The Conflict

Smooch…. Smooch

"goooroo!" I heard a voice.

"Don't just stand there kiss me back"

"Ahh.. Miss Hoshigo what…! What's happening here?" I said while she kissing me.

"What are you saying, you don't know we got married and we are having baby right now and don't call me miss now"

What..! What is she saying? We are married… and what! A baby! Well it sound good but… hell this is so sudden. Yesterday I was just a student and now I am a married man, what is happening!

"Here Goro, let's have a baby"

As I looked towards Miss Hoshigo.

Alarm beeps...…

Ahh… it was a mere dream! I was so close to make a baby with Miss Hoshigo but then…., I knew that wouldn't be real, I hope it would be real. Never mind, it was one hell of a dream. Just a little more and I could have my first dream baby with Miss Hoshigo.

Anyways, let's go to school.

While walking towards the school


"Oh..! Tozoshi"

"What happened yesterday, how did you survive?"

"Well she'd let me go"

"Uh…! She let you go?"


"Didn't she do anything to you?"

"Well she asked me to arrange the notebooks while she was checking it".

"That was some punishment you got….. " Tozoshi said.

"Have you done anything funny to Miss Hoshigo while no one was there?" Tozoshi asked me.

That flash of the moment when I saw Miss Hoshigo's boobs and the kiss, she gave me arrived…automatically and I was so into it, that I didn't heard anything what tozoshi was saying.

"Goro…! Goro? ....Goro!"

"Yeah… what were you saying?"

"You didn't heard me, you have done something funny goro, didn't you?" he said while crying.

"You kidding me! I didn't do anything"

While talking, Goro and tozoshi reached to their school.

"Tell me the truth, Goro what happened between you and Miss Hoshigo".

"I have told you already I didn't do anything!"

While Goro and tozoshi were talking haruto approached him



"What have you done to Miss Hoshigo?"

What! Did he saw us when Miss Hoshigo kissed me, what is happening?

"Nothing..." I said.

"The Hoshigo fan club is looking for you" he says in anger and fear both.

"Who are they?"

"The fan club… for Miss Ichika Hoshigo your homeroom teacher".

"What do they want from me?"

"They didn't said anything but they came to your class and asked for you"

I heard someone with a very cheerful yet angry voice.

"So there you are!!"

A 10th grade student entered and said that, looking towards goro.


"You are Goro, right?" he said with a calm and cheerful voice and face.

"Well yes, I am goro"

"Can you come here; I want to talk to you for a bit"

"Okay" I said.

"Goro, you shouldn't go alone there, he is the strongest in this school, they say that he has the power of a wild bear and I also heard that he won 3 national level boxing championship" haruto said.

"It's okay haruto, you don't have to worry"

"But…. At least let me be your side"

"Let me handle it".

"But... if he does anything funny, I will jump in it too, okay?"


Goro started walking towards him.

"Hello I am ishiki anoho I am from 10th grade and the leader of the fan club of Miss Ichika Hoshigo, nice to meet you"

"I am Goro. I am from 9th grade, nice to meet you too".

anoho comes close to goro and whispers in his ears

"I heard that Miss Ichika Hoshigo kissed you?"

Well good grief, what should I tell him it just happened that Miss hoshigo saw his brother in me….., well it's her fan club I should be true with their fans.

"Well…uh… Yes she.…"

A punch from anoho was blasted towards goro's stomach while he was speaking.

"Uh…! What? He blocked it" Anoho said.

For a little moment there was a silence but then everybody started talking with each other

"How did he stopped ishiki anoho's punch so easily?"

"Uh…, I heard that nobody can stop ishiki's punch"

"I think the rumors are false"

"No, no one can stop ishiki's punch"

"But he stopped it so easily"

Good grief, that's what I get for telling truth, after this I should just speak less truth depending upon the situation.

"Goro…!" haruto comes close and says.

"Stay out of it, haruto I can handle it"

After hearing that whispering from others, anoho did rain of punches with that cheerful and calm face but Goro stopped them all.

