start of cannon "updated"

I've been informed by e-card that the king is coming for a visit after the death of Jon arryn I don't feel too sad after this bit of news it's sad that my dad's father figure has died but I didn't know him what they didn't tell me is that he's only a day away lord stark said it was a surprise that my father thought of which is something he would do

im currently walking to the practice yard I've become as strong as my father when he beat Rhagar or that's what lord stark said to me I've been practising against Robb and Jon but they have gone to witness the decapitation of a nights watch brother I've already seen plenty of them so im not concerned about it I need to be in top shape for his return I know he's gonna look different or he might not I've already ruined plot just by being here maybe having a son with lyanna has changed him I doubt it since I haven't been around as a constant reminder of her

I practise for the whole day until the Stark's return with some dire wolves one for each child including Jon but the strange thing is that the dire wolf wasn't killed by a stag it was killed by a lion this doesn't bode well I have to change the relationship between the stars or lannisters or I need the loyalty of tywin, tywin might be loyal but only to the person with the best chance of winning and im, not a child born of incest so I have a higher chance for his support plus I could sweeten the deal by having Jamie released from his oath and returned as the heir but he would declare for Joffrey since he's his dad

but I've now decided to sleep and wait to meet my father tomorrow and then take up the mantle of King in the future I don't wish for his death but it would be beneficial

(in the dream world)

an eagle is flying high observing the conflict down bellow

I see an old stag die with a lioness laughing in the back

a Kraken is poised and ready to kill all that go in the water

2 stags are circling a very well-groomed stag one is young the other is on fire there are roses all around them the well-groomed stag bows its head in submission to the young stag

two hatchlings watch in envy at the young stag as many creatures bow to him one is the fire stag another a wolf the flowers try to capture the stag but the old lion's roar scares it off the old lion then bows but not as low as the others

one hatchling gets trampled by a stallion and the other hatchling flies free from the other shadow

(real world)

I wake up in a cold sweat and think about what the dream meant luckily it was quite straightforward

the arrys will stay neutral until they know who's going to win

cercie kills Robert or is pleased with his death

the greyjoys will rebel im gonna guess under balon but it could be under euron

I and Stannis will either kill rely or make him surrender

tywin will scare of ollena or Margery but he won't properly bow but I will trust him for now since it didn't show any betrayal

viserys dies and deaneys prospers from it

but I can digest it all later properly, for now, I need to get ready the king is going to arrive today I get in a formal but comfy outfit it's black with gold trimmings it's also got a wolf and stag pin on it I decide to wear the little crown that I got made for this occasion just to fuck with Joffrey about me wearing a crown not him

I've already warned the starks ahead of time about Joffrey so they are prepared sansa believes me since im the "crown prince who would never lie" it's kinda nice how she has such faith in me but it gets annoying when you're always put on a pedestal

I walk into the courtyard and everyone is already lined up I stand next to Robb and ask him why I wasn't told we were lining up

"you were asleep and no one could wake you up you were also murmuring about stage wolves lions and dragons what was that about anyway?" Robb asked worried about me

"I had a dream about house banners I was up all night studying them just so I know southern houses correctly" I smile to reassure him that im fine

at this moment Joffrey rides in with the hound, Jamie, barristan, meryn, borrous and then the king and he is huge I hoped me being here would make a difference but he's still so fat

I notice him looking at me he smiles wide looking very relieved but then he smirks at the crown I just nod in Joffrey direction and he cracks up in laughter

he gets off his horse says the normal things he talks to the children walk up to me and before a can say anything he pulls me into a bear hug saying im so happy to see you orys you're bigger than me now it's true he's up to my nose I hug back with the same ferocity he then says "go meet your siblings there over there I need to talk to Ned" I nod and walk over to them

I crouch down and say "hello im your big brother orys what's your name," I say with my warmest smile

"im tommen," the little podgy boy says

"I'm mycella" she courtesies she looks like cercire but young

"no need for formalities were family so you can feel comfy around me and tell me if Joffrey does anything I know how he is"

"NED NOW," my father says walking to the crypts with lord stark

"go find our brother," cercie says exciting me Tyrion is here before I left me him and Jamie would talk about all sorts of things

"Orys go prepare for the feast we'll talk more later," my cercie said as she walked away

that's it for today next is the feast and leaving

I reposted this I was reading a story where it was trueborn Baratheon and Lannister it was also 4 in the morning promise that I won't make this mistake again