The farm.

To Dell's suprise he only had to wait around an hour for his armor to get fashioned for him. Some measurements had to be taken and so on.

"Six feet tall, strong build with normal proportions. You certainly aren't the biggest hunter I've seen but ya ain't small"

Putting on the armored long coat along with some thick iron toed boots and trousers to match. His shoulders, back, upper chest, legs and feet were all partially protected. Since he needed the zip to be easily opened and closed it wasn't the tight fit but it'd have to do.

"Thanks" Dell would say as he walked away. Once he got a distance away from near by hunters he would say.

"Funny how the black Smith looked like your typical fantasy dwarf"

"I don't believe I know what that is" Zephyr replied.

"I'd certainly be impressed if you did"

He was currently heading straight for the farm. He had the option of going round but that could make his journey twice of long.

"Wouldn't go around be the safer option?" Zephyr asked.

"If we can't survive the farm, we aren't prepared enough to go on a journey looking for answers now are we?"

"There's a fine line between testing your strength and better suicidal"

"I cant name you one hunter of note that doesn't walk one foot on each side of that when going out to hunt"

"Can you name any of note that do then?"


"You're gonna get us killed"

Approaching the dirt path to the farm Dell would look ahead. Most of the way was blocked by tall wheat crops, so navigating through the dirt path to the open area and farm house was the only option.

Dell would sigh.

"Whats wrong?" Zephyr asked.

"Well, I'm almost certain as we walk down that path we're going to get ambushed"

"Just a hunch?"

"Zelith can be predictable in the sense of, if there's a way for it to kill you, it'll try at least once"

"Still going to go through?"

"Of course"

And with that Dell would begin to follow the path. Lanterns lighting the way became less consistent from there on out, and the subtle eerie wind painted a tense scene for the foul mouthed hunter to walk through.

Rustle,,, rustle,,, rustle.

Hearing noises in the crops Dell would instantly pivot on the spot to face it and get into a defensive stance. A loud roar could be heard as a scarecrow like beast dashed at him from the crops.

It towerd him in terms of height and its face resembled a pumpkin carving, orange eyes burning that glared with a deep hunger. It's body made up of rotted wheat and black goo, metallic and rusty fingers firmly wrapped around a pitchfork.

It thrusted at Dell a few times with the pitchfork, barely side stepping out of the way Dell would curse.

"Fucking hell this guys quick for a lump of hay".

After it's initial attack it would raise its arms high to go for a large swing. Dell made use of this opening and dashed in close, protecting his gauntlets and sending a powerful blow to its stomach sending it into the crops.

With a low groan the beast would slowly get get back up, only to be met with a punch to the face, smashing it into the ground. Dropping it's pitchfork the beast grabbed Dell's arms.

"You've gotta be fucking with me"

Distorting it's body the beast would stand up and then lift Dell up high only to slam him into the ground. In return Dell kicked the beast in the face and booted it in the stomach to get the beast off of him.

The two where now in a neutral state, niether approaching.

"Guess I'll have to come to you-"

But Dell only manged two steps before something deep down, be it instincts or not, made him dash back. This allowed him to narrowly avoid the blue flames coming from the beasts mouth.

"What in the seven fucks!?"

The flames didn't seem to set the environment aflame but Dell could certainly feel the heat for the brief time it lingered around.

Dell waited around to see if it would shoot another blast of flame, however it decided to pick up its pitchfork and run at Dell. He would quickly side step around the beast and use his claws to slash at its ribs, black and thick goo spilling out.

The two exchanged hits, the crow getting slashed at and Dell getting whacked with the handle of the pitchfork or kicked. Noticing a blue light in the beasts mouth he dashed back to create as much distance as possible.

When this blast of flame shot out, the black goo that had been spilled set alight and created a small explosion, knocking Dell back around eight feet.

Getting himself off the ground Dell would wait for the flames to dissapear again and once it did he would walk to the beasts burnt and slashed up corpse.

"No way you actually eat that-"

"I absolutely will"

With a sigh Dell would unzip his coat allowing Zephyr to eat the beast, it was a little bit more benifiting then previous monsters.

"If we eat enough of these I better get a fire ability" Dell said.