Ishiki anoho smiles and says while punching "What are you made of..?"

"Well… I am made of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and many more compounds…."

"That was a good joke…" anoho smiles

"I know" goro smiles

"Why are you on your defense? let me see some of your moves…"

"Well… I don't want to hurt you…"

"What did you say….?!" Ishiki anoho says with a little annoyed face and hit harder than before.

To put an end goro punched anoho back on the face.

"Damn you!"

The principal sir was coming to check with is happening, everyone started running it was so crowed so he didn't saw who was fighting.

"Meet me at the school's ground after school if you are a man and if you don't come….. I will come and get you" Anoho says with anger before going.

"Let's go Goro or we will get caught"


We ran from there and somehow reached to the class without getting caught.

"Ha…ha…ha, why were they hitting you, goro" Tozoshi said.

"Ha…ha…ha, Nothing, just…"

"Well if you don't want to tell me…. It's okay"


I don't want to get tozoshi dragged into this mess. That fan club! It is real, I thought that it was just a rumors, well I should talk to them, he said that he will be waiting in school's ground there is no other option, let's go there after school.

"Let's sit to our place, goro"


"Hey goro!" Tanaka said.


"I heard that Miss Hoshigo's fan club attacked you?"

"Well…. yes"

"Uhh…! What's with them, let's go and beat the hell out of them" Tanaka said with the anger.

"Uhh… I don't need your help, Tanaka"

"If you say so but if you need any help just call me, okay?"


Well that's it now my simple life is going to get disturbed, everybody will ask about that incident, of which I don't want to talk about and there will be so much rumors and I will be popular! I don't want to, I just want to live a simple life.

Miss Hoshigo entered the class she seems worried about something.

She started teaching mathematics, she kept looking at me through this whole lecture, did something happened to me. Did she hear about that incident with the seniors, well it was not that big, that it will be heard by the teachers.

Finally our lecture was over.

"Goro, are you going to the ground?" tozoshi asked.

"Yeah I think I have to… I know it is pain in the ass but if I don't they will don't leave me alone"

"Let's go then, I am with you"

"Tozoshi you don't have to be there"

"But at least let me be there"

"Just stand and don't do anything, okay?"

"Yes, sir"

While I was talking to tozoshi, Miss Hoshigo called me

"Tozoshi go ahead I will be there soon"


Miss Hoshigo said

"I heard that my fan club attacked you" Miss Hoshigo said with the wordiness in his words.

"Well yeah they did"

"Uhh… that kids they opened the fan club without asking me and doing on their own" Miss Hoshigo says embarrassingly.

Well you are so beautiful you deserve a fan club.


"Why are they attacking you did they saw us yesterday"

"How did you know?"

"It's my fan club so everything happens there because of what I do, right?" Miss Hoshigo says with a cute angriness on her face.


"Are you hurt? You don't have to deal with them you can go to principal's office"

Principal's office what am I a kid!, I have to deal with this on my own

"Miss Ichika you don't have to worry about me…"

"How are you so calm Goro at this point?"


"Just don't get hurt, you heard that?"

"Yes and I am not going for a fight there".

I left the class and went towards school ground, now it is started why I am doing this, today my plan was to go home play some persona 5 and sleep. How did I end up like this?

Anyways, I think that kiss was worth it. Let's head towards school's ground.

I went to school's ground and it was full of people and there were my boys haruto, makato, ken, azuhiko, tozoshi all were standing there, it was like a small tournament, there were so many people to see us fight! But I came here to talk, what should I do it is pain in the ass.

Goro entered to talk with the leader but

Uhh… where is the leader he is not the one I fought in the morning, he is not the leader and what the hell is he doing here

People were whispering and talking on their own

"What is he doing here?"

"I heard he is the idol for the students, every one respects him so much and can do anything for him blindly"

"I heard he is so much powerful than ishiki anoho"

"I heard that ishiki anoho is right hand of his"

"Yeah I heard that nobody can beat him"

"What was his name…? I can't remember it"