
Axil wasn't a regular hunter and he knew that. He was built like a tank with the amount of endurance and strength he had. This of course came from hard work, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe his own efforts alone made him strong enough to swing around a sledge hammer like a golf club and use it to turn stone into rubble.

Walking around the streets and calling for any near hunters he got himself lost in thought.

"Out of everything I should probably count myself as lucky. Not many people are chosen by this nightmarish place to be its plaything"

What he meant by this was, Zelith chose to gift certain people supernatural physical abilities.

"I've been one of the strongest in our division since day one. And no matter what anyone says I didn't take that for granted. I worked hard to get this far and survive. Maybe I'm lucky, but I'm proud of that".

Coming across a market like area Axil would see one of the members he sent out struggling against a wolf like beast. He was quick to spring into action going into a full sprint to get to them and smashing into the beasts spine as a sickening cracking sound could be heard.

"Thank you Axil! That thing might really of killed me if-"

Though his show of gratitude was quickly interrupted by Axil.

"Its cool man just head back to base before Vie loses her mind"

Hearing this the younger and less experienced hunter nodded and began to run back.

"Wait no I should've asked him if he had seen the other two." He said aloud along side a long and tired sigh.

"As much as I could chase after him, I wanna make sure everyone thinks everythings under control."

Axil's thinking would of course be shortly interrupted by three wolf like beasts. The middle one was noticeably more muscular and coverd in scars.

"Wait what? An alpha in this area?" Though not necessarily a threat to Axil, a beast liks this was stronger then the normal wolves and could pose an issue for the hunters he sent out.

"Oh god I messed up. I was sure this area didn't have any" He readied his hammer and took a low stance.

The two regular wolves ran towards him with hungry and angry growls. Patiently waiting for them to get in range Axil tensed his arms and legs, and once they did he spun his body into a wide and powerful swing, crushing the jaw of the first one that came into range and crushing the temple of the second one.

The Alpha however slowly circled him with a low growl. Ever so slowly getting closer.

After a brief pause it pounced at Axil coming at him claws first. He only had enough time to block, causing his hands and forearms to get scratched. Though be didn't panic, shoving the beast to the side and taking a brutal swing at its ribs.

Yelping in pain it would hop back a few times. Whereas Axil would keep his place, adjusting how he held his hammer so he could swing upwards.

And once the beast pounced at him again he swung with immense speed crushing its throat and shoving to the side. Then landing a clean blow to its head easily crushing it.

"I need a better weapon. Especially if I plan to scout further from base".

Axil continued his search for the last two. He didn't have a peticular route in mind. He was aware each hunter wouldn't stay in a specific part of this area for long so there was no point in searching with a method in mind.

Though, Vie would probably call it aimlessly wondering.

Humming to himself he continued to search, looking back on when he first arrived in Zelith.

"Just, poof, welcome to hell. No warning, no explanation, just showed up here like some sick god decided to move us. God it was rough. We had no idea how unforgiving this place could be. But it's different now. We can train the new people, find the gifted and talented ones and get out of here. One day".

And so the mighty hunter continued on his personal mission to find the others. Because he truly believed they were talented and worth the extra attention. Even Vie agreed. "Guess it was good she scolded me".