What is true love?

Now they have done it, you know there are some people, at least one people who will disagree you if it's only one and other people agrees you then he might end up listening to lot of thing by the other peoples and eventually he will lose but if there are more than one people, like in our group there are six members including me so if two people agrees you and three don't agree you, then… you might end up listening to lot of things by them but if you can defend your sentence with the perfect answer then you might end up as a winner. Yes this is not a simple conversation with friends; this is the war…, war between yourself and the demons waiting to chew you down, one word here and there, then you are a goner for sure. So I should use my words carefully.

I think I might end up being first to talk.

Suddenly Azuhiko says "So which type of girl do you prefer haruto?"

Oh… I was not first okay I think I have time to think about what I have to say.

"My type I never gave it a thought" mumbled haruto.

Ken said "But you were the one who started this topic"

"Okay let me think"

As per I know haruto he will say something like girls who are beautiful, beautiful and beautiful.

And then Haruto said with a little smile on his face "I like girls who are cute, beautiful, charming and caring I will definitely fall for her for sure and then we talk to each other whole night through cell phones and cares about me".

That was unexpected from haruto, I feel something is wrong but then by look on his face it looks like he is saying it from his heart…, the feelings are true. I think no one will object him that sounds kind of true. And suddenly I hear some words from makato

"No, no, no, no, no… are you our friend haruto? Where is our friend haruto? What have you done to him?!"

"What! What do you mean by that?"

Makato says "Haruto that I knew will never say something like that".

As you can see he has done nothing wrong but still being questioned, but it is most likely to asked question because if you say anything that is strange to them or they never heard from you before then they might ask you so much question or make fun of you…. I think I should think something familiar to all.

Haruto says " Who do you think I am a demon or something?".

For the first time tozoshi said something different, he said "But it was unexpected from you, we never heard you saying something like that".

"Yes I thought you would say the girls with big boobs or something"

ken said.

I recommend tozoshi to not speak because if he speaks against any of this people he will end up listening more from them because he got crush on someone. in first place why did you told everyone about it. So now it means that they have something in there mind to talk about it as they know what they are talking about but for haruto and others they don't have any crush or the person they may like so might end up listening less than tozoshi or Azuhiko. I feel very bad for them but you both are in wrong place.

"Yeah… if that girl has big boobs then it will be cherry on the top"

"That was expected from you haruto" makato said.

"And what about you tozoshi? You also have crush on sakura what do you like about her!"

"Now you are dumping everything on tozoshi…, Haruto" Azuhiko said

"Yes" ken said.

But suddenly Makato change the question to tozoshi by saying "By the way I want to know why tozoshi likes sakura-chan".

"Yeah you are right, that's what I was asking" haruto says.

The table turned now; by looking tozoshi he looks so embarrassed to say. While I was going to stop asking him tozoshi said something in a low voice

"I like everything about her, her smile, her cuteness, her mistakes, her achievements and everything she does she is just perfect for me. I don't know anyone who can make me happier than her. When I talk to her or go near her my heart starts pounding so fast that it might blast in a second".

Those words! By listening those words, I feel like he loves sakura so much. This might be called as love. I have never seen this side of tozoshi. Is this the thing that they call love that changes people inside out, good grief I can't understand it properly and by listening to tozoshi it feels like he fell so deep for sakura. Everyone looks satisfied I think he might not get questioned or get teased by someone. But then...

Makato said "Hahaha… what are you saying tozoshi you sound like a movie actor, you have just said a paragraph from the romantic movie script…"

After saying those words and teased by someone or not agreed by someone it feels some much embarrassment. I know what you feeling tozoshi. Though you have said everything correct, you are still being teased because they never felt the same thing that you are feeling right now but if there is someone who feels same like you he may agree with you. That's why I hate this game of conversation. I think I should stop makato…

As I was going to say something Azuhiko said.

"Stop it makato".

"Ohey! You look this hand? Want some" said haruto aggressively.

That was unexpected! It's ok that Azuhiko said to stop because he might feel the same way, because he has a girlfriend but haruto… I never expected haruto to stop and also he is saying to makato, who is his best friend. Is there something wrong or it is just obvious I don't know what is happening here.

"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to …"

I thought I should say something so I said

"Makato I think you should've not said that".

I thought makato will be quit after listening to this but no, no, no… something worse happened.

Suddenly makato said " So what is love for you? And what type of girl do you prefer?"

This is getting worse I was just thinking what should I say but I didn't think of anything. And I knew that I will be in this situation so I will say what I have in my mind when I think of love.

...….Bell rings...….

Phew… I was saved thank you… I didn't think this will happen. I think my luck is not all bad.

"You have been saved by time, Goro"

"Yep! I know I am lucky"

Then ken says "Let's go to our class".

"Sorry goro he speak so much sometimes" Haruto said.

"It's okay we are friends after all" I said.

Everything is finished I think I don't have to say anything now. We should go back to our class.

I said to tozoshi "Let's go back to our class, tozoshi".


Though this conversation ends still I don't know what true love is.

All leave to their respective classes.