would really rather wait till The System woke up so it could clarify the rules. He couldn't just die because he didn't know the rules. He refused to accept that!

'How exactly am I supposed to do it though? It's not like I could just make that sort of money and business appear out of thin air. Aaaah, this is too hard. Is this how people really get rich? It seems so hard! How am I supposed to do this? I feel like I'm going crazy!!! The stress but, I REFUSE to be poor. I hate this feeling. I don't like being at the bottom of the food chain like this.

Maybe I should just get superpowers. People easily get tens of thousands of jays just for their superpowers, sometimes hundreds of thousands or more.' Pa! Alva immediately smacked the back of his head. Those things easily cost hundreds of thousands of jays or more just for the low quality ones! The demand was high but the supply was low so, the price was very high. Even people on earth were trying to buy the serums for superpowers. Of course, only just the rich, powerful, and influential ones. They weren't something just anyone could buy. You had to have a certain amount of pull in society to even get a glimpse of one. Obviously, things were different on mars but, Alva did not care about that yet. He was still on earth after all.

'Alright so, I can't use superpowers, well, except for my Enhanced Cognitive Abilities but, those are basically useless. What do I do?' He sighed. It was not easy for Alva to make money. He was just a poor kid from the slums of the slums. Even being where he was, was a dream come true. It was like a folk tale told to the kids, there was once a kid that wanted to reach the sun, but realized that, to get there, he would first have to get away from the ground before jumping into the air, then the stratosphere. If you want somethiing big it's not going to be easy to get it but, if it was, then everybody would have achieved their goals.

There was no way that Alva could stop here. Then there would be no reason for his goals. He was going to achieve them no matter what. Even if he had to crawl through a bed made of red hot nails.

This wasn't were he was going to stop. He was going to swallow the sun not just reach it! Ambition and goals can be both a curse and a blessing. It can cause you to go through hell and back then go through it again. It's what would keep a man up early in the morning, or crying about how he couldn't reach his goal.

This, this journey. This is the journey of how Alva become the wealthiest guy in the world!