the feast

orys pov

I was on my way to the feast when I saw lady sark and Jon talking

"you will not be attending the feast or else we would embarrass the king and queen"

"yes lady stark," he said in a broken voice

"no, he will be attending" I decide to intervene

"after all, I was thinking of making Jon my sworn sword"

lady stark asks me if im going to be escorting sansa to the feast im still surprised that she is trying to get me and sansa married

I inform her that I will

but only so joffrey isn't trying to seduce her

"come along on let's pick you out an outfit like the haircut as well" I put my arm around his shoulder and escort him away to his room

"do you think I should wear my black outfit or my black and grey outfit?" Jon asks

"go with the black it matches your eyes" I respond

"ok I'll be outside go ahead and put it on we'll walk to the feast together" I smile at him well I say this


he walks out dressed

"how do I look"

"like every maiden's fantasy," I roll my eyes and we are then walking off to the main hall

along the way, Jon asks me "do you really want me to be your sworn sword"

"of course I need men who can fight but also men I can trust"

"very well I Jon Snow hereby pledge my sword to your service"

"get up stop kneeling so much it was funny at first but after a while, it just becomes annoying"

"of course your grace"

"don't start with the "your grace" business you're my sworn sword, not my squire"

"ok that's fine with me"

we finally get to the feast last stark is escorted by father

cercie is escorted by ned

sansa by me

Arya by joffrey

mycella by Robb

the rest walk-in by themselves

after being seated for a while I get really bored and nothing has happened since Arya shot food at sansa I decide to challenge my father to a drinking game

"father I challenge you to a drinking game unless you're too old to compete against me"

"HAHA you have a challenge boy but don't regret it when you wake up with a hangover"

we've gathered a crowed and Robb is even taking bets he better of bet on me

first drink down the hatch

second third fourth and with ate the same

I get to the twelfth and im getting quite dizzy but so is my father

"give up you can't win" I slur

"ye right you're the one who can't win" he slurs right back at me

on the nineteenth drink, my father passes out on the table I barely stand up and yell "ours is the fury mother fuckers" and the fall back into my chair I can't remember anything past that but I wake up in my room to the sound of snoring and I see Jon Robb and then passed out on my floor

today is the day we leave as well I guess I better get ready

the end sorry for the fewer uploads im starting college soon and im burned out