the beginning of a legend

my name is jason I live a average life or as average as a ex military commander can live but i got kicked out for not following commands from the higher ups the reason i didn't listen is because they ordered my men on a suicide mission young untrained boys fresh out of boot camp I couldn't do that but I digress my life is stable still single even though I'm 34 but there is still time but all of a sudden I see a child crossing the street as her mother is on the phone non the wiser so i run out and push her out of the way of the truck that I swear wasnt there a few seconds ago and as you can guess I get hit and die for the longest time everything is black its felt like days have passed

the only thing I can do is think about all the shows and books I've read or watched and all the military tactics I've been taught but after what felt like a months I feel like I'm being squeezed I also feel like I'm being slid out of a fleshy tunnel until for the first time in what felt like months I breathe and as well as breathe I also feel extreme pain and I let out a shriek of pain and then fall asleep but not before a hear a old frail voice say it's a boy my lady

a few months have passed but I realized that I'm in a world I'm not used to this is shown in the way everyone keeps saying words like baratheon and stark but sometimes I hear a man screaming about dragon spawn so I've come to the conclusion that I'm in the world of ice and fire or the game of thrones world I cant tell if it's the show or tv show but I hope it's the show since there is less threats to me

I've also realized that I'm the son of robert and lyanna this is perfect since that means ive got the stormlands riverlands north and the vale on my side through marriage ties blood and good relations

it's not all sun shine and rainbows though since the lannisters will want me dead the tyrells will try to make me a puppet and robert will get the crown in debt along with getting drunk and depressed after the death of lyanna but I know military so I'm not all that defenceless but my biggest pain right now is the pain of teething no one tells you how much it hurts to grow teeth

a few more months and I'm in a weirder position I can say a few words but the truly strange thing is that stannis is realy caring when no one else is around I've been left at storms end well robert goes and fights and wins battles but well I'm here stannis has me in his office when he is working and has me in his room when he sleeps also a sidenote my crib is the most comfortable thing ever right now stannis is carrying me to his room since it's late once we get there his stomach growls but so does mine sadly davos hasn't shown up yet so our food stocks are low stannis gets a sad look on his face and says "sorry Orys but we dont have much food those foolish tyrells are feasting as you a boy of 10 months starve I'm sorry I cant do anything about it little stag" by now I'm feeling bad that he has to apologise about this so I try to speak for the first time

"I-its ok-ay uncle stan I fweel fwine" I say this and give him my brightest smile he smiles at me and gives me a brief hug he also says "go to sleep I'll have some food for you tomorrow" I go to sleep since I am very tired

a week passes and during that time Davos showed up with his onions and a bit of salted meat but we also got news that my father has defeated rhaegar and has also taken the capital with the aid of the Lannisters jamie also killed king arys

right now stannis is carrying me on his horse as we and a group of 35 loyal men march with us to the capital so stannis can go and take his place as master of ships and I can take my place as crown prince I'm very excited to see my father since I've not seen his face since when I was born was a few weeks before the rebellion so he left before I could see him

a few days travel and we've reached kings landing by this point I can walk and talk well enough for a 11 month year old but ned stark isnt here hes gone to get my mother but I know shes dead not that I will say this since I want robert to like me so that means be the perfect baratheon but also the perfect charming prince to inherit the throne

I hope I look better in this world since in my original I was below adverage in terms of looks

as we go through the gates of kings landing a screen appears in front of my face and says 0 percent as I wonder what its leading I'm picked up from Stannis's arms pulled into a bear hug by a giant of a man who I assume is my father robert baratheon

"who are you" I ask him in a curious tone he looks a bit sad but raises his head high and says "I'm you're father robert baratheon the demon of the trident new king of the seven kingdoms" he says in a loud upbeat tone I dont like that arrogance so I shake my head and say " dont have such a big ego be more humble" at this stannis gives a small chuckle shocking robert as he says "you made grim stannis laugh you've done more than any can say" at this I raise my head and say "well of course I'm Orys baratheon im a legendary charmer" my father throws his head back and laughs uproariously "now who's being arrogant

I feel like I'm gonna enjoy my time in this world more than I am now anyway. thanks for reading tell me what you think