Chapter 9

"Well, you know how Chefy's been feeling good about me so far, and, I have been doing a really good job cleaning and even acting as a greater for customers when I'm not cleaning so, he decided to take a chance on me and give me a raise."

["How much do you get paid now?"]

"300 jays per month".

["So, you have 300 jays with you right now."]

He sucked in a breath through gritted teeth and tightened his hands into fists before looking downwards,

"Well, not really, and, I don't get paid again till next month, though."

["How much do you have on you?"]

"20 jays".

["20 jays! 20 jays? What did you use your money for? Gambling?"]



"I paid Mr Chefy back."

[" That doesn't explain why you have only 20 jays left."]


["Fine. We can fix this. I can fix this. Just a minor stepping stone...

Fred should be done with the computer by now right?"]


["Let's see if we can't find you a free course online."]

"What do I need that for?"

["To create value. People get paid because of the value they bring and, you don't know how to do jack, and what you do know, you refuse to do. You need to learn a skill that you can sell and, with your broke self, you're going to need free courses for that."]

"Thanks for the explanation but, what course do I do and, how do I sell that course for money?"

["You are not selling the course itself but your services-what you can do with the skills you learn, anyway, before we decide what course you will do, we have to actually find a good enough website offering quality courses."]


"Aaah! It's been hours and hours but, we still haven't found a website that teaches proper courses for free. Urgh this us so infuriating".

He smashed his hands against the desk.

["Keep searching"]

"It's too much work".

["Do you think that becoming the wealthiest guy in the world easy?"]

"The facts show it isn't."

["Just keep searching"]

"Yes sir."


["Wait, scroll back up"].


["That, that right there!"]

"Water purification? Who needs that? The old grandma's and grandpa's do that for us".

["Just click on the description"]

"It says... A complete guide to purifying, cleaning up water, and the deacidification of rain water in an environmentaly friendly way... Okay ,so what?"

["Do you not see what I'm seeing?"]

"You're in my head."

Groannn, ["You can charge people to clean up their water"]

"Yeah, but, if it was that easy to do, then wouldn't other people be doing it?"

["Can you please click on the course let's see what is going on?"]

Water purification, all you need to know. The Number 1 Guide to making money 𝘼𝙣𝙙 making the world a better place!

Do you wanna get started? Sign up now an...

"Woah, woah, woah, wait how much does this cost?"

20 jays.

"I'm not paying that much!"

["Then, what else would you use your money for?"]


["You would rather waste all your money on enjoyment, rather than use it on investing in yourself to make more money later on in the future?"]

"Well, I mean, if you put it like to that... alright,. I'll do it but, I don't have a credit card."

[" We'll handle that later but, first, what's that?"]


["That little thing next to the price."]

"It says 50,000 jays then a cross marked on it."

["That must be a glitch in the system"]

"Yup, probably".



[" Are you crazy? Get off your but and get moving. Hurry and sign up before they realize and fix the glitch, foo."]


"Fred, can I use your credit card for something? I'll give you the money in cash."

"Why are you sweaty? And, don't breathe so hard on my face. What do you want?"

"I need your credit card to pay for something. I'll give you the money right now I just don't own a credit card yet.

"Alright but, you have to clean up the place tomorrow. My girl is coming over and she doesn't scrunch her nose at me or put a clothes peg on her nose when she's around anymore. I think she willingly brushed her hand against mine last time."

That brilliant smile on his face told Alva all he needed to know.

"No problem."

Fred stretched his hand back and reached down, deep, deep into his pocket, fumbling around for a time before finding what he was looking for.

"Here you go."

"Wow, is this what a card feels like?"

"It's nothing much."

"I'm going to get my own someday."


"Clean the house. She's going to be here at 10 am tomorrow.

"You got it."


"Finally, he's gone. Alright Veelo, I'm about to pay for this thing, it better not be a waste. That high price is probably the reason most people don't engage in that type of business. The rich would probably disdain from doing such a project. Might hurt their dainty little fingers."

["Just hurry up and pay."]

"Chill bro."

After going through the motions to buy the online course, Alva was on the edge of his seat. His fingers were losing color, and he had a huge, goofy grin on his face. It looked like he had been on a very fast rollercoaster. Why wouldn't it be like that? He had just purchased a 50,000 jay course for 20 dollars! Even his mom would be proud of how he was able to squeeze in such a tight deal. She might even cook him his favourite meal for dinner!"

"Alright Veelo, what do I do now. I paid for it and it's in my my lessons page."


"But it's late and I have to get to work early."

["Then go to sleep and learn tomorrow"]



"Great idea. Good night."

["I don't sleep."]

"Then... I don't know update or something."

Not even 2 seconds later, his snores were heard resounding through the living room.

Then in a hushed , barely audible, almost ineffable voice Goodnight... Heir...