Chapter 6

It was 1:00 AM in the morning and Alva was still up. He was pacing his room, aka, the couch. There was no way he was sleeping on that bed he saw in Fred's room.

He didn't know what to do! He had been awake since he came back because the thought of possibly dying soon kept weighing on his mind. He had been thinking of how to solve this problem for hours now.

" Wait a minute, that system didn't give me any rules, he just said that I have to create a running food business that generates 1000 jays in profits per month. He didn't say when I had to do it! Maybe, I don't have to put myself under so much stress, I can just calmly wait this out, sip some tea," He sat down on the couch with his cold tea in hand, " and -"

"Sup Alva."

" Aaaah", he screamed. The system had taken Alva by surprise, it was so unexpected that he spilled cold tea on his pants! It was already a cold night, even with the flimsy blanket he had, but now, his leg was freezing.

" What did you do that for?" He almost hissed out the words.

" What, you don't like the surprise? I thought it would be fun. Plus, I'm done updating now. How's it going with the business?"

" What business?"

" You haven't started yet?"


Whirring sounds started going off in Alva's head.

The system sighed, " I really didn't wanna have to do this."

"Do what?", he was freaking out now. Was this thing really going to kill him? It hadn't even been a week.

"Hahahahaha, did you really think I was about to kill you?"

Alva looked like he had had run a marathon. There was cold sweat running down his back.

" What would you do that for? Do you know how I felt?"

"Scared enough to piss your pants?"

Alva immediately looked down, "This isn't what it looks like. It was the tea. You caused it!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, the test I gave you was just to see if you were serious about what you wanted to do. Now, you've proved that you actually want it and don't just have a dream."

"So you're telling me that was a test, and I passed?"

"Just barely."

Alva really wanted to beat up this system, he really thought he was going to die!

Sounds of sparks flying filled the air, then the voice a man screaming was heard through the all through the street.

"I didn't insult you!"

" Host harbored harmful intentions toward the system."

Why did it sound like a cold robot now?

Sighing Alva said, "You know what? Let's move on. You're supposed to be helping me achieve my ambitions in life. What do we do now?"

After fretting over this for a bit over two days, Alva was glad he didn't have to shoulder that burden anymore. He just wanted to become the world's wealthiest man.

"First of all, what do you want to do? I can't help you to fulfill your ambitions when I don't know what they are."

"I want to become the wealthiest guy in the world."

" Okay, by just sitting on a couch doing absolutely nothing?"

"Can I do that?"


"I guess I can't. Okay... I actually wanted to start a company-Thorn industries- I was thinking it should be more like a holding company, for the stuff I really want to do."

" Like what? What do you want to focus on first? You can't just start and be doing everything thing you want to do at once. You have to pick something to start with."

"Actually I wanted to go into technology and computer science. I want to make spaceships and stuff."

"Do you know how to make a spaceship?"

"No." Alva was black but, a faint tinge of red could be seen on his cheeks, resulting from the shame he was experiencing.

"Are you blushing?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Have you seen- Aaaaah". Alva was now experiencing a slightly familiar seizure and was currently flopping on the couch like a fish out of water.

"Now that you've learnt some manners, let's get to business.

1. You want to have something like a holding company called Thorn Industries.

2. You want to go into the technological and computer science based Industries-."

" Hey! Don't forget I want to become the wealthiest man alive."

"3. You want to become the wealthiest guy alive.

Oh, and let's not forget, you know next to nothing substantial about the fields you want to go into."

Alva immediately slumped down at that statement. It was like this system would hold out some good candy in front of him but, when he was about to reach it, it would take away the candy. It was like every time the system gave him hope it would take it away not too long later. Did it enjoy seeing him suffer?

Obviously, it had noticed how Alva was looking right now.

"Don't worry, what you could do is make enough money to send yourself to school and learn how to do the stuff you want to do."

Alva's eyes immediately brightened up.


"Of course! Do you not trust me? I only want the best for you."

Alva wanted to believe him but parts of his body still twitched every once in a while. That was the only thing holding him back from totally believing the system.

"What, you don't believe me?"

"How could I not? Of course I believe you."

Alva had an ominous feeling when it said that.

"Good, I thought I would have to 'tickle' you a bit more but, you are a really trusting person."

Alva was more than happy now that he realized he had missed an electric session. He really didn't think he could handle another one. He might shortcircuit!

However, now that he thought about it he had had this thought on his mind along with the technology and computer science stuff...

"Why don't we start with food?".