Iron division.

It seemed Dell only needed another few hours sleep to be well rested. Slowly raising out of bed he would stretch and yawn. It wasn't as difficult to sleep on an uncomfortable bed as one would think. Or maybe hunters simply got used to it because they had no other option.

Dell's goals for today where pretty simple. Hunt some more and eat his chosen prey in order to get stronger, as edgy as it sounded. If he was going to find answers anytime soon he needed the strength to go out further and find those and himself.

Of course, 'finding answers' was pretty vague. But he only had a vague idea to work with. Maybe someone out there knew more or knew where to look. Maybe there was something to this city wich held answers as to why everyone was here. Hopefully those answers may include a way out.

"But that's not going to happen soon. If any good answers where near by it'd be common knowledge by this point" Dell thought as he walked down the stairs once again.

He heard something at the time wich sounded like Vie arguing with someone. But that wasn't his business so he planned to just walk right past, opting to skip breakfast since he was planning to get a much bigger meal.

However any thoughts of hunting where interrupted as whoever was arguing with Vie grabbed Dells arm and said.

"Like this guy right here huh?! Walking right past me like he owns the place! Let me explain something to you guys"

The stranger didn't belong to this division. He wore black from head to toe, boots, a jacket and it seemed to have iron plating in some places.

"I'm from one of the Iron divisions alright? You bottom feeders are just named after colours, not that you're worth remembering. As it goes, the bottom of the food chain is you guys. Then us iron members, then the silver, then the gold, the plat and finally diamond. So maybe show some respect to your superiors-"

Dell didn't want to hear another word. He grabbed the strangers arm with his free hand and yanked it off of Dells arm. He then gripped it as hard as he could and bent it towards the stranger, causing him to get pushed down to his knees.

"How- how are you-"

Though his questions were quickly interrupted by Dell letting go then grabbing both sides of the strangers head, sending a knee smashing into his face with enough force to smash his nose and send him sliding across the floor.

"Why the fuck are causing a scene? Go back to your division you fucking rat" Dell had an ice cold tone, you could practically cut bread with how sharp his words came across.

The stranger however didn't take kindly to this and slowly rose to his feet. "Oooh. A tough guy among you bottom feeders? Let's see what you've got" The stranger then drew a mace from his hip. It looked pretty well crafted.

"Now that's enough" Vie stepped between them. "Both of you. Dell you had no reason to attack. And Jack, I'd recommend you leave. Killing another hunter because you felt insulted won't go down well for you. Your division is only one rank higher so you don't get that much leeway"

Jack glared knives at Vie but knew she was right. Her, Axil and now the new guy infront of him all had note worthy strength so causing any more hassle could prove problematic for him.

"Fine I'll leave. But teach your pets to stay in thier lane"

As Jack left Dell said aloud. "Who the fuck shit in his breakfast? Where the hell did he even come from? The closest Iron division is at least two hours from here"

Vie would answer that question with a sigh. "The fool got lost hunting some sort of rare prey in his divisions area. And Dell, you might as well had just taken another shit in his meal. He's gonna be furious a lower rank fought back"

"If you're implying he's gonna do something outside where noone is watching, don't worry. You saw how that went right?" Though in the back of Dells mind he thought. "If he has the balls to fight me outside I'll tear him apart".

Vie tilted her head. "I may not have known you so well before, and Axil did say you guys where promising hunters. But, where you always so..."


"Hm. Seems I can't quite find the words to describe it. You just, aren't normal"

Dell would shrug and say. "Ah yes, as opposed to Dan who does tha taxes? Perfectly normal guy who keeps to himself- oh right we're in Zelith aren't we. The fucking nightmare town"