
Uh….gh I am tired, I am going to sleep now. Wait a minute… one piece is airing now I have to watch it.

I watched one piece.

One piece, it just gets better and better, the writer of this story is god himself. Well… now I will take some rest, No…! I have got so much homework, that new teacher, gave us so much. I have to start now so it will be finished by the evening, that teacher… she is beautiful, and cute but she was so scary while she was saying what if we didn't do our homework.

So let's do our homework now...., it's been an hour and I have only finished half of the homework.

Ting…! My cell phone rang.

"It's a massage from… tozoshi, let's see what it is"

Ahh…! He is coming here to do… homework… together, it is a good idea but we are talking about tozoshi here, I don't think if he come here I can do my homework, if that's the case I have to do my homework now and finish it before tozoshi comes.

Ding dong...! Doorbell rang.

What the hell he just sent me that message now, is it him or someone else.

"Oh… tozoshi come in goro is in his room" I heard my mom saying that.

Oh no, I think there is no other way but to do it together, I hope I can finish my homework at time.



"Come in"

"Woo… bro your manga collection has grown"

"I know…so, you came to do your homework?"

"Yes, I am bad at mathematics you know that, right?"

"Okay so let's do our homework".

"Alright, let's get this work done" Tozoshi said.

We sat for like an hour he hadn't said anything and is focused on his homework what's with him. I asked him

"Tozoshi, do you want to eat something?"

"Not now, if you want to eat you can eat, I have to finish this work".

He is so focused anyways let's do our homework.

It's been 2 hours.

"Ah…! Yes I have finished my homework". Tozoshi said.

"Yeah, mine too"

"Now, we can play some games"

"Yeah, as we have finished our homework we can play…"

I don't know how, but we have finished our homework.

"Which game do you want to play?" I asked.

"Which one do you have?"

"I have genshin impact, Pokémon, and persona 5"

"Only three"

"Yeah, I have completed others, so I have deleted those games".

"Ahh! You have completed all of the games, what about Jump force?"


"Attack on titan 1 & 2?"


"Bro! You are not some mere human, you are built different".

"I know".

"Okay, let's play some Pokémon"

"Okay, here you go"

"What Pokémon do you have?"

"I have a Charizard, Kygore, Lugia, Pikachu, Gritini, …."

"Are you kidding me?! How did you have legendary Pokémon" Tozoshi said.

"Well I have played that game… and somehow I got them".

"Dude! Let me see them"


"Wow! I have been looking for them, but I didn't got any".

"Well there are no games that can beat me, you know" I said.

We played the game for two hours. It's been night already

"I think I should get going"


I went with tozoshi to the door.

"Bye, meet you at school"

"Yeah, bye"

Ha…h well I did my homework. Now let's eat some food and sleep.

Night Passed…..

Ha….ugh it is morning I have to get ready. I went down to get ready; I am so sleepy haa….a

"Good morning!"

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning goro!"

"Good morning tozoshi"

"What! Tozoshi!! What are you doing here?"

"Ha-ha…. I have come to pick you up" Tozoshi says with the smile on his face.

"So early and why?! I am not a kid"

"Haha… I was up early today, so I came to your house"

"Hey, Goro! He came to pick you up and you are shouting to him, Say sorry to him"

"But he is the one who should….."

"Anyways goro let's go to school"

"Yeah, let me change my clothes".

"Take this bread tozoshi" mom said.

"Thank you Miss Hizoku" Tozoshi said.

I changed my cloths really fast while my friend was eating food with my mother. While I was changing I heard

"Tozoshi, does goro have a girlfriend?"

"Uhh… Well…"

"Let's go tozoshi" I held his hand and dragged him to the door in hurry.

"Wait goro! Don't you want to eat for breakfast?"

"No! I am full"

"Ha….aah goro, can you go little slowly"


We finally reached to school.

"Can you release my hand, now goro?"

"Uh… oh… Yes"

"Now let's go to our class".


As we were going to our class we met others there and there was Azuhiko uh…! It is pretty rare to see Azuhiko, Did shizuka not came today, well let's ask him.

"Hey guys" tozoshi said.

"What are you doing here Azuhiko?" I asked Azuhiko.

"Why? I can't be here?"

"No, I mean you are not with shizuka today"

"Ohh… she didn't came today"


I knew that.

"Have you seen our new class teacher" Tozoshi said.

"Yes, she is so beautiful" haruto said.

