my first combat expirenece

orys pov

it's my 5th birthday, today I'm gonna learn how to fight I want to use a warhammer since they are the easiest thing to use and if i have enough strength i dont have to worry about armour because it will just get crushed inwards like Rhagars breastplate somthing my father tells me every day it's getting annoying but it makes him happy to tell me this story so I just play along and act excited it's good experience for acting anyway so it'll come in handy

as I walk through the corridors of the redkeep everyone bows to me as I walk by it's quite a good feeling and a very big confidence boost so I dont complain I finally reach my fathers solar and enter without knocking something anyone else would get punished for but not me I'm Robert's favourite person his last reminder of lyanna but unsurprisingly hes sat at his desk drinking wine

he looks up at me and puts down his cup of wine with a spark in his eyes and says "orys I cant belive you're 5 it feels just like yesterday you were a babe and I was leaving for war ask me for anything and you shall have it"

"father I want to learn how to fight will you get me a teacher" I say in a pleading tone

"of course you will be king after all and I king needs to know how to fight" he says in a pleased tone " barristan kingslayer get in here now!" he bellows jamie and barristan walk in and bow "what do you require you're grace" barristan asks "you two shall be teaching orys here how to fight now what wepon do you wish to use son" robert smiles as he addresses me "a warhammer I want to fight just like you" my father bellows a mighty laugh and says "of course you can learn to wield a hammer just come to me anytime you need any pointers I may not have the body for combat but I do have the knowledge to teach you" he says in a wise tone the first wise thing I've heard him say I jump up and down repeatedly saying thank you even running round the desk to give him a hug

now I should explain in further detail my appearance as you can guess I'm above height for a 5 year old nothing major but bigger than adverage I just feel bad for lyanna since she had to push me out and I was a big baby aswell I've got jet black hair bright gray eyes some baby fat around the face but quite a lean body if you want specific height I'm 4'1 nothing major but I'm tall for my age as I've said my shoulders are somewhat broad and they will get broader since every year they are getting wider and thicker but I'm happy with how I look a lot better than my last life anyway

"can I start my training now" I ask jamie and barristan

"yes my prince" barristan says

"thank you Barry now what about you uncle jamie"

"very well if I must I'll teach you come along my prince"

we head out to the yard but on the way we pass joffrey and cercie joffrey is glaring at mebut without robert here I dont glare back

"where are you lot off to" Cersei asks "to the training yard dear sister orys here is gonna start his training "well that will put robert in a good mood let me guess Robert's making him use the warhammer" cercie rolls her eyes as she says this but I decide to respond before jamie "no I wish to use it since it is a good wepon and if I grow up to look like my father than it will be more useful than an adverage hammer" I say all this in a even tone "very well then come along joffrey we have places to be"

but joffrey doesnt move "why does he get to learn to fight and I dont our age isnt that far apart I'm 4 hes 5 what's the difference" he says in a angry tone

"absolutely not you shall not fight until you are older orys can since he is not my son but you are my cub you wont be getting hurt"

"so he gets to fight just beacuse his bitch of a mother is dead I guess father only let you fight out of pity then"

I never knew lyanna but she is still my mother and I need to defend her especially since robert will like that I defended his deceased wife

I decide to channel that inner baratheon rage "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY MOTHER YOU LITTLE CUNT" I say and give him the glare that makes even war veterans shiver he moves back and hides behind cercie as I advance but I get pulled back and put behind someone's leg I look up and see robert there are many lannister guards behind cercie who have their swords drawn barristan is beside my father with his blade ready but behind my father is the rest of the kingsguard excluding jamie since hes standing in the middle but with the kingsguard are my uncle stannisand replays me with stannis there himself he also stands in front of me so now it's a stand of between stag and lion both are ready to fight but robert decides to speak


"beacuse you're son was going to attack joffrey you should keep him in line" cercie says in a very cruel tone

"is this true orys"

"yes but only beacuse he called my mother a bitch and said that you only let me learn to fightht out of pity of her death" after these words my fathers eyes went cold with a face that made me pale in fear because of how angry he looked like he was ready to murder Joffrey

"is this true ser barristan" robert asked in a tone so silent I could only just hear it "yes you're grace"

"joffrey you and orys are going to the practice yard follow me" I followed yet joffrey was a bit more hesitant cercie tried intervening "robert surely ther-" "I said FOLLOW ME" Joffrey followed along with the lannister and baratheon men stannis the kingsguard and surprisingly varys I guess he either got attached to me or is just interested to see what happened

we make it to the practice yard and not a word is said on the way I get out my hammer that stannis gifted to me and grabbed a small shield joffrey got a blunted sword along with a shield we enter the soaring ring and robert starts a coutnt down "5" my hand twitches "4" I see joffreys hand is shaking "3" I swallow I'm so nervous for my first fight with this man people watching "2" if I loose here I'll be in joffreys shadow and tormented plus I fight for my mothers honor "1 go"

with this I talked the offensive smashing my banner into Joffreys shield joffrey swings but I duck under it and kick his knee to keep him off balance with this i smash my hammer into his side he wails in agony but comes back at my with swings from his sword this makes me retreat for a bit but not before being hit on the thigh by hi sword once I'm hit everything goes black all i feel isn't hand moving i know I'm two handing the hammer and connecting with what I assume is his shield once I regaine control and vision I see Joffrey laying on his side holding his sides and covering a part of his nose which I think I hit with my hammers handle I let out a shout of victory mixed with adrenaline

robert steps inbetween me and joffrey he checks out joffreys side and mutters "3 broken ribs and a busted nose"

he turns to me with a smile picks me up and shouts "myson you're crown prince is a born warrior who dare to approach the mini demon of the trident all shall fall before his might" after saying this he laughs at the top of his lungs

as this is happening joffrey is being held by cercie as she calls for someone to get the maester a Lannister soilders scampers off to go collect the maester

my uncle stannis walks over and says "well done you did you're duty and made me proud defending you're mothers memory you are a true baratheon dont let anyone tell you otherwise"

I'm not proud to admit it but this made me tear up a bit and jump into his arms I cant see his face but I know hes smiling as he rubs my back this makes me happy to be born into this world and just reinforces the fact these aren't characters their people, people I'll rule over and make decisions that impact their lives this just makes me want to work even harder to be a good king and to keep the realm united and strong for the long night

barristan comes over and says "tomorrow you shall start you're lessons and I'll teach you how to hold you're hammer along with how to place you're feet since you're foot work is key to battle and survival" I nod my head and say "very well ser Barry I'll enjoy that" he chuckles at me calling him ser barry or atleast I think he was laughing at that

wow that was the longest chapter yet 1600 words anyway good bye see you next time would go longer but its 2:40 in the morning