Boss Room

Justin and Keyla gaze at the Boss room entrance.

"I really don't know what to expect. It could be Just a boss. A bunch of individual goblins...or both. I'm leaning toward both. We haven't found many goblins so either they haven't had time o spread or most of them are in there."

"What should we do?" Keyla asks hesitantly. " I'm not surewe can take on alot of monsters on with just the 2 of us."

"Here is what I think we should do...remember the werewolf?"

It takes a while to set up for the attack. Retrieving bodies and other odds and ends takes precious time. "Only once does another goblin appear as they are working. Not sure where it came from they kill it and continue with their preparations. The one goblin is almost a blessing for the both of them bringing up both of their level 1 more time before the fight. Justin goes over his stat sheet one more time deliberating what to do for the upcoming fight. He places he 3 Stat points into Agility tired of being unable both hit and blocked attacks in time.

Lvl: 4 Paladin

Race: Human

Health: 720/720

Mana: 460/460

Strength: 20

Endurance: 25

Agility: 13

Intellegence: 16

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Stat points: 0

Exp: 30/400

Skills: Minor Heal (3/20), Minor Remove Curse (1/20), Counter Strike (3/20)

"Well I think we are as ready as we will ever be. Are you ready for this?

"I guess...this plan kinda sucks though. If they dont do what we expect this will get us killed."

"I know but we have to grow stronger. Just one of those Werewolves is stronger than all these goblins. Maybe even as strong as their leader."

Walking up to the door he slowly pulls on its large handle and peeks in. And let's a sudden roar through the opening bellowing a challenge into the cavernous room. Almost instantly they hear answering snorts and squeels,, and a thud as a body hits the other side of the door. Backing up Justin watches as grotesque green arms slide through the crack and attempt to push the door open, only to open about 2 feet and jammed on the pile of goblin bodies they put in front of the door.


Keyla immediately casts Fireball into the protruding faces of the goblins blinding the instantly and enveloping them in flames. Justin steps for and sinks his sword into a goblin to the hilt. It's body slumps further blocking the occupants. No sooner though, does a smaller goblin manage to slip past the body of its comrade.

[Level 5 Goblin Rogue]

The goblin seems to melt into the shadow as Justin stares at it. He makes a wild swing at it and feels only air.

"Crap they have a rogue! Instinct only causes him to dodge to his right as a blade flashes at him from seemingly out of no where. He swings his sword the left and feels it connect with the goblin almost steering the monsters torso in half.


In the time it takes him to deal with the goblin, two more manage to squeeze out of the opening.

[Goblin Guard]

He yells at them trying to get them to concentrate on him. It works as they zero in on him and lunge at him with their daggers. He steps forward and blocks one attack while dodging the other. Shifting his weight he shoves back one of them with his shield and cuts down on the other . Green blood spurts out of the wound he makes, glowing almost flourescently in the light of their dim torch. Another fireball flashes over his shoulder and finishes the wounded goblin and he turns his attention to the last goblin. He inches his way closer every fiber of his concentration watches it. It swings at him low swiping towards his leg and he just manages to block it with his sword. He kicks forward his heel slamming into the goblins stomach bowling it over in pain. Stabbing forward and using the opening his sword sinks into its neck, he rips it to the side decapitation the goblin instantly.


[Parry 1/20]

[Shield Bash 1/20]

Only mildly surprised Justin looks back at the door but thing else comes out.

"I think that's it for now"

They look toward the door and look at each other. He moves to it and kicks the bodies out of the way, pushing the door open enough to get through. As they look around they see a stone platform with a goblin sitting down on it. Using it as a make shift seat. The goblin is old. Even Justin can tell without knowing goblin physiology. It's grey beard clashing with its hideous mottle face.

[Goblin Shaman]

Level: 15


Mana: ???

Definitly the boss. Justin thinks outloud.

"So you are the ones killing my servants. A low grumbling voice comes from the seated goblin. I knew coming to this world their would be adventurers. But I picked this place on purpose there shouldn't have been many of you close enough to stall our growth..."

The hairs on Justin's arms raise at the deep voice.

"I will feed your corpses to my new servants and they will grow stronger for it" The goblin stands up and looks down at them. He raises an ugly gnarled staff toward them. Only for a burst of flame to blossom across its chest sending it flying back into the wall behind it.

"Did that thing just monologue?" Keyla asks questioningly. "Justin bolts forward and is onto of the goblin with seconds. Shield leading the way he slams into the goblin ducking as it somehow recovers in time to swing its staff at him. He blocks with his shield noticing his arm going numb as he does so. His sword rings out as he swings out trying to end it quickly. The staff somehow manages to snake its way under his shield and impacts his chest just as he feels his sword slice through the goblins other arm.

"You are too early to fight me young ones. Too weak"

Justin suddenly feels weak his strength sputtering as he struggles to keep his shield up.

"You fight a shaman adventurer. Feel the weakness and despair"

A black cloud envelopes Justin as he stares at the goblin. He tries pushing through it but his body won't obey him. Desperation keeps into his body.

"What the hell!"


He feels doomed as he reads the notification. "How can I get out of this?" He thinks to himself.

He falls back weakly onto his back side. The short goblin now looming over him.

"I can't see through the smoke!" he hears Keyla scream as he lays helplessly.

"It's time to die and feed my minions" the staff slowly descends toward Justin, a deathly cold black energy surrounding the staff.

"REMOVE CURSE!!" the weakness flees from his arms as he screams his spell. He rolls desperately to the side and thrusts his sword blindly towards the goblin. And there is silence. His eyes travel along the blade of his sword as he takes in the shaman. The tip of the sword protrudes through the shaman skewering it. His blade through its heart.

[Critical Strike]

[You have Defeated dungeon boss Goblin Shaman]

[Level up]

"Impossible. You broke my spell. The goblin looks down at the sword in shock. No one should be able to do that at the this time of the emergence"

"What? What do you mean the emergence?" Justin exclaims, but the goblin slumps over and breathes its last.


[You have been awarded bonus experience for clearing the dungeon.]

[Level up]

[Dungeon rewards equally distributed. You receive Dingy Cape]

[Dingy cape]

An old cape worn from a goblin shaman.

Armor: 2

Durability: 30/40

+2 Wisdom

"Hey I got 2 levels! And a staff!" he hears Keyla exclaim. It increases my ranged spells dmg by 10%!!"

Lost in thought at the goblins last words he watches as Keyla pulls out a staff from her Inventory. Instead of swirling darkness it seems to glow with a soft blue light.

"It says I can pick a new spell for being Level 5 now!!"

Her excitement is almost contagious making Justin push his thoughts back. He pulls up his own status and looks over it.

[you may choose a new skill for reaching level 5]

Lvl: 6 Paladin

Race: Human

Health: 820/820

Mana: 560/560

Strength: 24

Endurance: 27

Agility: 13

Intellegence: 18

Wisdom: 10 (+2 )

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Stat points: 6

Skill point: 1

Exp: 30/600

Skills: Minor Heal (3/20), Minor Remove Curse (2/20), Counter Strike (3/20)

He looks down the available list of skills to choose from. Almost immediately seeing what he wants.

[Paladins Bulwark skill selected]

[Paladins Bulwark 1/20: Become a wall for those behind you. This skill projects a wall of light in front of you at the cost of mana. Defence increased by 50% while activated.

Now. Now he could protect those behind him even better.