Beast sense.

Dell spent the next few hours out hunting. Each beast was dealt with fairly easily due to his increased strength, speed, stamina and a weapon he could protract whenever he needed.

Most of the wolf like beasts simply couldn't handle the crushing blows delivered by Dell, and being the talented hunter that he was he didn't find too much trouble in avoiding taking any attacks that would cause him problems.

And as he sent out attack after attack on his most recent prey, it eventually falling to the ground allowing him to deliver a massive blow to its skull, killing it. He would say.

"Never again, not like before. I won't end up dying because of shit luck or unfair odds. I can get stronger and find some answers to this hell scape"

After Zephyr ate the wolf it would ask. "What answers are you looking for exactly?"

"Well, why the fuck am I here? How do i get out?"

"Is that truly all you want?"

"And to fucking tear apart the shit stain that put me here"

"You know, with how you've been going about things you might end up more of a monster then a person"

"Isn't it a little early for you to be foreshadowing?"

With that Dell would stretch and look down the street ahead of him. "This is pretty near the outskirts of the designated area. Maybe I should peek around" He thought.

The cold night air was a constant in Zelith, but tonight it was peticularly cold. And as Dell walked down the street he noticed something odd.

Past this point the cobble stone path turned to a dirt path and the buildings cut off obnoxiously, like the street was literally cut off.

As he looked ahead he noticed tall grass, fence work guiding the path but couldn't see much further. Though he felt an uncomfortable feeling travel up his spine.

"Zephyr are you fucking doing something? My spine feels like I'm being touched up by someone who has no idea what they're doing"

"I assume that is a vulgar joke, but no I'm not actively causing that sensation. Beasts get a similar feeling when stepping into an area with a potential threat greater then what they're ready for. Like a warning that something far stronger then you can handle lurks ahead"

"Hm. I assume it's a farm like area ahead, I've heard Vie talk about it once or twice. Even she nearly died last time she was there so I best not fuck around this time"

With that he turned around and made his way deeper into the twisting streets. He fount it wierd how Zelith could seemingly change from Victorian city streets to other mismatched places at random. Like whatever made this place simply jammed a bunch of random areas into one.

On occasion Dell wasn't so lucky you see, and now was one of those times. As he fount a new wolf to hunt it seemed another one wasn't too far away and was drawn to the noise made from the fighting.


Dell would narrowly avoid the incoming attacks from the two wolves, quickly dashing amd dodging while also attempting to maintain a position where he could also attack afterwards.

Strength wasn't the problem here, it was the fact that he had to avoid attacks from multiple targets while also attempting to attack back. When striking at one wolf the other would still attempt to attack him so he needed to find a position wich favored him after each dodge.

He could of course block and parry, but even in a one on one situation it simply wasn't optimal to attempt to block such large claws in Dell's eyes. He came to the conclusion that dodging was his best option.

Eventually Dell's inconsistent strikes would render one wolf out of the fight, and so he took this chance to dash towards the other one and deliver a huge uppercut, he committed heavily to this one because he doubted the beast would be able to interrupt his attack in time.

And his assumption was correct, with a thunderous crack the beast fell down. After Zephyr finished eating Dell would say.

"Is it just me or is eating these beasts getting less effective?"

"Well as we get stronger, you need stronger beasts to provide better benifits. You wouldn't feed an adult a child sized meal"

"That was alot more straight forward then expected"