Lord Zion's home.

The hunter continued to walk in silence for the time being. After Zephyr consumed the previous infected, along with absorbing most of its strength, Dell came to a realization.

"Zephyr may just be the most dangerous beast in all of Zelith. If it got me in the head, it would of had the potential to gain strength beyond anything us hunters have seen. The natural ability to gain strength by consuming others, even just eating the corpses" Dell thought to himself. However another thought came to mind.

"Doesn't that make me-" However this thought was interrupted by the clearing of mist, wich revealed tall iron fencing and a large gate guarded by two average looking men in a uniform of sorts. It was mostly grey with silver accents.

Dell simply walked up to the two.

"I have an invitation to Zio-" Dell's introduction was cut short by one of the men dashing towards him.

"Yes we can guess, however you must pass a test before we allow you entry. Not just anyone can be embraced by lord Zion's greatness" The man explained as he threw a flurry of punches,

The attacks had an explosive force behind them and were much quicker then any hunter Dell had encountered before. Though he couldn't help but smile a demonic smile.

"Finally! Somone who gets it! It's so much more satisfying to fight with your fists" Dell said while narrowly blocking each strike and deflecting it away.

As the guard threw punches Zephyr kept watch, letting Dell do the fighting without comment. However this didn't seem to phase either guard, almost like it was normal.

Dell eventually made an offensive move, deflecting a blow with his forearm then grabbing the man by the colar. He attempted to strike at Dell with his other arm but Dell's next attack came too quickly. Dell threw a solid punch to the mans jaw while pulling him closer by the colar. The result was a devastating punch that sent the man flying back several feet. The man stumbled but didn't fall, rubbing his jaw.

"Now that's a punch" He said.

"That hit would've fucking took Axil's head off. How is he even standing?" Dell thought, confused yet at the same time pleased with how far he had come.

The man ran straight back at Dell, who in turn dashed straight for the gaurd. Dell arrived at the other alot quicker then he had expected. Dell used the others moment of shock plus the speed the two had gathered, to grab at his colar and wrist, pivot on his feet so his back slammed into the man, and throw him over his should straight towards the forrest.

The man hit a tree with a loud crack, knocking it down. He would slowly get up, brushing the dirt off himself and stretch his back.

"Ok that one hurt, you might just be worthy of Lord Zion's presence" He said.

Dell was quite confused. "Is this lord Zion guy really all that important?" Dell asked.

The other gaurd at the gate stepped forward. "You really have no idea where you are do you? Let's see that invitation"

Dell handed the other gaurd the invitation. The gaurd looked up at Dell afterwards and asked.

"What is it you want?"

"To get strong enough to find answers" Dell answered. His expression conveyed a sense of confusion. "Doesn't everyone else want that?"

The gaurd smirked briefly. "Another oddball. Looks like Lord Zion will like you"

The gaurd walked to the gate and opened it, the other one followed shortly after, taking his post once again.

Dell walked in without much hesitation. This is where he wanted to be, no point in considering if he should turn back.

He fount himself in a large field. In the distance was a large mansion, around six to seven stories high. He saw sets of smaller sized houses quite the distance away from the mansion. As he walked further in he saw a large building in the center of the area, smaller then the mansion but bigger then the houses.

Dell noticed many people around the central building. Some sitting outside and chatting, others making thier way inside, with more alreadly inside. As Dell approached the building he felt that unpleasant feeling down his spine.

"Something much stronger then me is in thier" He thought.

However, he continued his way towards the building. He already assumed somone much stronger then him would be there, so he might as well find out what's the deal with these invitations.

Once inside he saw many other people. Not all of them where hunters and Dell could tell. He wasn't sure exactly why he could tell, but he could. Something was off about some of the people here. Either they didn't have the presence most hunters had, or clearly had the aura of a monster.

He followed the first hallway like everyone else. Most doors had gaurds to them, so everyone followed the path until coming across a door they were aloud to enter.

Eventually they all fount said door, and once they went through they realized it was a lecture hall. Most fount seats fairly quickly, including Dell.