Glory City

'This should work for now. Maybe I'll find something better later.' Hao thought to himself while he fastened a bunch of rather large green leaves together into a tunic of sorts with sinew like plants durable enough to withstand a strong pull from him.

Throwing his makeshift tunic over his upper body the leaves covered his torso and reached all the way down to his knees while the sinew like plant hung over his left shoulder and circle below his right arm.

His makeshift clothes in place Hao kept on wandering, passing by a small river where he quenched his thirst before pushing onwards, following the small river down the stream.

Humans tended to build their homes near a local water supply and if there were any humans nearby he may find some, though if Hao was honest with himself he didn't really care. Humans were humans, no matter where he was. But since he was in some deep forest he may meet another shaman by chance.

Further and further he went, the large oaken and other trees becoming smaller and the foliage thinner until Hao pushed aside another brush and discovered a plain down below.

Said plain was filled with lush green grass, interrupted by a kind of road made of sand and gravel. Following the road with his eyes Hao soon discovered a small trailing of humans that travelled towards a deep brown structure made of stone which was hidden behind some trees so Hao had failed to discover it until now.

'Looks like a wall made of robust stone? Where in the world am I? I haven't seen that kind of wall in over a millennium…' Frowning slightly in confusion Hao stepped out of the forest and began to climb down the hill his was on and made his way over towards the road.

Once he stepped foot on the gravel road his ears picked up a few yells from a few people amongst the caravan, pointing in his direction.

No doubt guards of some kind. Assuming they truly are that would mean there is something out there that requires guards. Other humans maybe? With his thoughts wandering Hao kept on walking towards the caravan that had slightly increased their pace by the looks of it while a few guards stayed behind, their eyes firmly fixed on his form.

While Hao watched the caravan make its way before the now visible tall gates of a rather big wall made of dark brown stone, yelling towards the watchtower to open the gates, Hao reached the group of guards that came walking over towards him.

Returning his gaze from the caravan back to the guards, Hao was surprised to find said guards wearing rather old fashioned armour and weapons, not seen since the middle ages in Europe, though still in fashion a few hundred years later in Japan, due to its isolationist politics.

All the guards wore leather armour with steel plating, a sheathed sword at the left hips and a spear in their right hands.

The tension Hao could smell from miles away radiating off of the group of guards though turned into a rather more relaxed confusion once they could see Hao properly when reaching talking distance.

His soul immediately began to perceive the guards thoughts, confirming his theory that he still possessed the gift or curse from his old friend Ohachiyo which had caused so much suffering to both him and the world around him in the years after he had obtained it.

Though, luckily for all present, Hao was a different man now, and not that disturbed and mentally brutalized child in a man's body anymore.

'What? A child?'

'What are those clothes?!'

'Where did he come from?'

'I hope he isn't a demon in disguise… this trip has been going so well for a change…'

Smiling slightly towards the group Hao walked over towards them while his body remained relaxed and unthreatening so not to scare these men into doing something both parties would regret.

Though, Hao was surprised at the last thought he heard through his Reishi – to hear the hearts of other people.

'This man knows of demons? But I can barely feel any Furyoku from him. Not more than from the other humans. Could he be a shaman who doesn't possess any training?' Hao wondered in the confines of his mind, though he put that thought aside for now when he heard the man at the front beginning to speak.

"Who are you boy? What are you doing out here?" The man, a middle-aged man with a rough beard and brown eyes, asked Hao with a rough voice, having probably experienced much usage in his carrier as, what seems to be, a soldier.

"My name is Hao and I was on the way to that city over there." Hao replied with an easy smile on his face which caused the men before him to glance at one another. Did I say something strange?

"That city over there? Boy, do you know what the name of that city even is?" The middle-aged man asked, while his eyes seemed to peruse Hao and the attire he was currently wearing with a look that spoke of experience when dealing with unknown encounters and overcoming difficult situations.

'Heh, a sharp mind hides behind those keen eyes of yours good man. Interestingly enough I do not see any ill will inside your heart, despite our current situation. How intriguing…'

"I don't know since I've never been to that city over there I'm afraid. Would you mind telling me what it is called my good man?" Hao replied while his eyes swept over the rest of the group who reacted in many peculiar ways to his words.

Some men's eyes simply widened while others couldn't help but nearly dislocate their jaws for some reason. And obviously there were some who tensed up, preparing for danger immediately.

Hao focused his eyes on the later group and soon found some interesting tidbits of knowledge inside their minds. It seems this city was the only known city in the world and experienced frequent attacks from hordes of demons of all things.

"The city you see before you is called Glory City and represents the single safe haven in the known world, inhabited by the last survivors of the human race. But, obviously that statement has to be reworded after you just told us that you've never been to Glory City before, meaning there must be other humans out there somewhere…" The middle-aged man said while his eyes roamed over Hao's form, taking his appearance in from top to bottom as if sizing him up, probably categorizing him for the case Hao turned out to be a threat.

The relaxing of the middle-aged man's shoulders though told Hao that he had been categorized as a non-threat for now, causing the other guards to relax as well at their captain's assessment.

"Come boy, we'll take you along into the city. No doubt, the city lord will want to hear of your story." The middle-aged man said while turning sideways towards Glory City and motioned for Hao to follow him into the city, which he did without complain but instead slightly bowed his head in a gesture of thankfulness.

Striding towards the huge gates before him, Hao was actually impressed by their size, being as tall if not a bit taller than the great wall of China back in his own world.

'A different world, huh? Well, I know from my time inside the great spirit that there exist countless other worlds out there with intelligent life on it but to actually having been send to one is a first for me. You never stop learning I suppose.' Hao thought to himself while his mind rejoiced at the chance to learn new things on a world different from his old one.

And yet, some confusion still remained inside Hao's mind when he thought back to the thoughts of that one guard who had an attack by demons himself a few years ago. Musing those thoughts over Hao followed the small group of guards into the city beyond the walls and saw, for the first time on this new world, the place called Glory City.