The explanation.

Dell reasoned that if he simply sat amd waited, answers would soon arrive. It wouldn't make much sense for him for all these people to be guided to a lecture hall and no explanation be given.

He sat in the middle row, opting not to stand out too much and lay low. Luckily for him many hunters came here in thier gear so he fit in fairly well. What stood out to him where the people not in black or armor.

Standing out the most where those in casual clothes, robes or white garbs with metal plates. He couldn't help but keep an eye on the men in white garbs. Something about them unsettled him far more then the other hunters.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap.

"Um, excuse me are you ok? You're tapping your foot an awful lot" A soft voice said from behind him.

Dell turned around to see a man with a relatively small build compared to his own. Fluffy ginger hair paired with gentle eyes. Pale white skin coverd in casual clothes.

"Are you... Asking me if I'm ok?" Dell asked confused.

"I don't mean to offend! You just seem a little stressed" The other explained in a panic.

"But why does that matter to you?"

"Is it wrong to check on others?"

"I.... I suppose not. I'm just a little on edge. Alot of things are different here then to what I'm used to"

"You're new then, don't worry! All will be explained soon" The ginger male said in a kind tone.

The others kind nature shocked Dell. It gave him an unfair feeling.

"Oi, what's your name?" Dell asked.

"Oh I didn't even introduce myself! I'm so sorry-"

"I doubt your name is so sorry" Dell interrupted.

With a chuckle the other male said. "Max, the names Max"

Dell nodded and looked forward. "Mines Dell"

Down in front of all the seats a man appeared in professor's robes. They were a navy blue with golden buttons and accents. Black gloves and boots accompanied them along with a mask covering his face and neck, and finally a black cap that was slightly tilted down to top it off.

His sudden presence gave Dell that unpleasant feeling down his spine again.

"Silence everyone!" The strangers voice boomed.

"Take your seats! I will not continue further until everyone is seated!" He continued.

Most took thier seats barring a few. One of them, a hunter wielding a short sword, walked closer to him.

"Why should we do as you say?" He asked.

The professor calmy let the man finish. But once he did the professor raised his hand. The following moments rendered the entire hall silent.

The man suddenly was shot into the air, his body contorted and coverd in lethal wounds. A gaurd quickly came to take his body out of the room.

"I hope noone else needs further explanation, you sit when asked to sit" He said.

"Was that his awakened power? The guy just, got torn apart but nothing... Happened" Dell thought.

"This should make things much easier for you new comers" The professor began.

"I am Lord Zion. The one and only teacher on these grounds. I have been sending out invitations throughout the surrounding areas to bring new students here. What I just demonstrated was the manifestation of my ego. Something I plan to help some of you to learn"

The room began to be filled with questions and whispers.

"Silence! Allow me to explain. Your ego has very different properties in Zelith. It's no longer just your conscious mind, it's the very driving force of Zelith. An individuals ego has the power to out class even those with double awakenings"

"People can have double awakenings?!" Dell thought, his hands forming tight fists.

"Of course not everyone can learn such a power. On average only three people learn this power each year. I've been teaching for six years. However, I do admit thier is the chance that other teachers exist"

Lord Zion paced back and forth, his gaze glancing over the hall of people.

"For me to teach you this power, I'll need you to pass a test. Well, three tests to be exact. The test of strength, the test of intelligence and the test of will. Those who pass the test of strength may then move on to the test of intelligence and so on"