Jack vs Dell.

With that remark to Vie Dell would be on his way. Though the little incident with the iron rank hunter annoyed him he didn't see the purpose in focusing on it all day.

He had plans afterall. If he wanted to get strong enough to search deeper into Zelith he had to get to work and hunt.

Strangely enough though not hearing from Zephyr in even a short amount of time felt odd. Dell was already getting used to the monsters company even though he knew it initially aimed to kill him.

Once Dell had fount his way back into the area from yesterday he attempted to bring forth his gauntlets. To his surprise it came almost naturally for him to retract and protract the claw like gauntlets. Also adding to that pleasant surprise he could still make a fist with them on, meaning punching, grabbing and slashing with these were all possible for him.

Though a not so pleasant surprise would the sound of foot steps and someone yelling over at him. "Hey asshole!"

Dell slowly turned around. Approaching him was the iron rank hunter from before. With an eye roll Dell would ask.

"Hey hasn't it only been ten or so minutes? Isn't your nose still sore?"

"Oh keep talking, you're gonna regret doing that soon enough"

And with that brief exchange the fight broke out. Jack started by dashing forward and swiping at Dell's head with his mace. Dell however managed to duck out of the way, quickly raising his hands in a defensive position.

For a small amount of time Jack led the fight, taking swing after swing at Dell as all he could do was dodge the oncoming attacks from Jack. Though after a peticularly large swing Dell got the timing down to be able to step around the attack and throw a nasty punch into Jack's ribs, knocking him back a few steps.

Though he wasn't done there, not giving Jack even a moment to recollect himself Dell would step in and throw jab after jab at the iron ranks face, each one flicking his head back and leaving gashes on his face.

Jack attempted to raise his arms to block the onslaught of blows coming at him but instead was met with slightly slower yet much harder punches. Dell was either going to break his opponents gaurd or simply break his arms.

The latter didn't have to happen as eventually Jack gave up blocking and side stepped out the way, dashing back a few times. Dell instantly gave chase and ran right at him, kicking Jack straight to the side of the knee.

A loud CRACK sound could be heard as Jack fell to his knees.

Jack coverd his face and yelled out "I surrender! You win!"

This did cause Dell to stop his attacks.

"I need to be taken back to the divisions building, I won't last out here with a broken leg-"

Jack was cut of by Dell grabbing around his mouth and lifting him up. "Oh? Did you think you was attacking some sort of story protagonist? You'd attack me, I'd win, forgive you, become friends and all that?"

There was very few times Jack felt true fear, but seeing the cold look in Dell's eyes and hearing his icy tone he soon realized he may truly die here.

"Surely there's something I can offer you right? You don't have to do this-"

Dell started to squeeze tightly.

"And your dumbass didn't have to attack me out in an area where a beast could attack. One strike from a mace would easily leave me in a pretty shit situation. And let's not pretend you'd have helped me"

Both men could hear something under Dell's shirt making a fuss. This caused Dell to drop the hunter.

"What is that-"

"Stop fucking talking"

Dell would walk around the closest building he could find.

"The fuck are you doing Zephyr?"

"Aren't we going to eat him?"

"What? Are you insane?"

"But you won the fight, that's usually how this goes"

"No this is different. This is just some dumbass hunter, another human."

"Weren't you going to leave him to die?"

"Well fuck you now I won't."

With a scowl Dell would walk back to Jack.

"Alright shit bag I'll take you back. But I swear the next time you cause me a problem"

Dell crouched down with furious eyes staring deep into Jack's. "I'll feed you to the closest monster I can find"

Lifting Jack onto Dell's shoulder he would start a light jog back to his divisions main base. Though, he didn't quite like the idea of getting scolded by Vie again so he simply dropped the fellow hunter of by the door and began making his way back to his desired hunting grounds.