Acquiring armor.

Most of the way to the Iron divisions base was pretty smooth. Hunters were already out hunting so most beasts were busy with them anyways. Of course however the occasional wolf would attack Dell, wich would be the last thing they ever did.

It wasn't just damage output that increased when Zephyr ate a monster, Dell's speed, stamina, physical resistance, all of it increased. But he still felt like he was missing something. Gaining attributes was certainly handy but so far that had only happened once so he wasn't sure how far those could get him.

Dell was already muscular before Zephyr became apart of him, not overly huge like Axil but he had a strong body. However, even though he had gotten abnormally stronger he didn't seem to put on any more muscle. Checking noone would hear them Dell would ask.

"Zephyr, how come I'm getting stronger but not like, bigger?"

"Well it's because I'm increasing what your current muscle mass is capable of. I'm strengthening the very muscle itself, not adding more"

Dell didn't quite understand how that worked or how that was possible but on the other hand he knew that Zelith worked on a different set of rules then home.

Eventually Dell made it to the Iron division base. Many hunters in iron plated clothes and garbs walked around the area along with some decent looking weapons. The building itself was a large library with wooden fortifications for extra protection.

Usually, monsters avoided division bases due to the amount of hunters gathered. But it seemed whoever was in charge wasn't fond of taking even the slightest risk.

As Dell got deeper in he noticed stalls set up outside the library, selling weapons, armor and other goods.

"Well selling isn't quite the word for how this works. Money isn't worth anything here so hunters trade instead. Favours, gear and so on. I'll Probably have to do someone a favour to get them to turn these plates into armor"

Dell also noticed each hunter had a badge, it was made of metal and in the shape of a sword laying ontop a shield.

"Probably the symbol of being an Iron rank. Wait, did that guy from before even have one?"

Thinking on it Dell didn't quite remember if Jack wore an iron hunters badge. But currently it wasn't too important, walking up to a stall with a rather short man working on armor. Placing his bag down Dell would say.

"I've got some armor plates here and need them put on a long coat of sorts, can you get that done?"

The man had a scruffy beard and wore heavy iron armor.

"Aye lad should be easy enough. Though I've currently got my hands full so in return I'd need you to deliver these sets of armor to the main hall"

"Oh,,, ok"

"Easy enough" Dell thought as he picked up the large wooden crate full of armor. The man didn't expect Dell to be able to lift the large crate, and would've taken multiple runs back and forth if he tried to do it himself.

Walking towards the library he would take note of his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was that there was many more hunters in this base then the blue divisions base.

"Guess you really are just unlucky to start with only enough strength to get in a colored division"

When brought to Zelith a few factors decide thier strength. Thier starting strength, nothing can affect this and is pre-determined by whatever controls the nightmarish place. A hunters improved skill and gear may help them climb a rank at most. And finally awakenings could make you much stronger then before.

"Well, those are the known factors. Zephyr is allowing me to get much stronger and doesn't seem to have a limit. Maybe there are other ways to get stronger"

Getting to the top of the stairs a man with two swords on his back would stop Dell.

"State your business"

"Just delivering some armor for that bearded guy back there"

Looking over at the bearded man he would wave at the hunter with two swords to signal that Dell really was sent by him. With a grunt he would step aside in order to let Dell pass.

Once inside he would set down the crate on the closest table. The main hall was cleared out and being used for training and sparring, just like the garden of the blue divisions base.

Dell smirked as he noticed a familiar face among the hunters. The iron rank hunter from before, Jack, was currently training.

Though as much as he would enjoy messing with the hunter some more he currently had a goal and planned to stay on track. So shortly after placing the crate down he turned back around and headed to the bearded man to collect his armor.