
'I don't think I have ever been born into a human that is not an infant. What a curious thing to happen. I wonder what the reasoning of the great spirit is for gifting me a body that much older. Yet again, it really matters little to me. But I am thankful nonetheless for not having to go through the first few years of infancy once again. Those were always tiring times.'

With those thoughts going through his mind Hao tentatively came to his feet, aware that he hadn't been in possession of a mortal body for close to 900 years and thus was unaccustomed to the sluggish feeling of sinew and muscles operating beneath his skin in order to move.

Wobbling a little on his legs, Hao guessed that he must be somewhere around his teenage years judging by the lengths of his legs and arms.

Once he had walked a little bit around the clearing, he arrived at the conclusion that his body was healthy and strong and had little difficulty adapting to his immense soul and the inherit strength it carried.

This though, he concluded, meant that his body hadn't had a previous owner and was probably created in order to contain his soul specifically. A perfect fit. 'Thank you, great spirit. Until we meet again.' Hao thought with a miniscule smile while continuing to learn to live inside a mortal body once again.

Once Hao was satisfied with his progress Hao transitioned from walking exercises to jumping and jogging, always pushing himself just that tiny bit more.

After hours upon hours of `adjustment training` Hao's body finally reminded him that it needed nourishment to keep going, signalled by his rumbling stomach, which caused Hao to begin looking for fruits to eat, knowing that he didn't have the necessary physical ability to hunt himself some game yet.

After walking through the trees for a while, accompanied by the soft summer breath of the evening, with the last rays of the sun shining through the tree tops, Hao found some berries and mushrooms he thought looked edible and thus promptly decided to make camp for the night, right where he stood.

After sitting himself down against a tree with a pile of dry tree branches laid out before him, Hao picked up one of the sticks and began to push the mushrooms he had gathered onto it while he absentmindedly flexed his soul once and transformed the resulting pulse of energy into a burst of fire, promptly igniting the sticks laid out before him and turning them into a small bonfire that began to illuminate the foliage around him.

While Hao began to grill his mushrooms, his mind dove into his body and examined it carefully for the first time concerning its spiritual properties.

Surprisingly what Hao found was a little different from his expectations. Besides his soul and its softly pulsing presence Hao also found another type of energy inside his fleshly body.

'Chi? Why does this body possess such potent Chi already? A gift perhaps? But if so, why?' Hao thought to himself while gnawing on another mushroom absentmindedly.

With a little bit of coaxing Hao began to direct the Chi inside of him in the familiar pattern he had always favoured whenever he began to live a new life, though this time the Chi inside of him was willing and almost eager to be guided by him, contrary to what he was used to.

From his dantian, situated in his stomach, through all the meridians in arms and legs, then through the ones in his face and chest until the Chi flowed back into the dantian, completing one full circle. Each time he did so the Chi he guided would nourish the parts of his body it passed by but in return shrink in the total amount until Hao decided enough was enough for now and let his Chi rest for the night so that his body could begin to work on improving while he slept. No use in rushing through. After all, a bowl could only hold so much water until it overflowed.

Hence, Hao stopped his Chi cultivation and leaned back against the tree trunk once more. 'I wonder if Spirit of Fire is still bound to me…' and with another pulse of his soul tried to call onto his trusty companion but no answer came in the form of its familiar warmth.

'Not much of a surprise I suppose. What was the name of that boy again that used spirit of fire against me again when I fought in the shaman tournament? Lysberg or something? ...Whatever. Doesn't matter anyway.' Hao thought while his lips quirked slightly in amusement at his own joke.

'I guess that means I'll have to look for another companion that will join me on my journey… where ever that journey may lead me to. But, no rush. If I am meant to meet a suitable companion than I will meet one.'

Finished with his contemplations Hao closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into sleep while the warm light of the bonfire danced in the darkness like a candle in the summer breeze.

The following morning Hao was greeted by the soft light of the rising sun shimmering through the leaves over his head, flickering like fireflies around the clearing in tandem with the wind rustling the through the trees.

Few things compare to the serene atmosphere in the early morning when life awakens all around. Hao thought while observing a squirrel with bloated cheeks filled with its breakfast dash up a tree where it hid and no doubt enjoyed its harvest.

Standing up and stretching himself to get rid of the kinks in his joints Hao walked a few meters away from the burned down remains of the bonfire he had ignited the previous night and took three quick breaths followed by three long ones in order to find the middle ground. Inhaling softly and exhaling equally as softly Hao calmed his mind and soon found himself immersed in his soul once again.

Taking control of his essence he widened said control until it encompassed his Chi just as much as his soul and began to coax his regrown and strengthened Chi reserves back out, ready to start the real application of Chi cultivation.

His arms hanging easily besides his body, Hao send his Chi into his arms which he began to move in circles as if he was caressing the very wind with his fingers, brushing, twirling and twisting himself. At first slowly, but soon his body had accepted the way he wanted to flow his Chi and supported his mind and soul all the way, increasing the capabilities with which his body could move.

Once Hao had found his progress acceptable for the moment he directed another two tendrils towards his legs and began to strengthen them just the way he had his arms. From the windy and fluid movements his arms described to the steady and strong expression of his legs Hao began to incorporate even more aspects of the elements.

His breathing came faster, as if fuelling a fire while his stomach began to pulse in tandem with his Chi, like a lake into which a stone was thrown. Faster and faster his nerves sent impulses through his body until Hao reached his current body's limits and kept on going at a reasonable pace, no longer feeling the need to see what his body could currently manage.

Like an embodiment of the elements, earth, water, fire, wind and lightning Hao danced through the clearing, kicking, punching, throwing and dodging an opponent he could only see in his mind until he slowed and soon after came to a stop, the sweat running down his nude frame like water, causing his long, nearly hip long hair to stick to his head.

His breath still running ragged, Hao pulsed his soul once and transformed the resulting energy, just like he did the night before, into and element, this time into the cool moisture inherent in water, which began to cascade down his frame, rinsing him of the sticky sweat his exercise had brought him.

This though caused a shiver to run down his body reminding Hao that he was still nude, having completely forgotten about acquiring something cloth like for himself.

His nudity didn't really bother him, as he was a shaman and his nudity was completely natural to him, let alone the fact that he was so old something so minor usually wouldn't even cross his mind, if it didn't help him to keep his body warm.

Of course, he could always circle his Chi to warm his body or use his soul to heat up his Chi, practically transforming his inherent energy into molten fire to warm himself but he thought that to be rather excessive and unneeded. And so, Hao decided he needed something to cover himself with.

'Now, where to begin? I could just hunt down some animal… Meh, not really in the mood to go looking for one large enough, let alone fight one for its pelt. Plants it is once again.'

Turning back to his bonfire, Hao picked up some leftover berries from the night before for his breakfast and left his campsite without another glance to find himself some clothes and go explore the world he was now apart of again.