
Dell and Zephyr continued to hunt though for different reasons. Zephyr worked with Dell for the sole purpose of survival. It knew that scaring or threatening the hunter wouldn't work and making his life harder would only result in the death of both of them. But it couldn't help but be curious.

"You know, you aren't exactly a normal human".

"How so?"

"Well most would take much longer to accept the fact that a monster was now apart of them. Even after almost dying you seem more then ready to hunt again"

Dell had a cold expression for a few moments as he walked around the streets of Zelith. The pair had killed another two wolf beasts since and were looking for more.

"Your silence, if I'm being frank, is unsettling" It stated.

"Well aren't you rather social for a beast?"

Zephyr thought on this. Then thinking out loud would say.

"Well, isn't a human with monster like traits much more concerning then a monster with human traits?"

"Depends who you ask"

Dell didn't want to be on friendly terms with the monster but couldn't quite help but respond. He didn't get on well with other hunters so he didn't exactly talk to many people. It wasn't that he wasn't willing to cooperate with other hunters, he just didn't see the point in pretending to like someone he didn't actually like.

As he looked at the pipe in his hand he sighed. It was already dented up and was probably going to break soon.

"I really shouldn't of dropped my weapon"

"I believe I understand the point of them now, they provide a combat advantage. Though my knowledge is limited. Could you explain how the one you had prior was better?"

Dell seemingly started to respond without thinking. "Well this isn't exactly a weapon. You could call it a make shift weapon, but the thing wasn't made to kill fuckers. A real weapon lasts much longer, usually can be repaired easier and gets the job done better. I had a black serrated dagger. It was small but because it pierced well and tore flesh out it was effective if you were fast"

Zephyr then asked.

"You prefer small weapons because they don't encumber you as you fight? What would the ideal version of that be?"

This wasn't something Dell immediately had an answer to. In Zelith you made use of what you fount, dreaming of an ideal weapon was rather pointless.

"Well, when wielding a weapon you lose the ability to grab your opponents and immediately climb if needed. You can also be disarmed. So probably a gauntlet with claws or something along the lines"

"What is a gauntlet?"

"Do you know what a glove is?"

"Indeed I do"

"That but made of a harder material, allows you to block and hit harder"

Eventually Dell fount another wolf. His shirt was completely gone due to getting eaten along side the first wolf from before. This time the thing knew he was coming so now it was a head on fight.

Though it was getting easier each time as he got a little stronger after Zephyr ate the beast he killed.

It dashed towards him though it seemed a little slower. Most people may not even have noticed it.

"Zephyr is it just me or is this one slower then the others?"

Dell would side step out of the way of the beasts initial attack, it was attempting to slash at him with its claws. In return he would smash the pipe into ite ribs and dash back a few times.

"Nope. You're just getting faster"

The beast swung at Dell again, only resulting in him ducking, dashing forward and swinging the pipe upwards into its jaw. Then dropping the pipe he would grab both its ears and smash his knee into its throat, crushing it's windpipe.

Zephyr would shoot its tongue out and pull the beast in now that it was defeated, devouring the beast.

"God I'm never gonna get used to this. It's fucking wierd."

"Tastes good".

After each time Zephyr ate Dell felt completely rested along side the strength bonus. Allowing him to continue hunting.

Though he didn't expect to immediately hear another low growling and heavy foot steps approaching from around one of the buildings. This wolf had grey fur, was much more muscular and had a long scar going down its ribs.

"Oh fuck we gotta run its an alpha".

"In terms of a long distance sprint the beast definitely beats you. Running away isn't an option unless the aim is to get attacked from behind"

Dell opted to run towards the closet building, scaling the thing pretty quickly and running along the roof tops.

The beast however easily climbed up as well and now was chasing him. It's heavy foot steps and low growls could be heard as it sprinted towards Dell.

Dell however was fully focused. He wasnt panicking nor did he seem like he didn't know what he was doing. And because of this Zephyr kept quiet.

As Dell and the beast sprinted it only ended up getting closer and closer. To the point it was attempting to bite at his head.

However the end of the row of buildings was coming up fast. Dell didn't have many places to go and the beast was only getting closer. And right as they got to the end Dell dashed side ways and turnt to face where the buildings changed direction. The beast however couldn't adjust where it was facing mid sprint nearly as well and as such ended up running off the building and hitting the ground. Dell took this brief chance to jump onto the beast, barely avoiding its thrashing legs and claws as he stomped on its neck. After a few vicious stomps the wolf striked at his stomach. Zephyr in response quickly opened its mouth wide and ate the wolf's leg.

Dell dashed back and let the things bleed out as it thrashed in pain. And once ot finally died Zephyr ate it. Though, this time it was different. Dell felt noticeably stronger this time and sometimes was happening to him.

A hard white material covered his forearms and hands, and the fingers where similar to the alphas claws.

"What the fuck is this"

"Well, after eating enough of a certain beast it seems I can develop natural attributes similar to what it had. And that alpha made this process quicker and the end result better. The claws are solely the alphas claws and teeth while the material protecting you is a mix of all the wolves bones and my own little additive so it's shaped correctly. You can retract the gauntlets simply by thinking on it"

And when Dell did it was like they sinked into his skin.

"Now these are gonna be useful."