"And specially her boobs" tozoshi said.

"Yeah, her body is perfect" haruto said.

"Yep! They started that creepy conversation again" ken said.

"Yes, they are so stupid" makato said.

"I heard she has a fan club in this school" haruto said.

"Really? Who is running that?" I asked.

"I heard rumors that it's been running by the 10th grade students"

"Uh…10th grade!" tozoshi said; he was really surprised.

"You mean our seniors" I said.

"Yes, I didn't heard his name though"

"Anyways let's go to our respective classes" Azuhiko said.

"Yes" they all said.

"Let's go tozoshi" I said slowly to tozoshi.


Tozoshi and I, we both speak slowly with each other if we have to say something that we don't want others to hear.

We were in our class I sat at my place and then someone called me



Oh… it's Tanaka.

"What do you want Tanaka?"

"Please goro, can I copy your homework"

"Uhh….! Tanaka you should do your homework by yourself"

"Yeah yeah I know don't sound like my mother"

"This is last time; I am giving my homework to you"

I looked in my bag but….but there was no notebook, what the hell! I forgot to bring my notebook with me today, I worked so hard and did that homework. This all happened because of that damn tozoshi, if he hadn't showed up in my house suddenly, I might have brought my notebook with me (He is really angry).

Goro looked towards tozoshi.

Look at him laughing and talking with haru (* at this point goro is so mad).

"Sorry tanaka, I can't give you my homework"


"I didn't brought my notebook"

"What! You didn't bring your notebook".

"Yes, so please take it from tozoshi"

"Uh…ah…Yes, are you okay goro, you look pale".

"Yeah, I am okay, just take it from tozoshi"


Now, what should I do? Should I make new notebook and write whole homework from the start or should I tell truth to the teacher…. I should tell the truth to teacher, I think it is the right option. I heard in this kind of situation if you tell truth you will be saved.

I told tozoshi "I didn't bring my homework with me, tozoshi".



"Okay don't worry, and what the… how can you forgot your homework?"

"Damn you it was because of you"


"If you haven't showed up in my house so early and eat breakfast with my mother I might have brought my book with me"

"Well…. I am sorry, so what are you going to do now?"

"I will tell truth to Miss Hoshigo"

"Really? I think you should make new notebook and write Whole homework again, you have plenty of time"

"I think I will go with the truth option".

Well in particular I don't know, but in this serious moment I am feeling lazy to write all that homework again , so I will not make any new notebook and write that whole thing for which I needed 4 hours to do yesterday…. but the look on Miss Hoshigo's face…. She was so scary back then (Goro is so scared by remembering Miss Hoshigo's face).

Miss Hoshigo entered the class and started teaching.

The happiness on my face can be seen from far away but then after a moment later a student said

"Miss Hoshigo you gave us homework yesterday"

The student who said this to the teacher was haru, damn you haru!! Now… I am a goner.

"I know collect your notebooks at the end of the class…."

"Yes ma'am" all students said.

"And those who didn't did their homework or forgot their homework or for any reason by which they can't submit their homework stay in the class after the lecture" Miss Hoshigo said with the scary look on her face.

I swallowed my saliva; she was so scary I don't know what she will do with me.

"You are a goner, goro" tozoshi said.

"I know"

Lecture was over now it's time to face the truth and the true hell which I had never seen before.

"Are you sure, should I go?" tozoshi asked.

"Yes go ahead tell everyone that I can't come with them today"

"By the way you are lucky too, you know"


"You will be there with Miss Hoshigo all alone".

"Just leave Tozoshi"

"Okay then take care my friend, win this war"

"I will try my best"

Tozoshi left.

Haru came towards me and said "sorry goro I didn't know that you haven't done your homework"

"It's okay…. And what do you mean, I haven't done my homework, I forgot to bring it".

"Don't lie, there is nobody here"

"I am not lying"

"Then bro you have to face this"

"I know"

"Good bye my friend, Goro I hope we can see you tomorrow"


Few moments later Miss Hoshigo came in.

I was the only student who didn't did his homework, wait a minute I have done my homework but I forgot to bring it, that's what happened. Yes, that's what happened , why am I repeating same thing again and again, I just have to say I didn't brought my homework, to her… yes it's a simple task, that's it.

"So you are the only one who didn't do his homework" Miss Hoshigo said with so scary face.

Forgot about the task she is so mad at this time, please help me.