age 4

orys pov

I've been in this world for 4 years now and I've seen how my father has spiralled into depression the only thing that seems to wake him from his depression is me and anything to do with starks I've got some stark features namely my grey eyes which are apparently scary since every time I glare at someone they flinch back in some way

I've also not got any friends since I've just been throwing myself into my work the main interactions I've had are with my father Stannis really sadly cercie on occasion varys and also the king's guard you may be wondering why varys let me explain

I was walking to his quarters to ask him a question I get to his door and ask barristan to knock for me since I can't reach his weird knocking handle barristan obeys with a kind "yes my prince" and knocks 3 times after a few seconds varys appears and asks me to come in I enter the room and take a seat "so my prince why are you gracing me with your presence" he says with that strange smile on his face "I need to ask you if you will give me lessons in courtly intrigue I ask this of you since you are good at intrigue after all you have a job that's surrounded by it" he looks shocked but quickly recovers and says very well you're grace but I'm not gonna teach you like a prince I'm gonna teach you like a normal student" he says more strictly then I'm used to "of course you're the teacher after all"

and from then on I was taught by varys about how to play the game

and from renly, I learn how to talk to people since it's one of his only talents this was something I didn't ask for he just started teaching me saying no nephew of mine shall be the second coming of Stannis I didn't like how he and renly always argued but I'm just a 4-year old I can't do anything about it

my lessons with Stannis are warfare along with what's right and what's wrong he also tells me to perform my duty as the crown prince which I was already gonna do also when no one else Is around he spoils me rotten whether its affection or items he even got me a tiny war hammer only wooden but still a good gift

joffrey was born last year too quite a shame that he's been born and that he's my half brother he's always crying and has a sneer on his face all the time it makes me stare back with a sneer on my face which makes him cry Robert laughs until cercie gets mad at me then he replies with "shut it woman" or at least that's the kindest way of putting it I know joffrey hasn't done anything bad yet but Jesus it's hard not to think about how he's gonna grow up and what he could have done on the throne luckily I'm gonna be the king so screw him the golden-haired shit

but here is something I haven't told anyone I have a system it's really basic only telling me statues but that's still good I can even level up my stats and see my traits I can't buy any or get rid of any but it's still a huge advantage over everyone else you may be wondering my stats they are out of 100 so it's not gonna be crazy but here goes

diplomacy 10

martial 14

steward ship 5

intrigue 8

learning 6

what did you expect I'm 4 I'm not gonna have some absolute broken stats they are already good for my age but I'll give you an example when I checked Robert's stats it was

diplomacy 67

marital 89

stewardship 14

intrigue 12

learning 12

personal combat 60

yes personal combat I don't have any sense I'm 4 and haven't started my training I'm gonna start at 5 if my father will let me but I'm sure he will let me since he lets me do what I want since he hates upsetting me

The next thing to talk about is marriage options right now the best candidates are

Ariane to bring the cornish on the side

Margaery to bring the tyres probably not though since they will try to make me a puppet

Daenerys so I have an unquestionable claim but this one probably won't happen so I have no clue who to choose

but anyway that's all from me today hoped you enjoyed the chapter btw diplomacy only makes people like him more