Goro & The Kiss From Miss Hoshigo

"So you didn't do your homework".

"N-No I forgot… to bring it"

"And… what is the reason?"

What is the reason! What should I tell her, the truth… that my friend came to my house and ate breakfast with my mother and I was in such hurry that I forgot to bring my homework…. What should I tell her?

"Well I-I don't have any reason, particularly"

"Uh… no reasons, well I should punish you for what you did"

"I know, I will do as you say".

Yeah I was prepared for the worst case, so let just think what she will do, more like she will take me to principal's office, I can manage that.

"First, help me arrange these books"

"Uhh… yes ma'am"

Sorry guys but from here on you will be with Tozoshi and it will be from his perspective if he does any stupid thing just ignore him.

"Where is Goro, Tozoshi?" ken asked.

"Oh… he… will not come with us today"


"Well he forgot to bring his homework and now he is being punished by Miss Hoshigo"

"Uhh..! Punished by Miss Hoshigo, lucky!" Haruto said.

"I also want to be punished by Miss Hoshigo" Haruto said.

"Haha…. Yeah me too" I said.

"What happened to goro he never forgets anything, how can he forgot to bring his homework" Ken asked.

Well what should I say, I was the reason that goro didn't brought his homework.

"I don't know" I said.

"Well he is so distant from us, sometimes he won't talk with us much… " Makato said.

"Yeah and we don't know much about him, he didn't tell us about him much" ken said.

"You are right makato; he doesn't talk about himself much" Haruto says.

"Well we never asked him makato" Ken said.

"Yes you are, right"

What! Where is this conversation going to?! They are totally wrong about him.

"What do you think haruto?"

"I don't know, he doesn't talk about himself, he is the guy who wants to be silent".

"Like a silent killer…" I said.

"But he never make any eye contact with anyone, it's like he is not interested in anyone" makato said.

That sounds cool bro! Hearing this by other people, you must feel very cool bro, I respect you that's why I want to be like you goro.

"If you don't make any eye contact that means you are not interested in them? I have heard this first time" Haruto said.

"I heard that he is so powerful that he can beat 10th grade students all by himself" makato said.

"Well I never saw goro fighting" Haruto said.

"What do you think Ken?"

"Yeah we don't know much about him, we should ask him he would probably tell us"

"Yeah I think so" Haruto says.

"Speaking of which, have you been to Goro's house" Makato said.

"I never have been to goro's place" Ken and haruto said.

"What about you tozoshi, you are his best friend aren't you?"

"Well… I have been to Goro's house"

"Really? How is his house?"

"Well it is good… he has a wonderful house…."

"Tell us more" they all said.

What the hell I should tell you about, the house is made of concrete and bricks, He has a small garden, he has a toilet in his house and many more thing, you want to listen that from by mouth?

"Well he has a big manga collection…."

"What! A manga collection, Goro reads manga?"

What the hell! And you call them friends, Goro? They didn't know a single thing about you. Well it's not there mistake. For me, I asked goro like hundreds of time to make him speak that where does he live and what he do on his spare time, and all that kinds of stuff, after irritating him so much, he told me.

"Yes he read mangas, watches anime and play games"

"What the hell! He didn't talk about that much" Ken surprisingly says.

"Well is he otaku, I heard the rumors that Goro Hizoku is otaku".

"No! It is fake, he loves anime and manga but he is not an otaku" I said.

There are…, the rapid fire of questions. What the hell just… ask to goro why you are asking me?

"Hey hey tell us more"

"You dumb asses just ask him, why are you asking me about him"

"Oi… you are talking too much, tozoshi" haruto said.

"Sorry sorry, I was just saying you should ask goro, it would be better"

"Uh… I know, we will ask him directly"

Phew… thank god if haruto had gone mad I was a goner.

We walked towards the convenient store. Ken asked

"Whose turn is today?"

"Uh.. I think it is goro's turn"

"Goro's…, well he is not here so…." Haruto said.

"Whose turn was next?"


"Keeennn…. Give us what you got, ken!" haruto said with a scary look on his face.

"Yeah" I said.

Makato held ken's hand and then haruto took his money from his bag. It was looking like we were taking his property and making him a beggar by taking off his clothes, ken tried his best but haruto snatched all his money.

"That's not fair guys, it was not my turn" Ken said.

"Whatever!" Makato said.

"What do you want to eat?" Haruto asked us.

We ate some snacks and then haruto said

"Our turns have been disturbed, what now?"

"Well let's just exchange ken's and goro's turn" makato said.

"You sometimes give good advices" haruto said.

"What do you mean by that? I give good advices every time!!"

"Yeah yeah"

Let's go back to goro. Goro take it back to you.

Yes, I am sorry you have to stick with Tozoshi but it will be me… from now on. So let's just start from where we left.

So Miss Hoshigo asked me to help her arrange the books. I helped her arranging the book while she was checking the book, then suddenly she said

"Goro, what's your full name?"

"Goro Hizoku! Ma'am"

"Okay, why didn't you bring your homework?"

Ahh… that again, I can't tell her.

"Well I forgot"

"You forgot?"

"Well if you want to hear…." I mumbled.

"What do you say?"

"Ah… nothing…"

"You can tell me, Goro think me as your friend"

I looked at her boobs; no! I didn't look at them it just happened… that I saw them. I swallowed my saliva; she is so god damn hot. I can't resist the question that she asked.

"Okay okay I am telling"

I told her everything about, tozoshi that he came to my house ate breakfast and in hurry I forgot to bring my Notebook.

"Haha… you are so cute, Goro" She laughed cheerfully.

At that moment I looked her she was looking like an angle. I thought let's marry this girl but then… she is older than me, she must have a boyfriend uhh… just if she was same as my age, I would definitely marry her.

Suddenly Miss Hoshigo stood up and kissed on my cheek.

Uhh… did she just uh…? Did she just kissed on my cheek does this mean…. And so close I can smell the shampoo it smells like strawberry and little like rose and her boobs…! They are been squished by my shoulder.

"You know, I had a little brother like you…"

Ahh….! Like her brother…. What the… I think I have no chance with her.

"But he died in an accident five years ago, his name was also goro, and he also looks like you,… he was so protective towards me and says that he will protect me from the bad guy…" She said while laughing more like sadly laugh.

I think she is just holding back her emotions.

"I am sorry to hear that".

"It's okay; it's been 5 years he passed away"

5 years…. ago her brother got in an accident and found to be dead! Hmm…

"Goro, what do you want to become when you grow up?"

"I haven't deiced yet"

"If you find something interesting, please let me know" she said that with a cheerful smile.

"Yes ma'am"

"You can call me Miss Hoshigo, you know"

"Yes Miss Hoshigo!"

She'd let me go…. Ahh… what was that about it doesn't feel real and wait a minute she kissed me! And… Her brother ha..? Well let's go home.