What love is for me & cup of tea with principal

As we were heading to our class tozoshi asked me

"What is love, goro?"

I think I have to answer this question and damn! Why is he looking so serious? So I said what I had in my mind.

"To be true I have never felt something like love but I have seen it sometimes, to me love is something I haven't explored so I can't comment on it now… but someday I may fall in love with someone who is precious to me, when I see her it will make me happy like I am in heaven or something but I have never fell for someone, so till then I think I don't know much about love but when the time comes I think I might tell you what love is"

"Wow… As expected from you, you are as cool as ever, I want to become like you… so cool"

"Uh… you think…? Yeah, I think I am pretty cool aren't I?"

There is nothing to think about what I have to say twice because it's tozoshi he will never objects me or do anything but I don't know why he thinks I am cool. There are some people who want to be like me it makes me happy I don't know why.

"Goro is there someone you love?"

"Ugh… I 'have said that whole speech and you didn't…., okay! No"

"No, okay if there will be someone you will tell me first"

"But why?!"

"Because you are the one I have told about sakura-chan and I also want to see what true love is"

"Oi, oi, oi, what are you saying it's not like I am the most romantic person in the world"

"I see, but I think that you will be a good boyfriend to someone"

"If that's what you want, you can ask Azuhiko, his girl also seems happy"

"Oh… yes Azuhiko has a girlfriend, okay I will ask him first but if you find your love and when you know true love please have sometime and tell me about it"

Tozoshi… he is not acting like himself. Is it because of sakura or something else? I don't know what's up to him. I think I should just wait for him. If he needs any help I should be prepared.

We entered class….

"Go Tanaka! Show him what you are made of"

"Get him haru…"

What is this shouting…? Are they cheering someone ugh… it's tanaka again, you never heard of him so I will tell you about tanaka he is the most aggressive, cool and handsome. He is like little delinquent in our class. He acts all tough but he has soft heart inside, it's good that he is my friend.

I have to stop Tanaka before teacher comes.

Tozoshi gets aside from that battlefield, and Goro went to stop that fight.

"Tanaka don't fight, teacher will be here anytime"

It's troublesome that on the first day of our school this is happening to me.

"Nah… He is done for, Goro"

"Let him go Tanaka" I said.

"What are you three doing?"

As I feared teacher came ugh… now the big trouble came up.

"He started fighting" Tanaka said.

"No, He started first" Haru said.

He looked us and luckily I was there in their fight, I was trying to stop the fight but then teacher entered the class and saw us three together in the fight now he is thinking that I am also involved in this fight. Yep! This is troublesome.

"Okay you three come with me to principal's office" teacher said.

"But why me I have done nothing" I said.

"That will be decided by principal sir" teacher said.

So we three were going to principal's office for a cup of tea. While we were going to principal's office Tanaka laughed

"Bwa… haha…"

"Hey why are you laughing, Tanaka?" I said.

"I am laughing because you have done nothing and you are still coming to principal's office"

"It's all your fault" I said.

"Nah… It was not mine haru started that"

"Uhh…! What do you mean by me, you were the one who started the fight?"

"Hey calm down both of you. You know we are going to principal's office"

"Uhh… I know." Haru said

"Bwa…haha…" Tanaka laughed.

"Now what?"

"It is same like last year, you got dragged with me"

"Yeah I know, it's all your fault"

"He does this every year" haru said.

"Uhh… you know I hate you so much haru"

They look like that if I was not there they might kill each other but no, they are best friends so they will never hurt each other that badly ohh… I forgot to introduce haru he is an average person, he is average in all things like sports, studies, looks, and he has very high anger so I don't want to fight with haru, but still I was dragged into this mess huu…

"Stop talking you! You are going to principal's office behave yourself" Teacher said.

"Yes, sir" Tanaka, haru and I said.

We entered principal's office there was no one, I felt so good at that moment but then our teacher said wait here I am going to call principal. We were not much feared by principal sir because we came here like every day, that's all Tanaka's fault. He does things over.

Principal entered.

"Ohh… Tanaka, haru, and goro, you three! Now who did it"

"It was haru, sir" Tanaka said to principal sir.

"No! He started first" Haru said.

"And what was the reason?"

Yeah I also want to know what the reason is this time.

"He wanted to sit at corner side on the bench and I was sitting at corner then he started to fight me over the seat" Haru said.

Ha… this was the reason I was dragged to principal's office, they are like dog and cat they fight over very small things.

"So it was over a mere seat" sir said.

"Yes" haru said.

"And what have you done goro?"


"Let me guess, you got dragged into this while you were trying to stop them"

"Uhh…Uhh… yes"

"Haha… I was right; it is all like last year" he laughed and said.

"Yes, they are some troublesome children" Teacher said.

"I will spare you this time as it is the first day of your school but I don't want this next time".

"Yes, sir" We said.

Uhh… It is nice that he didn't call our parents on the first day of our school but I have a bad feeling that this year will get more troublesome than before. Then we headed to our class.

[Principal in his mind]* This students! Are they from my school? Students do fights over girls or for like pushing each other and stuff but these students they are fighting over a mere seat, I can see future of our youth, the future is bright.And Why am I feeling disappointed?*